Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2023 | A study on Prototype Jammer System KangWoon Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.1534-1536 | 0 | |
2023 | Zero Trust Black Network Access for Mobile Broadband Mission-Critical Services Boo Geum Jung International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.1416-1418 | 0 | |
2023 | Intelligent Anomaly Detection System for Critical Network Infrastructure Boo Geum Jung International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.1410-1412 | 0 | |
2021 | A Study on the Deep Learning-based Rainfall Prediction using Measured Rainfall Images 홍강운 한국통신학회 종합 학술 대회 (추계) 2021, pp.1-2 | ||
2021 | A Study on Rainfall Prediction based on Meteorological Time Series KangWoon Hong International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2021, pp.1-3 | 3 | |
2019 | ML-based Power Seat Control System Kang-Woon Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1260-1261 | 2 | |
2019 | A Study in developing the module to control the power seat based on machine learning 홍강운 통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2019, pp.1-2 | ||
2018 | SLICE-based Trustworthiness Analysis System Kang-Woon Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1389-1390 | 2 | |
2018 | A Study on the trustiness intelligence analysis based on SLICE framework 홍강운 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2018, pp.1150-1151 | ||
2015 | Distributed Media Processing on Multiple Computing Servers KangWoo Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.953-955 | ||
2015 | Extracting Graphics Information for Better Video Compression KangWoon Hong ETRI Journal, v.37, no.4, pp.743-751 | 0 | |
2014 | A Study on GPU Virtualization in a Virtualized Server Environment KangWoo Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2014, pp.472-473 | 2 | |
2014 | A Study on VM-Based Terminal Mobility Management KangWoon Hong International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2014, pp.1247-1251 | 1 | |
2013 | A Study on VM-based Terminal Mobility Management 홍강운 한국정보처리학회 학술 발표 대회 (추계) 2013, pp.523-525 | ||
2013 | Giga Korea Platform Technology and Development Trends 윤장우 TTA Journal, v.146, pp.40-46 | ||
2013 | A Study on Improved Handover Technology with Virtual Interface Environment KangWoon Hong International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2013, pp.967-972 | 0 | |
2012 | 게임 가상화 기술 동향 홍강운 주간기술동향, pp.1-13 | ||
2012 | IPTV2.0 Demonstration Test-bed in Daegu Kang-Woon Hong International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2012, pp.620-622 | ||
2011 | A Study on Distributed Mobility Management to Improve Centralized Location Management Problem KangWoon Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2011, pp.603-604 | 1 | |
2011 | A Handover Technology using Wireless Dongle Over Heterogeneous Access Network Environment KangWoon Hong International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2011, pp.227-232 | ||
2010 | A study on Interface with Commercial Network to Construct Heterogeneous Access Network Environment Kang Woon Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2010, pp.499-500 | 0 | |
2010 | A Study for Virtual Interface Functions in Multimode Terminal using Linux Bonding Project 홍강운 전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2010, pp.137-138 | ||
2010 | A Fault-tolerant Network-based Mobility Management Scheme for Supporting Multi-media Services 이성근 한국통신학회논문지 B : 네트워크 및 융합 서비스, v.35, no.3, pp.526-535 | ||
2009 | Telnet-based Transport Control Kang Woon Hong International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2009, pp.887-889 | ||
2009 | 네트워크 기반 이동성 제어 구조와 망 적용을 위한 고려사항 홍강운 정보와 통신 : 한국통신학회지, v.26, no.2, pp.44-52 | ||
2007 | Multicast-based Broadcasting Service Adaptive to Zapping Pattern Kang-Woon Hong International Technical Conference on Circuits Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2007, pp.1296-1297 | ||
2006 | A Study on the Multicast Forwarding in the Multicast Packet-Based Broadcast Service 홍강운 전자 정보 통신 학술 대회 (CEIC) 2006, pp.208-210 | ||
2002 | A Dynamic Routing Algorithm Adaptive to Traffic for Multistage Bus Networks in Distributed Shared Memory Environment 홍강운 정보처리학회논문지 A, v.9A, no.4, pp.547-554 | ||
2001 | Improved Distributed SNMP Agent 홍강운 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2001, pp.2347-2350 | ||
2001 | Improved DIPC for Ethernet 홍강운 통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2001, pp.192-194 |