2023 |
Automated detection of panic disorder based on multimodal physiological signals using machine learning
Eun Hye Jang
ETRI Journal, v.45, no.1, pp.105-118 |
3 |
2022 |
An unmanned genetic diagnosis system for continuous monitoring viruses in life space utilizing a rolled film microfluidic chip
Kwang Hyo Chung
MNE Eurosensors (MNE-ES) 2022, pp.1-2 |
2022 |
Comparison of Peripheral Biomarkers and Reduction of Stress Response in Patients With Major Depressive Disorders vs. Panic Disorder
Mi Jin Park
Frontiers in Psychiatry, v.13, pp.1-8 |
1 |
2021 |
Predictive Inflammatory Biomarkers for Change in Suicidal Ideation in Major Depressive Disorder and Panic Disorder: A 12-week Follow-up Study
Kwan Woo Choi
Journal of Psychiatric Research, v.133, pp.73-81 |
26 |
2019 |
Ratio of Plasma BDNF to Leptin Levels Are Associated with Treatment Response in Major Depressive Disorder But Not in Panic Disorder: A 12-week Follow-up Study
Ji Hyun An
Journal of Affective Disorders, v.259, pp.349-354 |
10 |
2019 |
Pre-treatment peripheral biomarkers associated with treatment response in panic symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder and panic disorder: A 12-week follow-up study
Kiwon Kim
Comprehensive Psychiatry, v.95, pp.1-8 |
11 |
2019 |
Detection of Major Depressive Disorder from Linear and Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability Features during Mental Task Protocol
Sangwon Byun
Computers in Biology and Medicine, v.112, pp.1-13 |
71 |
2019 |
Entropy Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Its Application to Recognize Major Depressive Disorder: A Pilot Study
Sangwon Byun
Technology and Health Care, v.27, no.S1, pp.407-424 |
49 |
2019 |
Skin conductance responses in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) under mental arithmetic stress
Ah Young Kim
PLOS ONE, v.14, no.4, pp.1-13 |
26 |
2019 |
Integrated Electronic Devices with a Stretchable Skin Patch for Physiological Measurement
Won Ick Jang
한국센서학회 학술 대회 (춘계) 2019, pp.1-4 |
2019 |
Heart Rate Variability for Treatment Response between Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Versus Panic Disorder: A 12-week Follow-up Study
Kwan Woo Choi,
Eun Hye Jang
Journal of Affective Disorders, v.246, pp.157-165 |
25 |
2018 |
Automatic Detection of Major Depressive Disorder using Electrodermal Activity
Ah Young Kim
Scientific Reports, v.8, pp.1-9 |
50 |
2018 |
Linear Discriminant Analysis of Multiple Physiological Signals for Classifying Psychiatric Disorder
E.H. Jang
World Congress of Psychophysiology 2018, pp.S102-S102 |
2018 |
Relationships of Psychological Factors to Stress and Heart Rate Variability as Stress Responses induced by Cognitive Stressors
감성과학, v.21, no.1, pp.71-82 |
2017 |
An Electrocardiogram Device with A Stretchable Skin Patch for Physiological Measurement
Won Ick Jang
Life Sciences Conference (LSC) 2017, pp.1-2 |
2017 |
Silicone‐Based Adhesives with Highly Tunable Adhesion Force for Skin‐Contact Applications
Bong Kuk Lee
Advanced Healthcare Materials, v.6, no.22, pp.1-8 |
44 |
2017 |
Classification of Depression and Panic Groups based on Multiple Physiological Signals using Statistical Techniques
Eun Hye Jang
International Conferences on Emotion and Sensibility (ICES) 2017, pp.1-1 |
2017 |
A Flexible Skin Patch for Continuous Physiological Monitoring of Mental Disorders
Won Ick Jang
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.71, no.8, pp.462-466 |
1 |
2017 |
Identification of Electrodermal Activity(EDA) in Major Depressive Disorder
Ahyoung Kim
International Conferences on Emotion and Sensibility (ICES) 2017, pp.1-1 |
2017 |
Electrodermal Activity and Major Depressive Disorders : Physiological Changes and Their Identifying
Ahyoung Kim
International Conference of the Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for Adults and Children (APPAC) 2017, pp.1-2 |
2017 |
Differential Pattern of Autonomic Responses during Psychophysiological Profile (PPP) in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Panic Disorder
