2023 |
Heterogeneous Structure Omnidirectional Strain Sensor Arrays With Cognitively Learned Neural Networks
Jun Ho Lee,
Seong Hyun Kim,
Jae Sang Heo
Advanced Materials, v.35, no.13, pp.1-11 |
56 |
2019 |
Gapless Total Transfer for Skin Electronic Devices
Jong Tae Lim
Materials Research Society (MRS) Meeting 2019 (Fall), pp.1524-1524 |
2012 |
Biotin-Functionalized Semiconducting Polymer in an Organic Field Effect Transistor and Application as a Biosensor
Zin-Sig Kim
Sensors, v.12, no.8, pp.11238-11248 |
15 |
2010 |
SnO2–ZnO hybrid nanofibers-based highly sensitive nitrogen dioxides sensor
Jin-Ah Park
Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical, v.145, no.1, pp.592-595 |
88 |
2010 |
Structure and CO Gas Sensing Properties of Electrospun TiO2 Nanofibers
Jin-Ah Park
Materials Letters, v.64, no.3, pp.255-257 |
79 |
2010 |
Preparation and Characteristics of PMMA Microlens Array for a BLU Application by An Inkjet Printing Method
Yong Suk Yang
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, v.520, no.1, pp.239-244 |
8 |
2009 |
Structural, Electrical and Gas Sensing Properties of Eletrospun TiO2 Nanofibers
Jin-Ah Park
Thin Solid Films, v.518, no.22, pp.6642-6645 |
27 |
2009 |
Fabrication and Characterization of an OTFT-Based Biosensor Using a Biotinylated F8T2 Polymer
Sang Chul Lim
ETRI Journal, v.31, no.6, pp.647-652 |
11 |
2009 |
Electrohydrodynamic Micropatterning of Silver Ink using Near-Field Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing with Tilted-Outlet Nozzle
Doo Hyeb Youn
Applied Physics A : Materials Science & Processing, v.96, no.4, pp.933-938 |
65 |
2009 |
Preparation and Characteristics of Solution-Processable Organic Thin Film Transistors on a PES Substrate
Yong Suk Yang
Trends in Nanotechnology Conference (TNT) 2009, pp.1-2 |
2009 |
Preparation and Characteristics of PMMA Microlens Array for a BLU Application by an Inkjet Printing Method
Yong Suk Yang
KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP) 2009, pp.1-4 |
2008 |
High-gain and Low-hysteresis Properties of Organic Inverters with an UV-photo Patternable Gate Dielectrics
Sang Chul Lim
Thin Solid Films, v.516, no.12, pp.4330-4333 |
5 |
2007 |
Novel Organic Inverters with Dual-Gate Pentacene Thin-Film Transistor
Jae Bon Koo
Organic Electronics, v.8, no.5, pp.552-558 |
58 |
2007 |
Device Characteristics of Pentacene Dual-Gate Organic Thin-Film Transistor
Jae Bon Koo
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.46, no.8A, pp.5062-5066 |
2007 |
Electric Characteristics of Organic Thin-film Transistors and Logic Circuits with a Ferroelectric Gate Insulator
Yong Suk Yang
Thin Solid Films, v.515, no.19, pp.7688-7691 |
2 |
2007 |
Hysteresis and Threshold Voltage Shift of Pentacene Thin-film Transistors and Inverters with Al2O3 Gate Dielectric
Jae Bon Koo
Applied Physics Letters, v.90, no.13, pp.1-3 |
57 |
2007 |
Pentacene-Thin Film Transistors with ZrO2 Gate Dielectric Layers Deposited by Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
Sun Jin Yun
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, v.10, no.3, pp.H90-H93 |
11 |
2007 |
Pentacene Thin-film Transistors and Inverters with Plasma-enhanced Atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 Gate Dielectric
Jae Bon Koo
Thin Solid Films, v.515, no.5, pp.3132-3137 |
26 |
2006 |
Threshold voltage control of pentacene thin‐film transistor with dual‐gate structure
Jae Bon Koo
Journal of Information Display, v.7, no.3, pp.27-30 |
7 |
2006 |
Analysis of the charge transport in π-conjugated materials using generalized Langevin equation
Seong Hyun Kim
Applied Physics Letters, v.89, no.2, pp.1-3 |
2 |
2006 |
Low-Voltage and High-Gain Pentacene Inverters with Plasma-Enhanced Atomic-Layer-Deposited Gate Dielectrics
Jae Bon Koo
Applied Physics Letters, v.89, no.3, pp.1-3 |
21 |
2006 |
Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors and Inverters with Dual-Gate Structure
Jae Bon Koo
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, v.9, no.11, pp.G320-G322 |
9 |
2006 |
Isolation Effect on Organic Thin Film Transistors for Low Hysteresis Characteristics
Jung Hun Lee
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.49, no.3, pp.1148-1151 |
2006 |
Threshold Voltage Control of Pentacene Thin-Film Transistor with Dual-Gate Structure
Jae Bon Koo
International Meeting on Information Display 2006, pp.1103-1106 |
2006 |
Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of ZrO2 film and the Performance of Pentacene thin film Transistor with ZrO2 Gate Dielectric Layer
Sun Jin Yun
International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition Workshop (ALD) 2006, pp.1-1 |
2006 |
The Organic thin film Transistor with PEALD Grown Alumina Gate Dielectric
Jung Wook Lim
International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition Workshop (ALD) 2006, pp.1-1 |
2006 |
Hysteresis of Pentacene-based Organic Thin Film Transistor and Inverter
대한물리의학회지, v.53, no.1, pp.45-50 |
2006 |
The Effect of Channel Length on Turn-on Voltage in Pentacene-Based Thin Film Transistor
Jae Bon Koo
Synthetic Metals, v.156, no.7-8, pp.533-536 |
25 |
2006 |
Low-Voltage Pentacene Transistors and Inverters with Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposited Gate Dielectrics
Jae Bon Koo
MRS Meeting 2006 (Spring), pp.1-14 |
2006 |
The Effects of Surface Treatment on Device Performance in Pentacene-based thin Film Transistor
Jae Bon Koo
Synthetic Metals, v.156, no.2-4, pp.99-103 |
38 |
2005 |
Novel Method for Combining Flexible Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Organic Thin-Film Transistors
Tae Hyoung Zyung
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.48, no.1, pp.S111-S114 |
2005 |
Organic Electronics, Organic Thin-Film Transistor
전자통신동향분석, v.20, no.5, pp.56-69 |
2005 |
Capacitance Characteristics of Encapsulated Organic Semiconducting Devices
Yong Suk Yang
SPIE Optics + Photonics 2005, pp.1-7 |
2005 |
New Method of Driving an OLED with an OTFT
Sang Chul Lim
Synthetic Metals, v.151, no.3, pp.197-201 |
18 |
2005 |
Flexible Organic LED and Organic Thin-Film Transistor
T. Zyung
Proceedings of the IEEE, v.93, no.7, pp.1265-1272 |
34 |
2005 |
Surface-Treatment Effects on Organic Thin-Film Transistors
Sang Chul Lim
Synthetic Metals, v.148, no.1, pp.75-79 |
206 |
2004 |
pi-전자 시스템의 임피던스
Seong Hyun Kim
ETRI Journal, v.26, no.2, pp.156-170 |
15 |
2003 |
White organic light-emitting diodes operated by organic field-effect transistors
Hye Yong Chu
Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR) 2003, pp.719-719 |
0 |
2003 |
White Light Emitting Diodes using Polymer Blends
Jeong-Ik Lee
Optical Materials, v.21, no.1-3, pp.205-210 |
36 |