ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform



연구자 검색



Dong Churl Kim
Quantum Communication Research Section
KSP Keywords
논문 검색결과
Type Year Title Cited Download
2024 Analysis and minimization of QBER caused by incomplete PBC/PBS chip in polarization-based QKD   최중선   한국광학회 첨단 레이저 및 레이저 응용 워크샵 2024, pp.141-141
2024 Photonic integrated chip based module for free-space quantum key distribution transmitter   임경천   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2024, pp.1-1
2023 Automated Alignment of Photonic Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers Using Machine Vision   최중선   Photonics Conference 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Design of Coupler in Si3N4 Ring-Resonator for 810 nm Entangled Photon Source   김동철   Photonics Conference 2023, pp.1-2
2023 Si3N4 Ring-Resonators with >35 dB Extinction Ratio for 1550 nm Entangled Photon Sources   김동철   Photonics Conference 2023, pp.1-2
2023 Photonic integrated devices for optical coherent transmission beyond 400Gb/s/   김종회   Photonics Conference 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Polarization-independent Michelsol delay interferometer   최중선   Optics and Photonics Congress 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Simple Active Polarization Stabilizer for Practical Fiber-based Quantum Key Distribution   Kyongchun Lim   International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt) 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Optical Packaging of Stand-alone 3C-SiC-based Single Photon Source   최병석   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (하계) 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Analysis of multi-photon detection performance of silicon photomultiplier for free-space quantum communication   임경천   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2023, pp.1-1
2022 Light Transfer to Ring for Narrowed- and Pulleye-shaped-waveguide Type in Ring-resonators for Entagled Quantum Source   김동철   Photonics Conference 2022, pp.1-2
2022 Numerical Solutions For Zero-Dispersion In Si3N4/SiO2/Si Waveguides For Generation Of Optically Entangled Quantum Source   김동철   Photonics Conference 2022, pp.1-2
2021 Toward All MOCVD Grown InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots on CMOS-compatible (001) Si for 1.3 Um Laser Application   HoSung Kim   Optics and Photonics Congress 2021, pp.1-2
2019 High Power Tunable External Cavity Laser with InP-Based Gain Chip and Polymer-Based Waveguide Grating for Fiber Optic Communications   Dong Churl Kim   Optics and Photonics Congress 2019, pp.1-2
2019 Carrier Diffusion Effect in Gain Chip and 60 mW Tunable External Cavity Laser with Diffusion-Limited Gain Chip and Polymer-Based Waveguide Grating   Dong Churl Kim   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2019, pp.1-3 0
2018 60 mW Tunable External Cavity Laser with InP Gain Chip and Polymer-Based Waveguide Grating   김동철   Photonics Conference 2018, pp.29-30
2018 Optical Devices for High Data Capacity Transmission in Optical Fiber Communication   김종회   한국진공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2018, pp.1-1
2017 Tunable Laser with Semiconductor Gainchip and Polymer Waveguide Grating for Coherent Optical Fiber Communications   김동철   Photonics Conference 2017, pp.214-215
2017 Tunable External Cavity Laser Using InP Gain-Chip and Polymer Waveguide Grating for Coherent Optical Communications   Dong Churl Kim   International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT) 2017, pp.1-1
2017 Multi-Layered Asymmetric Waveguide Structure for Gain-Chip and its Application to Polymer-Based Waveguide Grating for High Power Tunable Laser   Dong Churl Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2017, pp.1-3 0
2016 Wafer-scale Crack-free AlGaN on GaN through Two-step Selective-area Growth for Optically Pumped Stimulated Emission   Young-Ho Ko   Journal of Crystal Growth, v.445, pp.78-83 5
2016 Anti-crossing Effect and Optimization of Waveguide Structure in InGaN/GaN/AlGaN Laser Diode on Sapphire Substrate   Dong Churl Kim   Current Applied Physics, v.16, no.3, pp.371-377 1
2015 Tunable Laser using Polymer-Based Grating and InP-Based Gain Chip   Dong Churl Kim   International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD) 2015, pp.1-1
2015 Stimulated Emission from Ultraviolet Laser Diode with GaN/AlGaN Multiple Quantum Wells Using Thick-AlGaN Template   Sung-Bock Kim   IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM) 2015, pp.1-1
2015 Optical Components for 100G Coherent Optical Transceiver   김종회   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (하계) 2015, pp.222-223
2015 Optical Components for Coherent Transceivers at 100G and Beyond   김종회   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2015, pp.23-23
2015 Tunable Laser using Hybrid Integration for Coherent Optical Communications   김동철   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2015, pp.48-48
