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Jung Eui Suk
Police Science & Public Safety ICT Research Center
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논문 검색결과
Type Year Title Cited Download
2024 Drug-BERT : Pre-trained Language Model Specialized for Korean Drug Crime   Jeong Min Lee   International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2024, pp.1-3 0
2024 Development and verification of self-powered and wireless safety monitoring testbed for railway distribution lines   이응돈   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2024, pp.1-2
2024 Federated Digital Twin Implementation Methodology to Build a Large-Scale Digital Twin System   Myung-Sun Baek   International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2024, pp.1-2 0
2024 ChatGPT-based Drug Trafficking Detection and Suspect Identification Technique on Social Media   이정민   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2024, pp.483-484
2024 FTN-Based Non-Orthogonal Signal Detection Technique With Machine Learning in Quasi-Static Multipath Channel   Myung-Sun Baek   IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, v.70, no.1, pp.78-86 1
2023 Analyzing the Impact of Energy Harvesting on System Performance in LPWAN Linear Networks   음호민   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2023, pp.1-4
2023 Low-power IoT Sensor Operation Scenario for Cable Monitoring of Railway Power Distribution Line   이응돈   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2023, pp.1-4
2023 An Implementation of Assistant Service for Phone Call Receiver   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.1811-1813 0
2023 Implementation of Danger Degree Analysis Based on System 112 Report Data   박현호   한국 인공지능 학술대회 2023, pp.51-53
2023 112 Similar Incident/On-Site Response Recommendation System to Support Police Officers' Decision-Making   정재훈   한국 에너지 학술 대회 2023, pp.81-82
2023 Generating Summaries using Text Generation Models   이지민   한국 에너지 학술 대회 2023, pp.97-98
2023 Implementation of Danger Degree Calculation System for Public Safety Services   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2023, pp.29-32 0
2023 Trends in Development of Intelligent Response Technology for 112 and 119 Emergency Calls   이민정   전자통신동향분석, v.38, no.3, pp.57-65
2023 IC and Signal Detection based on LSTM for FTN Signaling-based Digital Twin Synchronization System in Multipath Channel   Myung-Sun Baek   International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2023, pp.1-3 0
2023 A method for representing features from 119 report text based on graph representation   권은정   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2023, pp.534-535
2023 An Analysis of Word Relationship by Using Each Category of 112 Data   김민정   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2023, pp.1232-1233
2023 Performance Test using BertGCN model to automatically classify 112 calls   이수연   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2023, pp.1230-1231
2022 An Implementation of Retrieving Situation-Aware Information for Emergency Incident   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.1932-1934 0
2022 Crime Response System based on Danger Degree Calculations of Crime Scenes   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.2221-2224 1
2022 BERT pre-learning model feature convergence fine tuning performance evaluation using 112 reported data   한인규  한국 인공지능 학술대회 2022, pp.350-351
2022 Labeling of 112 report data training data based on sentence embedding model   권은정   한국 인공지능 학술대회 2022, pp.91-92
2022 A Study on the Inference Technology of the Type/Urgency of Emergency Reporting and Decision Support Technology to Provide Information for Field Response   홍세은   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2022, pp.1866-1868
2022 Danger Detection Technology based on Multimodal and Multilog Data for Public Safety Services   Hyunho Park   ETRI Journal, v.44, no.2, pp.300-312 2
2021 Emergency Dispatch Support System for Police Officers in Incident Scenes   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2021, pp.1542-1544 2
2021 Emergency Dispatch Decision Support System for Supporting the Polices Response to Incident Scenes   박현호   한국 인공지능 학술대회 2021, pp.77-78
2021 A Situational Response Classification Model to Support Decision-Making in Police Field   권은정   한국 인공지능 학술대회 2021, pp.1-2
2020 A Moving Pattern Classification Based on Multi-modal Data for Public Safety Services   Eunjung Kwon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.1589-1591
2020 Punch Analysis with FFT and LSTM of Accelerometer and Gyroscope Data   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.1353-1355 1
2019 Danger Detection based on Fusion Analysis of Multimodal Data from a Smartphone and Smartwatch   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1143-1145 0
2019 Development of deep learning base trajectory classification technology for multilog platform   신원재   한국방송·미디어공학회 학술 대회 (추계) 2019, pp.1-2
