2024 |
Monolithic-ALD-Oxide-Semiconductor-Channel CMOS Inverter Applications with n-Type IGZO Vertical TFT and p-Type SnO Planar TFT
Jeho Na,
Seong-Mok Cho
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2024, pp.269-269 |
2021 |
Long-lived Electrochromic Device with Multilevel Bistability based on Portable Film-type Polymer Electrolytes
Chil Seong Ah
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, v.221, pp.1-7 |
13 |
2020 |
Reflective‐Type Transparent/Colored Mirror Switchable Device Using Reversible Electrodeposition with Fabry–Perot Interferometer
Chihun Sung
Advanced Materials Technologies, v.5, no.10, pp.1-10 |
11 |
2019 |
Crafting a 1.5 μm Pixel Pitch Spatial Light Modulator using Ge2Sb2Te5 Phase Change Material
Yong-Hae Kim
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, v.36, no.12, pp.23-30 |
8 |
2019 |
Development of a 1.5-μm Pixel-pitch Holographic Display with a Phase-change Device
Kyunghee Choi
European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Meeting 2019 (Fall), pp.1-1 |
2019 |
The TiO2 Nanoparticle Mediator to Enhance the Bistability for Reversible Electrodeposited Devices
Jisu Han
European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Meeting 2019 (Fall), pp.1-1 |
2019 |
Towards 1.5 Micrometer Pixel Pitch Holographic Display using Ge2Sb2Te5 Phase Change Material
Yong-Hae Kim
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH) 2019, pp.1-2 |
2 |
2019 |
Switchable Diffraction Device using Reversible Electrodeposition
Seong M. Cho
SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics 2019 (SPIE 11030), pp.1-8 |
2 |
2019 |
Switchable Holographic Device Based on Reversible Electrodeposition
Seong M. Cho
Advanced Materials Technologies, v.4, no.2, pp.1-7 |
6 |
2018 |
Rewritable Full-color Computer-generated Holograms based on Color-selective Diffractive Optical Components including Phase-change Materials
Chi-Young Hwang
Nanoscale, v.10, no.46, pp.21537-22068 |
27 |
2018 |
Fabrication of Highly Transparent Electrochromic Mirror Device with Nanoporous Counter Electrode
Chil Seong Ah
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, v.39, no.10, pp.1186-1192 |
11 |
2018 |
Improvement in Cyclic Operation of Unit Pixel Device using Sb-excess Ge2Sb2Te5 Thin Films for Hologram Image Implementation
Han-Byeol Kang
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.57, no.8, pp.1-6 |
5 |
2018 |
New Switchable Mirror Device with a Counter Electrode based on Reversible Electrodeposition
Seong M. Cho
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, v.179, pp.161-168 |
36 |
2018 |
Development of spatial light modulator with ultra fine pixel pitch for electronic holography (Conference Presentation)
Chi-Sun Hwang
SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging 2018 (SPIE 10666), pp.1-1 |
2018 |
Electrochromic Device with Self-diffusing Function for Light Adaptable Displays
Seong M. Cho
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, v.177, pp.89-96 |
8 |
2018 |
Graphene Electrode Enabling Electrochromic Approaches for Daylight-Dimming Applications
Joo Yeon Kim
Scientific Reports, v.8, pp.1-8 |
16 |
2017 |
Design Method of Tunable Pixel with Phase-Change Material for Diffractive Optical Elements
Seung-Yeol Lee
ETRI Journal, v.39, no.3, pp.390-397 |
10 |
2017 |
Holographic Image Generation with a Thin-Film Resonance caused by Chalcogenide Phase-change Material
Seung-Yeol Lee
Scientific Reports, v.7, pp.1-8 |
71 |
2016 |
Optical and Electrical Properties of Electrochromic Devices Depending on Electrolyte Concentrations and Cell Gaps
Chil Seong Ah
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, v.37, no.11, pp.1812-1819 |
10 |
2016 |