2015 Ultraviolet Laser Diode Using Crack-Free AlGaN Template by Selective Area Growth   김성복   한국광전자학회지, v.5, no.1, pp.30-38
2015 Growth of High Quality AlGaN Template through Dislocation Control for UV-LD Application   김성복   한국진공학회 학술 대회 (동계) 2015, pp.91-92
2015 Design and Performance of 10-Gb/s L-Band REAM-SOA for OLT Transmitter in Next Generation Access Networks   Dong-Hun Lee   Optics Express, v.23, no.3, pp.2339-2346 4
2014 Fabrication and Characterization of Ultraviolet A Laser Diodes on GaN Substrate   Dong Churl Kim   International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA) 2014, pp.88-88
2014 Anticrossing Effect in GaN-Based Laser Diodes and Optimum Waveguide Structures in Ultraviolet Laser Diodes   Dong Churl Kim   International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA) 2014, pp.84-84
2014 Technical Trends of Mid-Infrared Sources   김기수   전자통신동향분석, v.29, no.6, pp.14-21
2014 MOCVD Growth of Crack-Free AlGaN on GaN templates for UV-Laser Diodes   Young-Ho Ko   International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA) 2014, pp.128-128
2014 L-Band Reflective Electro-Absorption Modulator Integrated with Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for OLT Transmitter of WDM-PON   이동훈   Photonics Conference 2014, pp.387-388
2013 380-nm Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes with InGaN/AlGaN MQW Structure   Sung-Bum Bae   ETRI Journal, v.35, no.4, pp.566-570 6
2012 Analysis of Waveguides with Complex Refractive Index for UV-LDs   김동철   Photonics Conference 2012, pp.298-299
2012 Mitigation of Rayleigh Crosstalk Using Noise Suppression Technique in 10-Gb/s REAM-SOA   Jong Sool Jeong   Optics Express, v.20, no.24, pp.26373-26378 4
2012 10 Gbps Colorless Optical Source in Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Networks for Monolithic Integration of Deep-Ridge Waveguide Electroabsorption Modulator with Planar Buried-Heterostructure Semiconductor Optical Amplifier   Dong Churl Kim   Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.51, no.5 PART 1, pp.1-3 0
2011 10 Gbps SOA-REAM using Monolithic Integration of Planar Buried-heterostructure SOA with Deep-ridge Waveguide EA Modulator for Colourless Optical Source in WDM-PON   Dong Churl Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2011, pp.1-3
2011 10 Gb/s REAM-SOA for Low Cost WDM-PON   Hyun-Soo Kim   Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) 2011 / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) 2011, pp.1-3
2010 Comparison between Front and Rear Side-signal Monitoring in Cooled-RSOA TO56-CAN for WDM-PON   김동철   Photonics Conference 2010, pp.488-489
2010 Experimental Comparison Between Front-Side and Rear-Side Signal-Monitoring in RSOA Transistor Outline Can Modules With Monitor-Photodiode and Thermoelectric Cooler   Dong Churl Kim   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.22, no.20, pp.1527-1529 2
2010 10.7 Gb/s Reflective Electroabsorption Modulator Monolithically Integrated with Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Colorless WDM-PON   Hyun-Soo Kim   Optics Express, v.18, no.22, pp.23324-23330 20
2010 Demonstrations of RSOA based Loop-back WDM-PON with 100 Gb/s (80 × 1.25 Gb/s) Capacity Employing Spectrum Sliced Incoherent Light Injection   Seung-Hyun Cho   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2010, pp.1-3 9
2010 High Modulation Bandwidth of Multisection RSOA   Hyun-Soo Kim   International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2010, pp.1-3 1
2010 Front Side Power Monitoring in TO-CAN RSOA Module with Monitoring Photodiode and Thermoelectric Cooler   Dong Churl Kim   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2010 / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) 2010, pp.1-3
2009 2.5 Gbps Direct Modulation of Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network Colourless Sources   Dong Churl Kim   Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.48, no.12, pp.120209-1-120209-3 7
2009 2.5 Gbps Tunable External Cavity Laser using Superluminescent Diode and Polymer Bragg Grating   윤기홍   Photonics Conference 2009, pp.624-625
2009 Fabrication and Characteristics of 2.5 Gbps RSOA for Colorless ONU Source in WDM-PON   김동철   Photonics Conference 2009, pp.285-286
2009 Multisection RSOA for 2.5 Gbps Colorless WDM-PON   Hyun Soo Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2009, pp.1-2
2009 Improvement of Modulation Bandwidth in Multisection RSOA for Colorless WDM-PON   Hyun Soo Kim   Optics Express, v.17, no.19, pp.16372-16378 22
2009 2.5 Gbps Operation of RSOA for Low Cost WDM-PON Sources   Dong Churl Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2009, pp.1-2
2009 Monolithically Integrated Tunable Laser Using Double-Ring Resonators With a Tilted Multimode Interference Coupler   Ki Hong Yoon   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.21, no.13, pp.851-853 20