2019 An Implementation of Abstracting Heterogeneous Location Trajectory Data   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1289-1291 0
2019 A Novel Location Prediction Scheme Based on Trajectory Data   Eunjung Kwon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1292-1294 2
2019 Multi-Log Platform Based Vehicle Safety System   박현호   한국정보통신학회 종합 학술 대회 (춘계) 2019, pp.546-548
2018 HaaS(Human Activity Analytics as a Service) Using Sensor Data of Smart Devices   Eunjung Kwon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1500-1502 7
2018 Multi-Log Analysis of Vehicle Accidents for Public Safety Services   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1040-1042 4
2018 An Implementation of Location Trajectory Data Reduction   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1270-1272 3
2018 Multi-Log Analysis System for Danger Detection   박현호   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2018, pp.1261-1262
2018 A Location Based Risk Prediction Enhancement Using Multi-modal Data   권은정   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2018, pp.305-306
2018 Network-Assisted Management of Power-Efficient Set-Top Boxes for Enhancing User Experience   Hyunho Park   IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.64, no.1, pp.2-10 1
2018 A Human Activity Recognition-Aware Framework Using Multi-modal Sensor Data Fusion   Eunjung Kwon   International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2018, pp.1-2 0
2018 Heterogeneous Data based Danger Detection for Public Safety   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2018, pp.1-2 4
2017 Emergency-Alert Services Framework Using Common Alert Protocol through Cable Set-Top Box   Eunjung Kwon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.796-798 2
2017 A Study on Location Information Aided Re-identification in CCTV Environment   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.818-820 2
2017 Multi-Log Analysis Platform for Supporting Public Safety Service   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1138-1140 5
2017 Service Platform for Creating and Transmitting Complex Multimedia Disaster Information   박현호   한국방송·미디어공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2017, pp.175-176
2017 Implementation and Design of Disaster Information Transmission through CATV Set-Top Box   권은정   한국방송·미디어공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2017, pp.180-181
2017 Demonstration Service of Multimedia Disaster Information Display   정의석   한국방송·미디어공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2017, pp.182-183
2017 How to Wake Up Cable TV Set-Top Boxes to Send Emergency Broadcast   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2017, pp.206-209 0
2017 Context-Aware Platform for Disaster Training and Response   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2017, pp.210-213 2
2017 Location Based Disaster Information Distribution Platform for South Korea   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2017, pp.214-217 2
2017 Network Assistance Platform for Saving Power Consumption of IoT Devices and Set-Top Boxes   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2017, pp.316-318 1
2017 A Framework for Energy-efficient Operation of Set-top Boxes   Junghak Kim   International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2017, pp.286-287 0
2016 Context-Aware Digital Signage based Disaster Information Distribution and Disaster Response Technologies   박현호   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2016, pp.246-248
2016 Power-Saving Control Framework for Cloud Services Based on Set-Top Box   Eunjung Kwon   IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.62, no.4, pp.355-361 1
2016 Disaster Training and Response based on Digital Signage and Augmented Reality Technologies   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.471-473 3
2016 Adaptive Standby Mode Scheduling Method Based on Analysis of Activation Pattern for Improving User Experience of Low-Power Set-Top Boxes   Hyunho Park   ETRI Journal, v.38, no.5, pp.885-895 1
2016 Context-Aware Control of Power Saving of a Set-Top Box   박현호   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2016, pp.1-2
2016 A Study on Delivering WOL Packet in Internet   변성원   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2016, pp.1-2
2016 A Method of Providing Virtualized Services for Set-Top Box with Low Power Mode   권은정   한국정보처리학회 학술 발표 대회 (춘계) 2016, pp.412-413
2016 Power Saving of Set-Top Boxes and IoT Devices based on Network Assistance   박현호   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2016, pp.1-2
2016 Power Saving with Passive Standby Mode Using Bitmap-Based Activity Logs for Energy-Efficient Set-Top Box   Eui-Suk Jung   IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.62, no.1, pp.62-68 6