Reflective Colored Organic Light-Emitting Diodes for Light-Adaptable Display
Jong Tae Lim
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v.16, no.11, pp.11843-11848 |
2 |
2016 |
Electrochromic Mirror using Viologen-anchored Nanoparticles
Han Na Kim
Materials Research Bulletin, v.82, pp.16-21 |
34 |
2016 |
Optimized ion diffusion depth for maximizing optical contrast of environmentally friendly PEDOT:PSS electrochromic devices
Joo Yeon Kim
Optical Materials Express, v.6, no.10, pp.3127-3134 |
9 |
2016 |
Performance of the Micro Patterned Electrochromic Device in the Black Color State
Tae-Youb Kim
International Meeting on Electrochromism (IME) 2016, pp.85-85 |
2016 |
Digital Holography using a Thermally Driven Phase-change Material
Seung-Yeol Lee
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2016, pp.323-323 |
2016 |
Effects of Pre-reducing Sb-Doped SnO2 Electrodes in Viologen-Anchored TiO2 Nanostructure-Based Electrochromic Devices
Seong Mok Cho
ETRI Journal, v.38, no.3, pp.469-478 |
5 |
2016 |
Design and Fabrication of Integrated Fabry-Perot Type Color Reflector for Reflective Displays
Seong M. Cho
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v.16, no.5, pp.5038-5043 |
8 |
2016 |
Driving Mechanism of High Speed Electrochromic Devices by Using Patterned Array
Tae-Youb Kim
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, v.145, no.1, pp.76-82 |
10 |
2015 |
Trends and Market Outlook in Electrochromic Technology
전자통신동향분석, v.30, no.6, pp.12-20 |
2015 |
Electrochromic Performance Optimization: A Case Study of the Charging Current Behavior
Joo Yeon Kim
International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD) 2015, pp.1-1 |
2015 |
Optical/Electrical Properties of Electrochromic Device Dependent on Cell Distance and Electrolyte Concentration
Chil Seong Ah
International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM) 2015, pp.1-1 |
2015 |
Paper No S4.4: Colored OLED With a Multilayered Graphene Electrode for Light‐Adaptable Displays
Byoung-Hwa Kwon
International Display Research Conference (EuroDisplay) 2015, pp.20-20 |
0 |
2015 |
Thin-Film Laser Lift-off for Dual-Mode Display Application
Jong-Heon Yang
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2015, pp.338-338 |
2015 |
Light Adaptable Display for Future Advertising Service
Chun-Won Byun
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2015, pp.4-5 |
2015 |
Dynamic Behaviour of Patterned Array Electrochromic Devices
Tae-Youb Kim
International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ICQNM) 2015, pp.1-2 |
2015 |
Electrochromic Device Using ZnO Nanowire
Han Na Kim
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2015, pp.418-418 |
2015 |
Solution-Based Electrochemiluminescence Device
Joo Yeon Kim
International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM) 2015, pp.1-1 |
2015 |
Ultrafast Electrochromic Devices Using Nanostructured Electrodes
Hojun Ryu
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD) 2015, pp.1-2 |
2015 |
A New Approach for Lighting Application Based on Electrochemiluminescence
Joo Yeon Kim
International Congress on Ionic Liquids (COIL) 2015, pp.1-1 |
2015 |
Electrochromic Mirror Using Ag Plasmon Resonance
Han Na Kim
International Forum on Functional Materials (IFFM) 2015, pp.363-363 |
2015 |
Microdevice for Separation of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Embedded Magnetophoresis with V-shaped Ni-Co Nanowires and Immuno-nanomagnetic Beads
Jeong Won Park
ETRI Journal, v.37, no.2, pp.233-240 |
19 |
2015 |
Methods to Reduce Image Blurring Towards the Regions of the Nonoverlapped Electrochromic Layer
AH Chil Seong
한국물리학회 학술 논문 발표회 (봄) 2015, pp.557-557 |
2015 |
바이올로젠 나노구조체을 이용한 전기변색 거울
Han Na Kim
한국 반도체 학술 대회 (KCS) 2015, pp.496-496 |
