ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform



연구자 검색



Kim Kwangju
AI Infrastructure Research Section
KSP Keywords
논문 검색결과
Type Year Title Cited Download
2024 Simulations of low impact development designs using the storm water management model   Jiyi Jang, Soobin Kim  Environmental Engineering Research, v.29, no.6, pp.1-11 0
2024 Evaluating Maintenance Priorities of Water Pipes Using the Local GIS Data of a Water Pipe Network in South Korea   Suwan Park  International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2024, pp.248-251
2024 Neuro-Symbolic Homogeneous Concept Reasoning for Scene Interpretation   Sangwon Kim   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2024, pp.227-231
2024 Development of An Artificial Intelligence Device Management System Using Over-the-air Technology   Jinhong Kim   International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2024, pp.151-152 0
2024 An Online Approach and Evaluation Method for Tracking People Across Cameras in Extremely Long Video Sequence   Cheng-Yen Yang, Hsiang-Wei Huang, Pyong-Kun Kim   Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2024, pp.7037-7045
2024 Development of a Digital Twin-Based Artificial Intelligence Water Supply Pipe Network Control System   강미선   IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2024, pp.295-295
2024 Abnormal Event Detection of Water Quality in Water Distribution Networks Using Statistical Monitoring Technique   유정원   IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2024, pp.293-293
2024 Development of Multi-High-Speed Pressure Sensor System for Water Hammer Location Estimation in Digital Twin-Based Water Distribution Systems   배현수   IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2024, pp.294-294
2024 TRET: Two Stream-Based Regionally Enhanced Transformers for Person Re-Identification   Kyoungoh Lee   International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2024, pp.5795-5799
2024 SSNet: Synergistic Segmentation of Brain MRI Scans using nnUNetv2 and SAM-track   Yong Eun Jang, Kwang-Ju Kim   International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) 2024, pp.614-616 0
2024 A Study on Vehicle Video CutMix Augmentation Algorithm to Improve Performance of Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval Model   김동영  영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵 (IPIU) 2024, pp.1-6
2023 Developing the digital twin system for the drinking water distribution systems based on the numerical model and augmented reality   Jiye Park  American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting 2023, pp.1-2
2023 Developing Digital Twin System for Water Distribution Network Using Numerical Modeling and Augmented Reality   Jiye Park  대한환경공학회 학술 대회 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Deep learning-based multimodal fusion network for segmentation and classification of breast cancers using B-mode and elastography ultrasound images   Sampa Misra, Chiho Yoon, Kwang-Ju Kim   Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, v.8, no.6, pp.1-13 10
2023 Collaborative multi-modal deep learning and radiomic features for classification of strokes within 6 h   Chiho Yoon, Sampa Misra, Kwang-Ju Kim   Expert Systems with Applications, v.228, pp.1-9 0
2023 Comparison of Leak Detection Techniques Using Water Pipeline Vibration Sensor Data   Mi-seon Kang   International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2023 : Asia, pp.33-36 0
2023 Development of a Decision Support System for Water Pipe Leakage Management   문하현  인공지능 신호처리 학술대회 2023, pp.1-4
2023 Tracker learning surgical images by Self-supervised learning : An Enhanced Unsupervised Deep Tracking Approach   Yong Eun Jang   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2023, pp.114-117 0
2023 Non-invasive Prediction of Hemoglobin using Picture of Conjunctiva   Minjun Kwon   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2023, pp.118-122 0
2023 A flow monitoring method for water distribution network using robust time-series forecasting   유정원   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2023, pp.1-2
2023 Enhancing Multi-Camera People Tracking with Anchor-Guided Clustering and Spatio-Temporal Consistency ID Re-Assignment   Hsiang-Wei Huang, Cheng-Yen Yang  Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2023, pp.5238-5248 4
2023 Self-supervised learning tracker in surgical images   장용은   IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2023, pp.235-237
2023 Comparison of U-net based non-invasive detection methods for predicting anemia through segmentation of the conjunctival area in the eye   권민준   IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2023, pp.224-226
2023 Inverse transient analysis for detecting multiple branched pipeline segments in a reservoir pipeline valve system   Dongwon Ko  European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Comparison of AI-based Water Pipes Leak Detection Methods using Vibration Sensor Data   최석윤  한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2023, pp.1-2
2022 REET: Region-Enhanced Transformer for Person Re-Identification   Kyoungoh Lee   International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS) 2022, pp.1-8 1
2022 Domain Adaptive Detector via Variational Inference   Hwa-Rang Kim  International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2022, pp.86-91 0
2022 A Study on the Real time management Systems for Outdoor Parking Lot   김병근   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2022, pp.1-2
2022 Performance Improvement Method of the Video Visual Relation Detection with Multi-modal Feature Fusion   Kwangju Kim   International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) 2022, pp.87-91 0
2022 Comparison of Mechanical Facility Failures and Failure Category Classification Methods   장현준  한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2022, pp.1-2
2021 ROD2021 Challenge: A Summary for Radar Object Detection Challenge for Autonomous Driving Applications   Yizhou Wang  International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2021, pp.553-559 8
2021 Histological Image Segmentation and Classification Using Entropy-Based Convolutional Module   Hwa-Rang Kim   IEEE Access, v.9, pp.90964-90976 2
2021 Analysis of video-based fire detection learning model   장인수   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2021, pp.1-2
2021 Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking of Vehicles using Metadata-Aided Re-ID and Trajectory-Based Camera Link Model   Hung-Min Hsu  IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, v.30, pp.5198-5210 28
2021 Low-Cost Real-time Driver Drowsiness Detection based on Convergence of IR Images and EEG Signals   Kwang-Ju Kim   International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) 2021, pp.1-6 5
2021 Construction of Wild-fire Smoke Data-set and Comparative Analysis of Detection Method based on Deep Neural Network   김광주   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2021, pp.1172-1173
2020 Biomedical Image Segmentation and Classification Using Octave U-net   김화랑   한국 인공지능 학술 대회 2020, pp.121-122
2020 Colorectal Cancer Image Segmentation and Classification with Deep Neural Network Based on Information Theory   Hwa-Rang Kim   International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 2020, pp.2968-2970 2
2020 Feasibility Study of Predicting Semiconductor Thin Film Thickness Based on 1D Convolutional Neural Network   Hyo-Bin Park  International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2020 : Asia, pp.266-269 2
2019 A Video Based Fire Detection Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks   황규민  한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2019, pp.114-115
2019 A Study on the Vehicle Model Recognition based on the location and the size of License Plate   김병근   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2019, pp.1-2
2019 Multi-Scale Detector for Accurate Vehicle Detection in Traffic Surveillance Data   Kwang-Ju Kim   IEEE Access, v.7, pp.78311-78319 65
2018 Performance Enhancement of YOLOv3 by Adding Prediction Layers with Spatial Pyramid Pooling for Vehicle Detection   Kwang-Ju Kim   International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS) 2018, pp.411-416 45