2016 Network Connectivity of IPTV STB Low Power Mode   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2016, pp.1-4 0
2016 Network Interworking Mechanism to Reduce Standby Power of Set Top Box in Smart Home   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2016, pp.1-5 2
2016 An Implementation of STB State Management through UDP and WOL   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2016, pp.403-404 0
2015 An Implementation of PC State Management in IP Networks   Sungwon Byon   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.915-917
2015 Activation Pattern Based Standby Mode Scheduling for Power-Efficient Set-Top Box   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.22-25
2015 An Implementation of Energy-Saving Set-Top Box   Junghak Kim   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.793-796
2015 Standby Mode Control based on Network Assistance for Power Saving of a Set-Top Box   Hyunho Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.144-146
2015 Home Appliance Control Framework Based on Smart TV Set-Top Box   Junghak Kim   IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.61, no.3, pp.279-285 20
2015 Standby Power Saving Mechanism of a Set-Top Box having Standby Mode that Supports Network Interworking   박현호   한국방송공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2015, pp.98-101
2015 Control Mechanism of a Set-Top Box in Standby State for Power Saving   박현호   한국방송공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2015, pp.46-48
2014 Bandwidth Enhancement Technique for CMOS RGC Transimpedance Amplifier   Young-Ho Kim   Electronics Letters, v.50, no.12, pp.882-884 20
2013 Multiple Wavelength Resource Management Study of Distributed Base Station System   정의석   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2013, pp.118-120
2013 16-Channel Tunable VCSEL Array with 50-GHz Channel Spacing for TWDM-PON ONUs   Eun-Gu Lee   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2013, pp.1-3 0
2013 NG-PON2 시스템을 위한 전송 채널용 파장 초기화 및 채널 관리 기술 동향   정의석   정보와 통신 : 한국통신학회지, v.30, no.7, pp.12-17
2012 Booting Process Technology for Wavelength Initialization in WDM-PON OLT and ONT   Eun-Gu Lee   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2012, pp.807-808 0
2012 Wavelength Initialization Technique for Colorless Gigabit WDM-PON   Eui-Suk Jung   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2012, pp.579-580 2
2012 Self-Wavelength-Initialization Method Using Dedicated Light Path of WDM-PON   Eun-Gu Lee   International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2012, pp.83-84
2012 Optimum Threshold Power Decision Algorithm for Minimized Initialization Time and Maximized Stabilization in a WDM-PON   Eui-Suk Jung   International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2012, pp.1-2
2012 Wavelength Self-Initialization of Tunable Laser Employing Wavelength Recognition Using Power Difference in WDM-PONs   Sil-Gu Mun   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2012 / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) 2012, pp.1-3
2011 Self-wavelength Initialization Method for the Bragg-grating based Tunable Light Source in WDM Networks   Jie Hyun Lee   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2011, pp.1-3
2011 Optimum Threshold Value and BER Estimation of Remodulated OOK Signal Based on RSOA   Dong-Min SEOL  IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E94.B, no.7, pp.2127-2129 0
2010 Demonstrations of RSOA based Loop-back WDM-PON with 100 Gb/s (80 × 1.25 Gb/s) Capacity Employing Spectrum Sliced Incoherent Light Injection   Seung-Hyun Cho   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2010, pp.1-3 9
2010 Improving Transmission Performance in EIN Limited 2.5 Gb/s Spectral Slicing Loop-Back WDM-PON Based on RSOA Employing the Dispersion Management   Seung-Hyun Cho   International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2010, pp.1-3 3
2010 1.25 Gb/s Operation of ASE Injected RSOA with 50 GHz Channel Spacing by using Injection Current Adjustment, Dispersion Management and Receiver with Decision Threshold Level Control   Seung-Hyun Cho   International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2010, pp.1-4 4
2010 First Commercial Deployment of a Colorless Gigabit WDM/TDM Hybrid PON System Using Remote Protocol Terminator   Jie Hyun Lee   IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.28, no.4, pp.344-351 58
2009 Demonstration of Optical Receiver with Decision Threshold Level Adjustment for Improving Transmission Performance in WDM-PON   Seung Hyun Cho   OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2009, pp.1-2
2009 Commercial Service of a Wavelength Reused WDM/TDM Hybrid PON System   이한협   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2009, pp.1-2
2009 First Commercial Service of a Colorless Gigabit WDM/TDM Hybrid PON System   Han Hyub Lee   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2009, pp.1-3
