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연구자 검색



Choi Byung-Seok
Quantum Communication Research Section
KSP Keywords
논문 검색결과
Type Year Title Cited Download
2024 Photonic integrated chip based module for free-space quantum key distribution transmitter   임경천   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2024, pp.1-1
2024 Analysis and minimization of QBER caused by incomplete PBC/PBS chip in polarization-based QKD   최중선   한국광학회 첨단 레이저 및 레이저 응용 워크샵 2024, pp.141-141
2024 Stand-alone 3C-SiC-based Single-photon Source modules for Quantum Key Distribution   Byung-Seok Choi   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2024, pp.1-3
2023 Automated Alignment of Photonic Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers Using Machine Vision   최중선   Photonics Conference 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Si3N4 Ring-Resonators with >35 dB Extinction Ratio for 1550 nm Entangled Photon Sources   김동철   Photonics Conference 2023, pp.1-2
2023 Design of Coupler in Si3N4 Ring-Resonator for 810 nm Entangled Photon Source   김동철   Photonics Conference 2023, pp.1-2
2023 Simple Active Polarization Stabilizer for Practical Fiber-based Quantum Key Distribution   Kyongchun Lim   International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt) 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Optical Packaging of Stand-alone 3C-SiC-based Single Photon Source   최병석   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (하계) 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Polarization-independent Michelsol delay interferometer   최중선   Optics and Photonics Congress 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Analysis of multi-photon detection performance of silicon photomultiplier for free-space quantum communication   임경천   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2023, pp.1-1
2023 Demonstration of Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Integrated Optical Circuits   Kyongchun Lim   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, pp.1-3 0
2023 Controllable Passive Multi-polarization-states Generator based on Silicon Photonics for Quantum Communication   Kap-Joong Kim   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, pp.1-3 1
2023 Stand-alone 3C-SiC-based Single Photon Source modules for Quantum Key Distribution   최병석   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2023, pp.1-1
2022 Light Transfer to Ring for Narrowed- and Pulleye-shaped-waveguide Type in Ring-resonators for Entagled Quantum Source   김동철   Photonics Conference 2022, pp.1-2
2022 Numerical Solutions For Zero-Dispersion In Si3N4/SiO2/Si Waveguides For Generation Of Optically Entangled Quantum Source   김동철   Photonics Conference 2022, pp.1-2
2022 Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Integrated 6-ch Array Optical Source and Variable Optical Attenuator   Kyongchun Lim   International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt) 2022, pp.1-1
2022 Performance comparison depending on protocols in multi-protocol based free-space quantum key distribution system   임경천   Optics and Photonics Congress 2022, pp.1-1
2022 Simulation of Fabry-Perot cavity for SiC-based Single Photon Sources   최병석   양자정보 학술대회 2022, pp.71-72
2022 Silicon-based polarization generator for quantum key distribution   김갑중   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2022, pp.1-1
2022 Quantum Key Distribution System with Finite Key Effect   임경천   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2022, pp.1-1
2022 Bidirectional Short-range Beam Tracking System for Mobile Free-Space QKD Transmitter   김민철   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2022, pp.1-1
2022 3C-SiC-based Single Photon Sources for Quantum Key distribution   최병석   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2022, pp.1-1
2022 Security issue in reference frame independent quantum key distribution and its countermeasure   임경천   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2022, pp.1-1
2021 Effect of Imperfect Transmitter and Receiver in Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Fewer Quantum States   임경천   Photonics Conference 2021, pp.135-1
2021 Bidirectional Short-range Beam Tracking System for QKD on Mobile Platform Using Pan-tilt Module and MEMS Steering Mirror   김민철   Photonics Conference 2021, pp.1-2