Eun-Hye Jang
International Conference of the Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for Adults and Children (APPAC) 2017, pp.1-2 |
2017 |
Attogram Mass Sensing based on Silicon Microbeam Resonators
In-Bok Baek
Scientific Reports, v.7, pp.1-10 |
24 |
2017 |
Integrated Flexible Electronic Devices Based on Passive Alignment for Physiological Measurement
Jin Hwa Ryu
Sensors, v.17, no.4, pp.1-8 |
1 |
2016 |
Microfabrication of Stretchable Electrocardiogram Device with a Flexible Skin Patch for Continuous Monitoring of Biological Signals
Won Ick Jang
International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC) 2016, pp.1-2 |
2016 |
Physiological Feature Extraction from Bio-signals of Emotions States
Ah-Young Kim
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2016, pp.1-1 |
2016 |
Internal Consistency of Physiological Responses during Exposure to Emotional Stimuli using Biosensors
Eun-Hye Jang
International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS) 2016, pp.110-115 |
1 |
2016 |
Relationship between Depression Level and Bio-signals by Emotional Stimuli
Eun-Hye Jang
International Conference on Physiological Computing System (PhyCS) 2016, pp.138-141 |
0 |
2016 |
A Flexible Skin Patch for Continuous Physiological Monitoring of Mental Disorders
W. I. Jang
International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA) 2016, pp.1-1 |
2016 |
Flexible Nonstick Replica Mold for Transfer Printing of Ag Ink
Bong Kuk Lee
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v.16, no.3, pp.2682-2686 |
2 |
2015 |
Non-Invasive Physiological Features Related to Depression
E. H. Jang
International Conference on Ubiquitous Healthcare (u-Healthcare) 2015, pp.97-98 |
2015 |
Relationship of EDA and Respiratory Induced Modulation of PPG using a Correlation Coefficient
Ah-Young Kim
International Conference on Ubiquitous Healthcare (u-Healthcare) 2015, pp.21-22 |
2015 |
Fabrication of a Large‐Area Hierarchical Structure Array by Combining Replica Molding and Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Etching
Bong Kuk Lee
Advanced Materials Interfaces, v.2, no.11, pp.1-8 |
11 |
2015 |
Fabrication of Large-Area Hierarchical Structure Array using Siliconized-Silsesquioxane as a Nanoscale Etching Barrier
Bong Kuk Lee
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v.7, no.24, pp.13490-13496 |
9 |
2015 |
Fabrication of Large-Area Hierarchical Structure Array for Superhydrophilic and Superhydrophobic Applications
마이크로나노시스템학회 한국 MEMS 학술 대회 2015, pp.457-458 |
2015 |
복제 성형과 산소 플라즈마 에칭을 이용한 대면적 계층 구조 어레이 제작
나노 임프린트·몰딩·프린트 학술 대회 (nano-IMP) 2015, pp.1-2 |
2014 |
The Control of Oscillation Mode in Silicon Microbeams Using Silicon Nitride Anchor
In-Bok Baek
Applied Physics Letters, v.105, no.10, pp.1-5 |
2 |
2013 |
The Observation of Electrical Hysteric Behavior in Synthesized V2O5 Nanoplates by Recrystallization
Chang-Hee Kim
Journal of Nanomaterials, v.2013, pp.1-8 |
4 |
2013 |
Development of Nanogap Biosensor for Cervical Cancer by HPV
Won Ick Jang
Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS (JCK) 2013, pp.1-2 |
2013 |
Use of Gas-Sensor Array Technology in Lung Cancer Diagnosis
Young Jun Kim
센서학회지, v.22, no.4, pp.249-255 |
2012 |
Agent-Free Synthesis of Graphene Oxide/Transition Metal Oxide Composites and its Application for Hydrogen Storage
Won G. Hong
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v.37, no.9, pp.7594-7599 |
94 |
2012 |
Hydrogen Spillover in Pd-doped V 2O 5 Nanowires at Room Temperature
Byung Hoon Kim
Chemistry - An Asian Journal, v.7, no.4, pp.684-687 |
5 |
2012 |
Production of Large-Scale, Freestanding Vanadium Pentoxide Nanobelt Porous Structures
Yong Ju Yun
Nanoscale, v.4, no.5, pp.1636-1640 |
1 |
2012 |
Thermally Modulated Multilayered Graphene Oxide for Hydrogen Storage
Byung Hoon Kim
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v.14, no.4, pp.1480-1484 |
71 |
2011 |
Enhancement of H2 Uptake Due to Morphological Modulation in Vanadium Pentoxide Foam
Byung Hoon Kim