2015 |
Double‐layered Black Electrochromic Device with a Single Electrode and Long‐Term Bistability
Chil Seong Ah
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, v.36, no.2, pp.548-552 |
23 |
2014 |
Surface Roughness Effects on Optical Contrast and Response Time of Electrochromic Devices
Joo Yeon Kim
Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 2014, pp.1-1 |
2014 |
Integration of Reflective Colored OLED for Light-adaptable Displays
Jong Tae Lim
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2014, pp.1-1 |
2014 |
Electrochromic Device for the Reversible Electrodeposition System
Tae-Youb Kim
Journal of Information Display, v.15, no.1, pp.13-17 |
26 |
2013 |
Fabrication of Microdevices for Separation of Circulating Tumor Cell Using Lateral Magnetophoresis and Immunomagnetic Nanobeads
Dae-Sik Lee
SENSORS 2013, pp.1-4 |
2 |
2013 |
Fabrication and Characterization of WO3/Ta2O5/NiO Electrochromic Devices by DC Reactive Sputtering
대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2013, pp.1841-1842 |
2009 |
Evaluation of 1/f Noise Characteristics for Si-Based Infrared Detection Materials
Ho Jun Ryu
ETRI Journal, v.31, no.6, pp.703-708 |
3 |
2009 |
The Characterization of the Si1-xSbx Thin Films for iIfrared Microbolometer
반도체 및 디스플레이장비학회지, v.8, no.3, pp.13-17 |
2009 |
Uncooled Amorphous Silicon 16×16 Infrared Focal Plane Arrays Development
센서학회지, v.18, no.4, pp.301-306 |
2008 |
Sputtered Silicon Antimony Thin Film for The Infrared Detection Layer of Microbolometer
Hojun Ryu
SENSORS 2008, pp.301-304 |
0 |
2008 |
1/f Noise Characteristics of Sputtered Silicon Antimony Thin Film for Microbolometer
Ho Jun Ryu
Eurosensors 2008, pp.877-880 |
2008 |
Deformation Reduction of a MEMS Sensor by Stress Balancing of Multilayer
Woo Seok Yang
International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM) 2008, pp.391-395 |
4 |
2008 |
A Micromachined Infrared Senor for an Infrared Focal Plane Array
Seong M. Cho
Sensors and Transducers, v.90, pp.302-309 |
2007 |
Novel Process for the Electrodes of Microbolometer
Ho Jun Ryu
International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM) 2007, pp.10-13 |
1 |
2007 |
Development of a MEMS Structure for an Infrared Focal Plane Array
전기학회논문지, v.56, no.8, pp.1461-1465 |
2006 |
A Phase II Study of Single-Agent Gemcitabine as a Second-Line Treatment in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Seong M. Cho
Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical, v.117, no.1, pp.50-57 |
45 |
2006 |
Detecting a Breath Biomarker, CH3COOH by Nanoparticle Gas Sensor
Young Jun Kim
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC) 2006, pp.1-1 |
2006 |
Monolithic Electronic Nose System
한국반도체 학술 대회 (KCS) 2006, pp.1-2 |
2005 |
Sub-ppm detection of gold nanoparticle transducer toward carboxyl functionality
Young Jun Kim
SENSORS 2005, pp.845-848 |
3 |
2005 |
Monolithic electronic nose system fabricated by post CMOS micromachining
Seong M. Cho
SENSORS 2005, pp.420-423 |
2 |
2005 |
Environmental temperature-independent gas sensor array based on polymer composite
Seung-Chul Ha
Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical, v.108, no.1-2, pp.258-264 |
15 |
2005 |
Portable electronic nose system based on the carbon black–polymer composite sensor array
Yong Shin Kim
Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical, v.108, no.1-2, pp.285-291 |
100 |
2005 |
Mixed-ligand nanoparticles of chlorobenzenemethanethiol and n-octanethiol as chemical sensors
Young Jun Kim
Sensors and Actuators B : Chemical, v.106, no.1, pp.189-198 |
51 |
2004 |
The application of carbon nanotube - polymer composite as gas sensing materials
Seong M. Cho
SENSORS 2004, pp.701-704 |