2021 Development of Silica PLC-based 6-Polarization Beam Splitter/Combiner for RFI-QKD   최중선   Photonics Conference 2021, pp.1-2
2021 Design of Optical Bandpass Filter for Free-space Quantum Communication   최병석   Photonics Conference 2021, pp.1-2
2021 Formation of Vertically Tapered Photoresist Structures Using Chemical Reflow Method   김덕준   Photonics Conference 2021, pp.1-2
2021 Effect of Device Imperfection on Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution   Kyongchun Lim   International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt) 2021, pp.1-1
2021 Beam Tracking System Using Pan-tilt Module and MEMS-based Fast Steering Mirror in Quantum Key Distribution   Minchul Kim   International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt) 2021, pp.1-1
2021 Reference frame independent free-space quantum key distribution using 6-channel array optical source   임경천   Optics and Photonics Congress 2021, pp.1-1
2021 Optical Attenuator integrated 6 Channel Coherent Sources for Free- Space Quantum Key Distribution   최병석   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2021, pp.1-1
2021 Countermeasure for Security Loophole Caused by Asymmetric Correlations of Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Fewer Quantum States   Kyongchun Lim   Optics Express, v.29, no.12, pp.18966-18975 4
2021 Effect of Asymmetric Correlations in Free-space Reference Frame Independent Quantum Key Distribution   임경천   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2021, pp.1-1
2021 Compact Beam Tracking System for QKD using Pan-Tilt Module and MEMS Steering Mirror   김민철   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2021, pp.1-1
2020 Free-space Quantum Key Distribution System without Free-space Alignment within Transmitter   김민철   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2020, pp.1-2
2020 1550-nm Reference Frame Independent Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution System   임경천   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2020, pp.131-132
2020 Simple Integration of Quantum and Beam Tracking Channels for Free-space Quantum Key Distribution   Minchul Kim   International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt) 2020, pp.1-2
2019 Development of Controllable Silicon Geiger-mode Single Photon Detector and Analyzing its Characteristics   임경천   Photonics Conference 2019, pp.233-233
2019 Research Trend of Quantum Light Source for Quantum Information Technology   고영호   전자통신동향분석, v.34, no.5, pp.99-112
2019 Heterogeneous Integration of III-V Photonic Devices with Silicon: From Laser Diodes to Single Photon Emitters   Young-Ho Ko   한국물리학회 학술 논문 발표회 (가을) 2019, pp.1-1
2019 Integrated Module Technology for Quantum Key Distribution   최중선   정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.36, no.8, pp.3-10
2019 Integrated Single Photon Source of InAs Quantum Dot with Silicon-based Photonic Circuits   Young-Ho Ko   Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) 2019, pp.1-1 0
2019 Daylight Operation of a High-Speed Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution using Silica-based Integration Chip and Micro-Optics-based Module   Heasin Ko   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2019, pp.1-3 3
2018 Recent Technology Trends of Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution System and Components   윤천주   전자통신동향분석, v.33, no.6, pp.94-106
2018 Site-controlled quantum dot for hybrid integration of single photon source with silicon-based photonic circuits   고영호   Photonics Conference 2018, pp.251-252
2018 Free-space quantum key distribution in daylight   고해신   Photonics Conference 2018, pp.146-146
2018 Experimental Filtering Effect on the Daylight Operation of a Free-space Quantum Key Distribution   Heasin Ko   Scientific Reports, v.8, pp.1-7 17
2018 PLC-based 4-Polarization Beam Splitting Module for Free-Space BB84 QKD   최중선   Optics and Photonics Congress 2018, pp.168-168
2018 자유공간 양자키분배를 위한 광부품 및 시스템   Chun Ju Youn   Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2018, pp.1-2 0
2018 Micro-optics based Polarization Decoding Module for Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution   Byung-Seok Choi   Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2018, pp.1-2 0
2018 Hybrid Integration of Single Photon Source from Quantum Dot in Silicon-based Photonic Circuits   Young-Ho Ko   International Conference on Quantum Dots (QD) 2018, pp.1-1
