Showing 34561-34570 of 40,255.
Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2021 | Optimization of charge and multiplication layers of 20‐Gbps InGaAs/InAlAs avalanche photodiode Jae-Sik Sim ETRI Journal, v.43, no.5, pp.916-922 | 2 | 원문 |
2021 | Visual SLAM을 통해 살펴본 SLAM 기술의 변화와 흐름 최성록 로봇과 인간: 한국로봇학회지, v.18, no.4, pp.37-43 | ||
2021 | UWB based Relative Navigation and Leader-Follower Formation for UAVs using Maneuvering of a Follower Seongbong Lee International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) 2021, pp.1-5 | 4 | |
2021 | Development of AI-based ESS Control Algorithm to Reduce Peak Load of Building Cheol-Ho Shin International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2021, pp.1662-1665 | 2 | |
2021 | 공간지도와 AIoT 기술을 활용한 지하공간 상태 평가 연구 김광수 정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.38, no.10, pp.24-30 | ||
2021 | Arrhythmia Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Temporal Attention Mechanism Muhammad Zubair International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2021, pp.1101-1103 | 1 | |
2021 | 보행자 시점의 멀티 도메인 교차로 분류 문제에서의 도메인 제거 손실 함수 비교 Marcella Astrid 한국 인공지능 학술대회 2021, pp.349-350 | ||
2021 | Domain-Robust Pedestrian-View Intersection Classification Marcella Astrid International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2021, pp.1087-1090 | 1 | |
2021 | Synthetic Temporal Anomaly Guided End-to-End Video Anomaly Detection Marcella Astrid International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW) 2021, pp.207-214 | 45 | 원문 |
2021 | Intra-Batch Features Separation for Indoor and Outdoor Pedestrian-View Intersection Classification Marcella Astrid International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) 2021, pp.1-4 | 0 |