Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices with Highly Heat Dissipation Property by using hBN and Manufacturing Thereof
- Inventors
Choi Ilgyu, Jong-Won Lim, Kim Seong-Il, Youn Sub Noh, Jung Hyunwook, Sungjae Chang, Hae Cheon Kim, Hokyun Ahn, Lee Sang-Heung
- Application No.
- 17/562587 (2021.12.27)
- Registration No.
- 12131978 (2024.10.29)
- Country
- Project Code
20VU1100, Development of self-reliance platform in defense advanced semiconductor materials and components for weapon system,
Jong-Won Lim
- KSP Keywords
- Boron nitride(BN), Heat Dissipation, Hexagonal boron nitride(h-BN), semiconductor device
- Family