2018 Optical devices and system for free-space quantum key distribution   윤천주   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2018, pp.31-31
2018 Improving Performance of High-Speed Free-Space QKD System without Side Channels   고해신   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2018, pp.34-34
2018 High-Speed and High-Performance Polarization based Quantum Key Distribution System without Side Channel Effects caused by Multiple Lasers   Heasin Ko   Photonics Research, v.6, no.3, pp.214-219 19
2018 Integrated Polarization Beam Splitter Module for Polarization-Encoded Free-Space BB84 QKD   J. -S. Choe   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2018, pp.1-3 1
2018 Silica Planar Lightwave Circuit Based Integrated 1 × 4 Polarization Beam Splitter Module for Free-Space BB84 Quantum Key Distribution   Joong-Seon Choe   IEEE Photonics Journal, v.10, no.1, pp.1-8 18
2018 Advanced Unambiguous State Discrimination Attack and Countermeasure Strategy in a Practical B92 QKD System   Heasin Ko   Quantum Information Processing, v.17, no.1, pp.1-14 11
2017 Security loophole of free space QKD system with multiple laser diodes   고해신   Photonics Conference 2017, pp.221-221
2017 Tunable Laser with Semiconductor Gainchip and Polymer Waveguide Grating for Coherent Optical Fiber Communications   김동철   Photonics Conference 2017, pp.214-215
2017 Multi-Layered Asymmetric Waveguide Structure for Gain-Chip and its Application to Polymer-Based Waveguide Grating for High Power Tunable Laser   Dong Churl Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2017, pp.1-3 0
2017 Tunable External Cavity Laser Using InP Gain-Chip and Polymer Waveguide Grating for Coherent Optical Communications   Dong Churl Kim   International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT) 2017, pp.1-1
2017 Critical Side Channel Effects in Random Bit Generation with Multiple Semiconductor Lasers in a Polarization-based Quantum Key Distribution System   Heasin Ko   Optics Express, v.25, no.17, pp.20045-20055 17
2017 Silicon nitride polarization beam splitter for free space quantum key distribution   김갑중   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2017, pp.101-102
2017 Transceiver Key Component Technologies for Free Space Quantum Communication   윤천주   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2017, pp.103-103
2017 Silicon Geiger-mode Single Photon Detector for free-space quantum key distribution   고해신   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2017, pp.206-206
2017 자유 공간 양자 암호 통신을 위한 실리카 도파로 기반 편광빔 분할기   최중선   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2017, pp.243-243
2017 자유 공간 양자 키 분배 시스템의 실험적 구현   고해신   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2017, pp.167-167
2016 Silica PLC-based Polarization Beam Splitter for 780 nm Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution Applications   Joong-Seon Choe   Asia Communications and Photonics Conferene (ACP) 2016, pp.1-3 0
2016 Security Improvements of B92 QKD Systems using Multi-qubit Scheme against Unambiguous State Discrimination Attack   Heasin Ko   International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt) 2016, pp.1-2
2016 Obtaining Secure Information from Multi-photon Quantum States   고해신   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2016, pp.53-54
2016 Development of Polarization Beam Splitter for 780nm based on Silica Planar Lightwave Circuit   최중선   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2016, pp.194-194
2016 Wireless Quantum Cryptography Technology   윤천주   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2016, pp.125-125
2015 Fabrication of an InP-Based Mach-Zehnder Modulator Chip with Capacitively Loaded Travelling-Wave Electrode   김덕준   Photonics Conference 2015, pp.114-115
2015 PLC-based Polarization Beam Splitter for Short Wavelength Optical Quantum Key Distribution   최중선   Photonics Conference 2015, pp.93-94
2015 Effects of the Device Parameters on the Output Power in Polymer-Based External-Cavity Lasers   Byung-Seok Choi   International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD) 2015, pp.1-1
2015 Laser Source and Small Size Integrated Polarization Module Development for Free Space Quantum Communication   최병석   Photonics Conference 2015, pp.327-328
