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연구자 검색



Bang Junseong
Digital Convergence Research Laboratory
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논문 검색결과
Type Year Title Cited Download
2024 Trends in Emotion Understanding Technology for Conversational Chatbots   방준성   정보과학회지, v.42, no.1, pp.34-41
2023 Analysis of Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology on Product Design Process   방준성   한국디자인학회 국제 학술 대회 (추계) 2023, pp.46-51
2023 A Study on Guidelines for AI Ethics in the Process of Aligning Conversation Topics by Conversational Bot   방준성   방송공학회논문지, v.28, no.5, pp.564-577
2023 Study on Content Creation and Collaboration Using Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Metaverse   조병철  방송공학회논문지, v.28, no.5, pp.518-529
2023 Framework Development Approach for Bias Assessment of AI-based Conversational Chatbot using Large-scale Language Model   방준성   방송공학회논문지, v.28, no.5, pp.545-563
2023 Convergence Between Generative AI and SNS (AI-SNS): Social Impact and AI Ethics   방준성   미래연구, v.8, no.1, pp.113-135
2023 Policy Proposals in Response to Changes in the Authoring and Distribution Environment of Contents by Generative Artificial Intelligence   방준성   방송공학회 논문지, v.28, no.4, pp.400-409
2023 인공지능과 메타버스 분야 디지털 인재양성 전략   방준성   정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.40, no.2, pp.44-50
2022 Metaverse Interoperability With Composability In Hyper-Connected and Hyper-Personalized Virtual Environments   Junseong Bang   ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2022, pp.1-25
2022 User Experience for Interactions with Spatial Logos in Metaverse   Junseong Bang   International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications (3DSA) 2022, pp.81-82
2022 Information Agent using Prompts Generated from Objects of Interest in Metaverse   Yejin Park  International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications (3DSA) 2022, pp.109-110
2022 Study on the issues of creations in the Metaverse   방준성   홍익법학, v.23, no.3, pp.57-75
2022 Metaverse R&D Promotion Strategy Reflecting Digital Ethics and UX   방준성   방송공학회논문지, v.27, no.5, pp.703-717
2022 Dialogue State Tracking using Circumstance Information to Improve the Accuracy of Task-Oriented Dialogue System in Metaverse   김승연   방송공학회논문지, v.27, no.5, pp.685-693
2022 Deep Transfer Learning-Based Fault Diagnosis Using Wavelet Transform for Limited Data   Junseong Bang   Applied Sciences, v.12, no.15, pp.1-14 10
2022 Dialogue State Tracking with Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning for Generalization: A Review   Seungyeon Kim   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2022, pp.75-79 0
2022 UX Design and Evaluation on Conversational Bot Supporting Multi-Turn and Multi-Domain Dialogues   Junseong Bang   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2022, pp.92-97 0
2022 Action-Based Audit with Relational Rules to Avatar Interactions for Metaverse Ethics   Junseong Bang   스마트미디어저널, v.11, no.6, pp.51-63
2022 ESG 경영전략 실천을 위한 인공지능 기술 활용   김성희  정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.39, no.7, pp.38-45
2022 Research Trend of Metaverse UX With Digital Ethics   방준성   한국콘텐츠학회지, v.20, no.1, pp.13-19
2022 Cosimulation with Ethical Verification of Heterogeneous Subsystems in Metaverse   방준성   한국방송·미디어공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2022, pp.1-3
2022 Domain-Slot Relationship Modeling Using a Pre-Trained Language Encoder for Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking   Jinwon An  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, v.30, pp.2091-2102 2
2022 Metaverse Ethics in the Movie 'Ready Player One'   김성희  한국방송·미디어공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2022, pp.1-4
2022 메타버스 서비스 확대를 위한 인공지능 기술의 활용   방준성   정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.39, no.2, pp.64-73
2021 The Possibility of the Extension of Educational Self and the Interaction with AI-avatar in Metaverse   김신애  교육원리연구, v.26, no.2, pp.147-166
2021 Analyzing the Impact of Sequential Context Learning on the Transformer Based Korean Text Summarization Model   김수빈  정보과학회논문지, v.48, no.10, pp.1097-1104
2021 Speech Emotion Recognition Using 2D-CNN with Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients   Youngsik Eom   Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, v.19, no.3, pp.148-154 9
2021 Ethical Chatbot Design for Reducing Negative Effects of Biased Data and Unethical Conversations   Junseong Bang   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2021, pp.47-51 14
