2014 |
Single Image-Based 3D Tree and Growth Models Reconstruction
Jaehwan Kim
ETRI Journal, v.36, no.3, pp.450-459 |
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2013 |
Equalisation digital on‐channel repeater with a feedback interference canceller for the advanced television systems committee terrestrial digital television system
Sung Ik Park
IET Communications, v.7, no.16, pp.1769-1776 |
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2013 |
Additional Data Transmission Based on Sequence Phase Modulation for the ATSC Terrestrial DTV System
Sung Ik Park
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, v.59, no.4, pp.693-697 |
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2013 |
Enhancement of Particle Swarm Optimization by Stabilizing Particle Movement
Hyunseok Kim
ETRI Journal, v.35, no.6, pp.1168-1171 |
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2013 |
Optical design and analysis of CWDM upstream TWDM PON for NG-PON2
Jongdeog Kim
Optical Fiber Technology, v.19, no.3, pp.250-258 |
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2013 |
Fast Management of ONUs based on Broadcast Control Channel for a 10-Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Network (XG-PON) System
Youngsuk Lee
Journal of Communications and Networks, v.15, no.5, pp.538-542 |
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2013 |
Temperature and Injection Current Dependent Optical and Thermal Characteristics of InGaN-Based Green Large-Area Light-Emitting Diodes
Soo Hyun Lee Physica Status Solidi (A), v.210, no.11, pp.2479-2484 |
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2014 |
Accelerating Multiresolution Gabor Feature Extraction for Real Time Vision Applications
Yong Cheol Peter Cho
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, v.76, no.2, pp.149-168 |
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2013 |
SINR Distribution for MIMO MMSE Receivers in Transmit-Correlated Rayleigh Channels: SER Performance and High-SNR Power Allocation
Wonsop Kim IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v.62, no.8, pp.4083-4087 |
5 |
2013 |
Personal Driving Diary: Automated Recognition of Driving Events from First-Person Videos
M.S. Ryoo Computer Vision and Image Understanding, v.117, no.10, pp.1299-1312 |
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