ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform

표준안 검색
Standard Body Period ~

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Showing 21-40 of 320.

표준안 검색결과
Year Standard Body Standards Source link
2006 ITU Mobility management requirements for NGN
2010 ITU Functional requirements of the service provider interface for television primary and secondary distribution and associated interactive services
2012 ITU Requirements for advanced digital cable transmission technologies
2014 ITU Advanced sound system for programme production
2015 ITU Audio coding for digital broadcasting
2015 ITU Measurement of radio frequency electromagnetic fields to determine compliance with human exposure limits when a base station is put into service
2008 ITU NGN convergence service model and scenario using web services
2008 ITU Technologies involved in countering e-mail spam
2008 ITU Framework of multi-homing in IPv6-based NGN
2008 ITU General overview of IPv6-based NGN
2008 ITU General requirements for ID/locator separation in NGN
2011 ITU ITU-T Y.2000-series – Supplementary service scenarios for fixed-mobile convergence
2012 ITU ITU-T Y.2000-series - Supplement on N-screen service scenarios for fixed mobile convergence
2015 ITU Requirements and reference architecture for audience-selectable media service framework in the IoT environment
2003 ITU Mobility management requirements for NGN
2003 ITU Mobility management requirements for NGN
2003 ITU Mobility management requirements for NGN
2008 ITU Supplement on the use of DSL-based systems in next generation networks
2010 ITU Service description and requirements for ubiquitous sensor network middleware
2008 ITU Framework of location management for NGN