2008 Congestion Control Method in UDP over SIP-based OBS Network   Jun Seop Ahn   International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2008, pp.1-2
2007 Digital Carrier Recovery Loop Using both Frequency Detector and Phase Detector for MPSK Systems   Chul Soo Lee   IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E90-B, no.6, pp.1512-1514 2
2007 A Bidirectional RSOA based WDM-PON Utilizing a SCM Signal for Down-link and a Baseband Signal for Up-link   Seung Hyun Jang   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2007 / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) 2007, pp.1-3 10
2007 A Compensation Method for WDM/SCM-PON Channel Distortion   Dong-Min Seol   International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2007, pp.836-838 1
2005 Design of High Speed Baseband Transceiver for WDM/SCM/PON   이철수   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2005, pp.232-235
2005 Window based Symbol Timing Recovery   이철수   Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) 2005, pp.487-489
2005 A FEC Code for Improving the WDM/SCM-PON Performance   설동민   Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) 2005, pp.406-408
2005 Balanced Receiver based Optical Beat Noise Suppression in WDM/SCM PON Optical Links   Yong Yuk Won  International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) 2005, pp.177-180 0
2005 Implementation of WDM/SCM multi channel monitoring function based on IEEE 1149.1   정의석   정보 및 제어 학술 대회 (CICS) 2005, pp.472-474
2005 Simulation of IMD3 induced CIR for analog optical transmission systems   장승현   Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) 2005, pp.475-477
2005 A Tunable Frequency Up/Down-Converter for WDMA/SCMAPON Systems   Seung Hyun Jang   Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Microwave and Millimeterwave Photonics (KJMMWP) 2005, pp.1-4
2005 Optical beat noise reduction in subcarrier multiplexed optical link using dual current modulation of master and slave lasers   Yong-Yuk Won   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.17, no.1, pp.193-195 10
2004 Fabrication and measurement of an analog optical transceiver for WDM/SCM-PON systems   장승현   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2004, pp.109-112
2004 Fabrication and measurement of 450MHz tunable frequency up/down-converters for WDM/SCM-PON systems   장승현   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2004, pp.187-190
2004 Frame Architecture of physical layer used in subscriber modem of WDM/SCM-PON   이철수   차세대 통신소프트웨어 학술 대회 (NCS) 2004, pp.647-649
2004 Optimization of optical power and subcarrier frequency of second harmonic SCM label   조정식  전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2004, pp.191-194
2004 WDM/SCM-PON systems with frequency overlay method for supporting triple play   장승현   차세대 통신소프트웨어 학술 대회 (NCS) 2004, pp.650-653
2004 Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network Technology   박재동   전자통신동향분석, v.19, no.6, pp.43-54
2004 Design of Baseband receiver in WDM/SCM-PON   이철수   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2004, pp.195-197
2004 Specification of filter characteristics for transferring 120Mbps 16QAM signal in WDM/SCM-PON systems   장승현   차세대 통신소프트웨어 학술 대회 (NCS) 2004, pp.301-304
2004 FEC for improving performance of WDM/SCM-PON   이철수   Photonics Conference 2004, pp.169-170
2004 Analysis of capacity of WDMA/SCMA-PON in the presence of OBI   장승현   Photonics Conference 2004, pp.179-180
2004 Analysis of capacity of WDM/SCM-PON for down stream   장승현   Photonics Conference 2004, pp.177-178
2003 Low cost optical add/drop module for WDM optical transmission systems   조승현   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (추계) 2003, pp.275-275
2003 Design and Implementation of Viterbi decoder in 100Mbps Optic Modem of WDM/SCMA-FTTH   이철수   전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2003, pp.118-121
2003 Low cost optical add/drop module for WDM based optical access networks   조승현   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2003, pp.275-275
2003 The Implementation of optical modem platform for WDM/SCM-FTTH   이철수   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2003, pp.276-276
2003 Fabrication and characterization of directly modulated analog optical transceiver for optical SCM transmission system   조승현   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2003, pp.129-130
2003 Architecture and Design Considerations of WDM/SCM-FTTH Access Network   정의석   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2003, pp.274-274
2003 The Design and Implementation of WDM/SCM-FTTH Optical SCM Module   기호진   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2003, pp.277-277
2002 The implementation of a combination alarm and PBA configuration recognition function for ATM switching system   정의석   통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2002, pp.305-305