ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform

표준안 검색
Standard Body Period ~

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Showing 261-280 of 320.

표준안 검색결과
Year Standard Body Standards Source link
2012 ITU Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture technique - Identifier resolution protocol for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification
2012 ITU Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for support of ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services
2012 ITU Capabilities of ubiquitous sensor networks for supporting the requirements of smart metering services
2012 ITU Deployment guidelines for ubiquitous sensor network applications and services for mitigating climate change
2012 ITU Framework of the web of things
2012 ITU Functional requirements and architecture of the web service component in next generation networks
2012 ITU Framework of the mobile virtual private network service in next generation networks
2012 ITU Requirements for advanced digital cable transmission technologies
2012 ITU ITU-T Y.2000-series - Supplement on N-screen service scenarios for fixed mobile convergence
2012 OMG Dynamic Deployment and Configuration for Robotic Technology Component (DDC4RTC) Specification
2011 IETF Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) Localized Routing Problem Statement
2011 ITU Methodology for environmental life cycle assessments of information and communication technology goods, networks and services
2011 IEEE IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems Amendment 3: Advanced Air Interface
2011 ITU ITU-T Y.2000-series – Supplementary service scenarios for fixed-mobile convergence
2011 ISO/IEC Consumer privacy-protection protocol for Mobile RFID services
2010 ITU Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Object Identifier Resolution System (ORS)
2010 ISO/IEC Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Part 1: Object identifier resolution system
2010 ISO/IEC Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Part 2: Procedures for the object identifier resolution system operational agency
2010 ITU Network attachment control functions in next generation networks
2010 ITU A framework for adaptive end-to-end QoS control based on variable bit-rate codecs in wireless networks