2015 Design and Fabrication of an InP-Based Mach-Zehnder Modulator Chip with Capacitively Loaded Travelling-Wave Electrode   Duk-Jun Kim   International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD) 2015, pp.1-1
2015 Simple Detuning Method for Low-Chirp Operation in Polymer-Based Tunable External-Cavity Lasers   Byung-Seok Choi   Optics Express, v.23, no.24, pp.30657-30666 2
2015 Enhanced Detuned Loading Effect in Polymer-based Tunable External Cavity Lasers   최병석   한국광학회 학술 발표회 (동계) 2015, pp.177-178
2015 Evaluation of Chirp Reduction in Polymer-Based Tunable External-Cavity Lasers   Byung-Seok Choi   IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, v.51, no.1, pp.1-15 2
2014 The Effect of the Parasitic Reflection on the Dynamic Performance of Tunable External Cavity Lasers   최병석   Photonics Conference 2014, pp.405-406
2014 10-Gbps Tunable External Cavity Laser using an Asymmetric Ring Resonator Reflector   윤기홍   Photonics Conference 2014, pp.40-41
2014 4 channelx10 Gbps TOSA based on Hybrid Photonic Integration Technology between PLC and REAM-SOA   김현수   Photonics Conference 2014, pp.83-84
2014 L-Band 4 ChannelX10 Gbps Colorless Source Module for OLT   김현수   Photonics Conference 2014, pp.38-39
2014 10GbpsX4ch. Integrated XMD-Type ROSA Modules for WDM-OLT   박미란   Photonics Conference 2014, pp.291-292
2014 L-Band Reflective Electro-Absorption Modulator Integrated with Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for OLT Transmitter of WDM-PON   이동훈   Photonics Conference 2014, pp.387-388
2014 Directly Modulated Tunable External Cavity Laser Transmitter Optical Sub-Assembly   Ki-Hong Yoon   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.26, no.1, pp.47-49 8
2013 10G Tunable ECL XMD TOSA Module   최병석   Photonics Conference 2013, pp.197-198
2013 Directly Modulated Tunable External Cavity Laser Transmitter Optical Sub-Assembly   윤기홍   Photonics Conference 2013, pp.203-204
2012 Electrical and Optical Cross-Talk of Hybrid-Integrated Array APD ROSA for OLT   박미란   Photonics Conference 2012, pp.324-325
2012 Mitigation of Rayleigh Crosstalk Using Noise Suppression Technique in 10-Gb/s REAM-SOA   Jong Sool Jeong   Optics Express, v.20, no.24, pp.26373-26378 4
2012 10-Gb/s Direct Modulation of Polymer-Based Tunable External Cavity Lasers   Byung-Seok Choi   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2012, pp.1-3
2012 10-Gb/s Tunable External Cavity Laser Using an Asymmetric Ring Resonator Reflector   Ki-Hong Yoon   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.24, no.17, pp.1481-1483 3
2012 10-Gb/s Direct Modulation of Polymer-Based Tunable External Cavity Lasers   Byung-Seok Choi   Optics Express, v.20, no.18, pp.20368-20375 6
2012 Ring-resonator-integrated tunable external cavity laser   윤기홍   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2012, pp.212-213
2012 10 Gbps Colorless Optical Source in Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Networks for Monolithic Integration of Deep-Ridge Waveguide Electroabsorption Modulator with Planar Buried-Heterostructure Semiconductor Optical Amplifier   Dong Churl Kim   Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.51, no.5 PART 1, pp.1-3 0
2011 Ring-Resonator-Integrated Tunable External Cavity Laser Employing EAM and SOA   Ki-Hong Yoon   Optics Express, v.19, no.25, pp.25465-25470 8
2011 10 Gbps SOA-REAM using Monolithic Integration of Planar Buried-heterostructure SOA with Deep-ridge Waveguide EA Modulator for Colourless Optical Source in WDM-PON   Dong Churl Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2011, pp.1-3
2011 25.78-Gb/s Operation of RSOA for Next-Generation Optical Access Networks   K. Y. Cho  IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.23, no.8, pp.495-497 76
2011 10 Gb/s REAM-SOA for Low Cost WDM-PON   Hyun-Soo Kim   Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) 2011 / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) 2011, pp.1-3
2010 Comparison between Front and Rear Side-signal Monitoring in Cooled-RSOA TO56-CAN for WDM-PON   김동철   Photonics Conference 2010, pp.488-489
2010 Experimental Comparison Between Front-Side and Rear-Side Signal-Monitoring in RSOA Transistor Outline Can Modules With Monitor-Photodiode and Thermoelectric Cooler   Dong Churl Kim   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.22, no.20, pp.1527-1529 2