2021 Implementation of Generative Model Based Solver for Mathematical Word Problem with Linear Equations   Gayoung Kim  International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2021, pp.52-56 0
2021 PotholeEye+: Deep-Learning Based Pavement Distress Detection System toward Smart Maintenance   Juyoung Park  Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, v.127, no.3, pp.965-976 2
2021 Secrecy Outage Minimization for Wireless-Powered Relay Networks With Destination-Assisted Cooperative Jamming   Kisong Lee  IEEE Internet of Things Journal, v.8, no.3, pp.1467-1476 17
2021 Experimental Analysis Based on Binary Classification to Distinguish the Authenticity of Text with Social Network Data   Seungwon Do   International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp) 2021, pp.283-286 1
2020 Applications of Immersive Technology Based Policing   방준성   전자통신동향분석, v.35, no.6, pp.48-55
2020 Exploring the similarity between incident types based on text mining and cluster analysis through vectorizing contents of emergency calls   홍세은  경찰학연구, v.20, no.3, pp.63-86
2020 Latent Crime Reporting Types Analysis Based on LDA Topic Modeling for Unclassified Types of 112 Crime Reporting Data in Police   김용진   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2020, pp.893-894
2020 The introduction of the concept of ‘Education AI’: the challenge of sustainable education by the cooperation between human and AI   김신애  교육원리연구, v.25, no.1, pp.1-21
2020 Digital Twin Technologies for Smart Cities   방준성   정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.37, no.5, pp.11-19
2020 도시 인프라 연계 스마트 치안 기술   이용걸  정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.37, no.5, pp.34-41
2020 Analysis of Violent Crime Fragile Index Based on Regression Analysis According to Correlation between Open Data and Occurrence of Violent Crime   김상원  한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2020, pp.842-843
2019 A Prototype of Flex Sensor Based Data Gloves to Track the Movements of Fingers   Junseung Bang   스마트미디어저널, v.8, no.4, pp.53-57
2019 Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Combined Autoencoder and Long Short-Term Memory Network   Pangun Park  Sensors, v.19, no.21, pp.1-17 137
2019 AR/VR Based Smart Policing For Fast Response to Crimes in Safe City   Junseong Bang   International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2019, pp.470-475 18
2019 Trend of VR/AR Technologies for Disaster Safety and Police Services in Safe City   방준성   정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.36, no.10, pp.63-71
2019 One more way of understanding the education in the era of AI(Artificial Intelligence)   김신애  교육원리연구, v.24, no.1, pp.83-105
2019 상황 적응형 현장 대응 Super-Cop 서비스 기술   방준성   주간기술동향, v.1902, pp.25-40
2019 VR School Education Platform Allowing Teacher to Utilize e-Learning Materials in Virtual Learning Space for Multiple Students   Junseong Bang   Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR) 2019, pp.1-2
2019 Implementation of FPGA-based MPLS-TP Linear Protection Switching for 4000+ Tunnels in Packet Transport Network for Optical Carrier Ethernet   Yongwook Ra   IET Communications, v.13, no.5, pp.481-488 5
2019 Trends of Intelligent Public Safety Service Technologies   방준성   전자통신동향분석, v.34, no.1, pp.111-122
2018 Classification of Remote Collaboration in AR/VR   Jea-In Kim  Augmenting Cities and Architecture with Immersive Technologies Workshop (ACAITW) 2018, pp.1-2
2018 A Discussion on the Planning of National Digital Transformation in the Education Sector   김신애  한국교육, v.45, no.4, pp.173-200
2018 Photonic-Frame-Based TCP Proxy Architecture in Optically Interconnected Data Center Networks   Yongwook Ra   Computer Networks : The International Journal of Telecommunications Networking, v.147, pp.14-26 2
2018 Design and Implementation of Wearable Sensors for Virtual Reality   이우경  한국콘텐츠학회 콘텐츠 & 전자책 학술 대회 (추계) 2018, pp.29-30
2018 A Study on Non-identification of Sensitive Information for Construction of Police Information Databank   이상윤   정보 및 제어 학술 대회 (CICS) 2018, pp.167-168
2018 Feature Matching With Labeled Keyframes to Reduce Keyframe Matching Error for SLAM-Based Camera Tracking   Seonghun Park   Platform Technology Letters, v.5, no.3, pp.5-9
2018 Seeing is Smelling: Localizing Odor-Related Objects in Images   Sangyun Kim   Augmented Human International Conference (AH) 2018, pp.1-9 4
2017 가상 현실/증강 현실 원격 협업 기술 동향   방준성   전자통신동향분석, v.32, no.6, pp.96-104
2017 Mediated Reality Photography With CCTV-Assisted Object Elimination Using Graph Cut   Seonghun Park   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.169-172 0