2009 Two-Section RSOA for 2.5Gbps WDM PON   김현수   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2009, pp.345-346
2008 Experimental Investigation to Improve Modulation Speed of Reflective Semiconductor Oamplifier for WDM-PON   김동철   Photonics Conference 2008, pp.1-2
2008 Monolithically Integrated Tunable Laser using Double Ring Resonators   윤기홍   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2008, pp.154-155
2007 40 Gbps All-Optical 3R Regeneration and Format Conversion with Related InP-Based Semiconductor Devices   Min Yong Jeon  ETRI Journal, v.29, no.5, pp.633-640 12
2007 All Optical 3R Regenerator Based on Semiconductor   Kyung Hyun Park   Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO/PR) 2007, pp.1-2 0
2007 Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Wavelength Converter as a Pseudo Return-to-Zero Extractor   Dong Churl Kim   Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.46, no.17, pp.L414-L416 0
2006 Simultaneous all-Optical Clock Extraction and Wavelength Conversion from NRZ Signal for Asynchronous All-Optical Networks   김동철   광자기술 학술 회의 (PC) 2006, pp.1-2
2006 Monolithically Integrated SOA-based Interferometric All-Optical Wavelength Converter with Phase Control Sections Adopting Thermo-Optic Effect   김동철   광자기술 학술 회의 (PC) 2006, pp.1-2
2006 Wide Frequency Tuning in Passively Mode-Locked Laser Diode without Saturable Absorber   Young Ahn Leem   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2006, pp.1-2 2
2006 The Characterization of All-Optical 3R Regeneration Based on InP-Related Semiconductor Optical Devices   Young Ahn Leem   IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, v.12, no.4, pp.726-734 12
2006 All-Optical Clock Extraction and Wavelength Conversion from NRZ Signal in Mach-Zehnder Wavelength Converter   Dong Churl Kim   International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network (COIN-NGNCON) 2006, pp.214-216 0
2006 All-Optical 3R Regeneration and NRZ to RZ Conversion Based on InP Related Semiconductor Optical Devices   Min Yong Jeon  International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network (COIN-NGNCON) 2006, pp.34-36 0
2006 Correlation Between Timing Jitter of Optical Clock and Self-Pulsation Characteristics in All-Optical Clock Extraction Using a Self-Pulsating Laser Diode   Young Ahn Leem   Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS) 2006, pp.1-2 0
2006 Self-Pulsation in Multisection Laser Diodes With a DFB Reflector   Young Ahn Leem   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.18, no.4, pp.622-624 15
2006 Optical Clock Recovery from RZ and NRZ data using a Multi-Section Laser Diode with a DFB Reflector   전민용  한국광학회지, v.17, no.1, pp.68-74
2005 Extinction Ratio Improvement and Negative Bit-Error-Rate Penalty in Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Wavelength Converter for Optical 2R Regeneration   Dong Churl Kim   Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.44, no.11, pp.8010-8012 1
2005 Extinction Ratio Improvement and Negative BER Penalty for 2R Regeneration in Mach-Zehnder Wavelength Converter with Pre-amplifiers   Dong Churl Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2005, pp.749-750 1
2005 Widely Frequency-Tunable Amplified Feedback Lasers for 10-GHz Optical Pulsation   Dae Su Yee  IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.17, no.6, pp.1151-1153 23
2005 10GHz 자발적 펄스 발생 레이저 다이오드에서 추출된 광 클락의 지터 분석   Young Ahn Leem   Conference on Optoelectronics and Optical Communications (COOC) 2005, pp.1-2
2005 All-optical 3R Regenerator based on Semiconductor   박경현   Conference on Optoelectronics and Optical Communications (COOC) 2005, pp.1-2
2005 Input Power Dynamic Range and Possibility as a 2R Regenerator in SOA-based Mach-Zehner Interferometric Wavelength Converters   김동철   Conference on Optoelectronics and Optical Communications (COOC) 2005, pp.1-2
2005 All-Optical 3R Regenerator based on Semiconductor   이대수  한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2005, pp.278-279
2004 Loss-coupled distributed-feedback lasers with amplified optical feedback for optical microwave generation   Dae-Su Yee   Optics Letters, v.29, no.19, pp.2243-2245 35
2003 Self-Pulsation in Multisection Distributed FeedbackLaser Diode with a Novel Dual Grating Structure   Kyung Hyun Park   ETRI Journal, v.25, no.3, pp.149-209 18
2003 Self-Pulsations in a Multi-Section Distributed Feedback Laser Diode   D. S. Yee   Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.42, no.9(2), pp.S212-S215
2002 study on detuning-dependent self-pulsation in multi-section DFB laser diodes   임영안   Photonics Conference 2002, pp.655-656
2002 The effect of butt coupling efficiency on the self-pulsations in Multi-section DFB LDs   김동철   Photonics Conference 2002, pp.629-630
2002 Self-pulsations in a multi-section DFB laser with buried structure, butt coupling, and detuned gratings   이대수   Photonics Conference 2002, pp.247-248