2010 10.7 Gb/s Reflective Electroabsorption Modulator Monolithically Integrated with Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Colorless WDM-PON   Hyun-Soo Kim   Optics Express, v.18, no.22, pp.23324-23330 20
2010 Demonstrations of RSOA based Loop-back WDM-PON with 100 Gb/s (80 × 1.25 Gb/s) Capacity Employing Spectrum Sliced Incoherent Light Injection   Seung-Hyun Cho   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2010, pp.1-3 9
2010 High Modulation Bandwidth of Multisection RSOA   Hyun-Soo Kim   International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2010, pp.1-3 1
2010 Front Side Power Monitoring in TO-CAN RSOA Module with Monitoring Photodiode and Thermoelectric Cooler   Dong Churl Kim   Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2010 / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC) 2010, pp.1-3
2009 2.5 Gbps Direct Modulation of Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network Colourless Sources   Dong Churl Kim   Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.48, no.12, pp.120209-1-120209-3 7
2009 40 Gb/s Traveling-Wave Electroabsorption Modulator-Integrated DFB Lasers Fabricated Using Selective Area Growth   Yong Hwan Kwon   ETRI Journal, v.31, no.6, pp.765-769 15
2009 Fabrication and Characteristics of 2.5 Gbps RSOA for Colorless ONU Source in WDM-PON   김동철   Photonics Conference 2009, pp.285-286
2009 2.5 Gbps Tunable External Cavity Laser using Superluminescent Diode and Polymer Bragg Grating   윤기홍   Photonics Conference 2009, pp.624-625
2009 2.5 Gbps Operation of RSOA for Low Cost WDM-PON Sources   Dong Churl Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2009, pp.1-2
2009 Multisection RSOA for 2.5 Gbps Colorless WDM-PON   Hyun Soo Kim   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2009, pp.1-2
2009 Improvement of Modulation Bandwidth in Multisection RSOA for Colorless WDM-PON   Hyun Soo Kim   Optics Express, v.17, no.19, pp.16372-16378 22
2009 Two-Section RSOA for 2.5Gbps WDM PON   김현수   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2009, pp.345-346
2009 Enhancement in the Gain of Quantum Dot Laser by Increasing Overlap Integral between Electron and Hole Wave-Functions   Byoung Gu Jo  Thin Solid Films, v.517, no.14, pp.3983-3986 4
2008 Experimental Investigation to Improve Modulation Speed of Reflective Semiconductor Oamplifier for WDM-PON   김동철   Photonics Conference 2008, pp.1-2
2007 Vertical Stacks of Shape-engineered InAs/InAlGaAs Quantum Dot and Its Influences on the Lasing Characteristics   Jin Soo Kim  Applied Physics Letters, v.90, no.15, pp.1-3 19
2006 Lasing Characteristics of Self-Assembled InAs/InAlGaAs Quantum Dot Lasers   Byung Seok Choi   International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA) 2006, pp.1-2
2006 Gain Characteristics of Quantum Dot LD   최병석   한국 반도체 학술 대회 (KCS) 2006, pp.1-2
2006 InAs-InAlGaAs Quantum Dot DFB Lasers Based on InP (001)   Jin Soo Kim   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.18, no.4, pp.595-597 24
2005 Frequency Response Characteristics of 1.5 μm Quantum Dot Laser Diode   Byung Seok Choi   International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD) 2006, pp.1-11
2005 광모드 변환기 집적된 도파로형 포토다이오드를 이용한 전단수신기의 제작   Yong-Hwan Kwon   ETRI Journal, v.27, no.5, pp.484-490 36
2005 2.SGbps Operation of 1.551-lm Quantum Dot Laser   D.K. Oh   European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2005, pp.627-628
2004 Thermally controlled wavelength locker integrated in widely tunable SGDBR-LD module   Jongdeog Kim   IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.16, no.11, pp.2430-2432 5
2003 Electrical crosstalk analysis for gigabit optical transceiver module   Sung-IL Kim   Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR) 2003, pp.572-572 3
2003 Packaging technology for wavelength tunable filter based on optical MEMS   Yong-Sung Eom   IEEE LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS 2003, pp.67-68 0
2003 Optical Design for 2D-MOEMS Switch Packaging   엄용성   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2003, pp.437-378
2003 Optical design of tunable Ld module   최병석   광전자 및 광통신 학술 회의 (COOC) 2003, pp.535-536
2002 Fabrication of 50GHz internal wavelength locker module for multi-channel tunable laser diodes in DWDM applications   박흥우   Photonics Conference 2002, pp.13-14