2017 Object Detection With Sliding Window in Images Including Multiple Similar Objects   Jinsu Lee   International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.804-807 33
2017 Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technology Trend for Unmanned Arial Vehicles   방준성   전자통신동향분석, v.32, no.5, pp.117-126
2017 Visualization Service of Book Location using Feature Matching of Sliding Window in CCTV Image   이진수   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2017, pp.1497-1498
2017 Augmented Reality Photography With CCTV-Assisted Object Elimination Using Graph Cut   박성훈   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2017, pp.1402-1403
2017 UAV Planning to Optimize Efficiency of Image Stitching in Disaster Monitoring Using Smart-Eye Platform   Jihyeon Yim   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2017, pp.218-221 8
2017 Camera Pose Estimation Using Optical Flow and ORB Descriptor in SLAM-Based Mobile AR Game   Junseong Bang   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2017, pp.234-237 12
2016 Determination of Number of Upstream Subcarriers to Minimize Cycle Time in OFDMA-PON Using Interleaved Polling Method   Hakjeon Bang   International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, v.11, no.3, pp.223-228 1
2016 Study on 3D Reconstruction in Distributed Camera Network   방준성   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2016, pp.1340-1341
2016 ATAM 라이브러리를 활용한 증강 현실 콘텐츠 구현에 관한 연구   이동춘   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2016, pp.1302-1303
2016 A Study on Construction of Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming Space Using Point Cloud Data   김용준   한국멀티미디어학회 학술 발표 대회 (춘계) 2016, pp.395-396
2016 Network Assistance to Localization and Mapping for Outdoor Augmented Reality in Cellular Network   Junseong Bang   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2016, pp.1-4 1
2016 Trends on VR/AR Game Technology   방준성   전자통신동향분석, v.31, no.1, pp.146-156
2016 Power Saving with Passive Standby Mode Using Bitmap-Based Activity Logs for Energy-Efficient Set-Top Box   Eui-Suk Jung   IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.62, no.1, pp.62-68 6
2016 Coloring-Based Scheduling for Interactive Game Application with Wireless Body Area Networks   Sanghyun Seo   Journal of Supercomputing, v.72, no.1, pp.185-195 9
2016 Caching Strategy for Outdoor Augmented Reality Service in Cellular Network   방준성   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2016, pp.1004-1005
2015 Two-Stage Resource Allocation to Improve Utilization of Synchronous OFDM-PON Supporting Service Differentiation   Kyeong-Hwan Doo   ETRI Journal, v.37, no.4, pp.657-666 6
2015 Delay Analysis for Ad Hoc Multiplayer Game of Socially Clustered Mobile Users   Sanghyun Seo   Journal of Supercomputing, v.71, no.6, pp.2091-2100 2
2015 Analysis of Modulation Order to Guarantee Real-Time Service Throughputs in OFDMA-PON   Hakjeon Bang   IEEE Communications Letters, v.19, no.4, pp.549-552 2
2014 ONU Discovery Using Multiple Subchannels for Seamless Service Support in Long-Reach OFDMA-PON   Hakjeon Bang   Optics Express, v.22, no.18, pp.22133-22145 1
2014 Time Slot based Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation for OFDMA-PON with Service Differentiation   Hakjeon Bang   International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon) 2014, pp.1-2
2013 Design and Analysis of IPACT-Based Bandwidth Allocation for Delay Guarantee in OFDMA-PON   Hakjeon Bang   IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, v.5, no.11, pp.1236-1249 9
2013 차세대 광 가입자를 위한 OFDMA-PON MAC 기술   방학전   정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.30, no.7, pp.18-25
2012 Quasi Fair Forwarding Strategy for Delay Tolerant Networks   Seok-Kap KO   IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E95-B, no.11, pp.3585-3589 3
2012 MAC protocol and dynamic subcarrier allocation with bandwidth guarantee in OFDMA-PON system   방학전   한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2012, pp.211-212
2012 Design and Performance Analysis of Passively Extended XG-PON With CWDM Upstream   Jongdeog Kim   IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.30, no.11, pp.1677-1684 17
2012 Determination of Sleep Period for Cyclic Sleep Mode in XG-PON Power Management   Hakjeon Bang   IEEE Communications Letters, v.16, no.1, pp.98-100 26
2010 Analysis of Upstream Link Bandwidth Utilization in GPON with Integrated Network Surveillance   Hakjeon Bang   Photonic Network Communications, v.20, no.3, pp.224-231 0