Showing 37981-37990 of 40,243.
Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2005 | Fabrication of Butt-Coupled SGDBR Laser Integrated with Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Having a Lateral Tapered Waveguide Su Hwan Oh ETRI Journal, v.27, no.5, pp.551-556 | 17 | 원문 |
2005 | A CMOS burst-mode optical transmitter for 1.25-Gb/s ethernet PON applications Yong-Hun Oh IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II : Express Briefs, v.52, no.11, pp.780-783 | 17 | |
2006 | Efficient Bit-Parallel Multiplier for Irreducible Pentanomials Using a Shifted Polynomial Basis Sun Mi Park IEEE Transactions on Computers, v.55, no.9, pp.1211-1215 | 17 | |
2006 | Performance Analysis of Tag Anti-collision Algorithms for RFID Systems Cheng-Hao Quan International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC) 2006 (LNCS 4097), v.4097, pp.382-391 | 17 | |
2016 | Efficient Doppler Mitigation for High-Speed Rail Communications Bing Hui International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2016, pp.634-638 | 17 | |
2010 | A Satellite Radio Interface for IMT-Advanced System Using OFDM Hee Wook Kim International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2010, pp.303-308 | 17 | |
2011 | Automatic Valet Parking System Incorporating a Nomadic Device and Parking Servers Kyounghwan An International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2011, pp.111-112 | 17 | |
2012 | A Comparison of PHY Layer on the Ecma-392 and IEEE 802.11af Standards Jung-Sun Um International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM) 2012, pp.315-319 | 17 | |
2014 | Cyber Threats and Defence Approaches in SCADA systems Dong-Ho Kang International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2014, pp.324-327 | 17 | |
2014 | Development of Yield Prediction System Based on Real-Time Agricultural Meteorological Information Haedong Lee International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2014, pp.1292-1295 | 17 |