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v.36, no.20, pp.12887-12891 |
4 |
2011 |
Measurement of Electrical Transport along Stretched λ-DNA Molecules Using the Four-Probe Method
Yong Ju Yun
Current Applied Physics, v.11, no.5, pp.1197-1200 |
3 |
2011 |
Low-Temperature Synthesis of Thin Graphite Sheets Using Plasma-Assisted Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition System
Byeong-Joo Lee
Materials Letters, v.65, no.7, pp.1127-1130 |
13 |
2010 |
Electrical Quadruple Hysteresis in Pd-Doped Vanadium Pentoxide Nanowires Due to Water Adsorption
Byung Hoon Kim
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, v.11, no.6, pp.1-6 |
4 |
2010 |
Controlled Synthesis of Monolayer Graphene Toward Transparent Flexible Conductive Film Application
Byeong-Joo Lee
Nanoscale Research Letters, v.5, no.11, pp.1768-1773 |
39 |
2010 |
Electrical Current Suppression in Pd-Doped Vanadium Pentoxide Nanowires caused by Reduction in PdO Due to Hydrogen Exposure
Byung Hoon Kim
Applied Physics Letters, v.96, no.16, pp.1-3 |
6 |
2009 |
Enhancement of hydrogen storage capacity in polyaniline-vanadium pentoxide nanocomposites
Byung Hoon Kim
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v.35, no.3, pp.1300-1304 |
32 |
2009 |
Biosensors using the Si nanochannel junction-isolated from the Si bulk substrate
Chang-Geun Ahn
Journal of Applied Physics, v.106, no.11, pp.1-6 |
6 |
2009 |
Electrical Current Suppression of Pd-Doped Nanowire Network due to Hydrogen Adsorption
Byung Hoon Kim
The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting 2009 (Fall), pp.1-1 |
2009 |
Nanogap Array Fabrication Using Doubly Clamped Freestanding Silicon Nanowires and Angle Evaporations
Han Young Yu
ETRI Journal, v.31, no.4, pp.351-356 |
9 |
2009 |
Nanogap DNA Sensors Fabricated by the Assistance of Angle Evaporation
Han Young Yu
MRS Meeting 2009 (Spring) Symposium OO, pp.1-1 |
2008 |
Energy Gap Modulation in V2O5 Nanowires by Gas Adsorption
Byung Hoon Kim
Applied Physics Letters, v.93, no.23, pp.1-3 |
29 |
2008 |
Hydrogen Storage Using Nano-Materials
전자통신동향분석, v.23, no.6, pp.38-47 |
2008 |
Conductance Variation of Vanadium Pentoxide Nanowires Depending on the Pressure of Gases
Byung Hoon Kim
The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting 2008, pp.1-2 |
2008 |
Electrical Evidence for the Encapsulation of C60 Inside a Carbon Nanotube: Random Telegraph Signal and Hysteric Current-voltage Characteristics
Han Young Yu
Physical Review B : Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v.78, no.15, pp.1-5 |
5 |
2008 |
Ultrasensitive, Label-free, and Real-time PSA, CEA, and Mucin Detection using Silicon Field-effect Transistors
Chil Seong Ah
International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA) 2008, pp.1-2 |
2007 |
Ultrasensitive, Label-free, and Real-time Immunodetection using Silicon Field-effect Transistors
An Soon Kim
Applied Physics Letters, v.91, no.10, pp.1-3 |
242 |
2007 |
Bio-molecular Charge Induced Field Sensitive Label-free Bio-Sensor Fabricated by Siliconbased Nano CMOS Technologies
Chang-Guen Ahn
International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NanoSMat) 2007, pp.323-323 |
2006 |
Selective Biofunctionalization of Silicon Nanowires on SiO2 Surfaces
A. Kim
MRS Meeting 2006 (Fall), pp.1-1 |
2006 |
Fabrications of Nano - Gap Arrays using Doubly Clamped Free - Standing Si Nanowire
H. Yu
MRS Meeting 2006 (Fall), pp.1-1 |
2006 |
Fabrication of Nano-Gap Electrode Pairs Using Atomic-Layer-Deposited Sacrificial Layer and Shadow Deposition
Chan Woo Park
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.45, no.5A, pp.4293-4295 |
1 |
2006 |
Fabrication of Dummy Structure using Inorganic Resist for Dual Gate-Controlled Single-Electron Transistor
I.B. Baek
International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN) 2006, pp.1-2 |
2006 |
Enhanced surface evolution induced by the molecular desorption in dodecanethiol self-assembled monolayer on Au(111)
U.H. Pi
Surface Science, v.600, no.3, pp.625-631 |
4 |