Showing 34611-34620 of 40,268.
Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2006 | Context-Aware Services Platform Supporting Mobile Agents For Ubiquitous Home Network Jung Rae Kim International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.136-139 | 5 | |
2006 | Xphere: A PC Cluster based Hemispherical Display System Dong Sik Jo IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2006, pp.58-58 | 5 | |
2006 | Precise Analysis of Bit-Error Probability for Asynchronous Multicode DS-CDMA Systems Seung Joon Lee IEEE Transactions on Communications, v.54, no.4, pp.637-647 | 5 | |
2006 | Characteristics of Low Noise Hybrid Fiber Amplifier Sun Hyok Chang Optics Communications, v.261, no.2, pp.269-275 | 5 | |
2006 | Design and FPGA Implementation of MIMO-OFDM based WLAN Systems Hee Jung Yu Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006 (Spring), pp.1333-1338 | 5 | |
2006 | Joint Carrier Recovery and Turbo Decoding Method for TDMA Burst MODEM Under Very Low SNRs Pan Soo Kim Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006 (Spring), pp.2198-2200 | 5 | |
2006 | Low Power Implementation of SHA-1 Algorithm for RFID System Yong Je Choi International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2006, pp.682-686 | 5 | |
2006 | Color Data Coding for Three-Dimensional Mesh Models Considering Connectivity and Geometry Information Young Suk Yoon International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2006, pp.253-256 | 5 | |
2006 | Hierarchical Load Testing Architecture using Large Scale Virtual Clients Bum Hyun Lim International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2006, pp.581-584 | 5 | |
2006 | Dual-band Dipole Antenna for ISO 18000-6/ISO 18000-4 Passive RFID Tag Applications Seung Gil Jeon IEEE Antenna and Propagation International Symposium (APS) 2006, pp.1-4 | 5 |