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Ji Hun Choi
Reality Display Research Section
KSP Keywords
논문 검색결과
Type Year Title Cited Download
2024 Large-Area Stretchable Oxide Thin-Film Transistor Arrays with Sandwiched Molybdenum in Serpentine Structure   Jeho Na   ETRI Journal, v.권호미정, pp.1-10 0
2023 Highly stable Mo/Al bilayer electrode for stretchable electronics   Ji Hun Choi   Journal of Information Display, v.24, no.2, pp.137-145 3
2021 World-first 1 μm-pixelated 72K Large Area Active Matrix Spatial Light Modulator on Glass for Digital Holographic Display   Ji Hun Choi   International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2021, pp.1-4
2021 Highly-stable Stretchable Electrode for High Resolution Wearable Electronics   Ji Hun Choi   International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2021, pp.1-25
2020 Development of High-Resolution Spatial Light Modulator on Glass for Digital Holography   Ji Hun Choi   International Conference on Display Technology (ICDT) 2020, pp.1-1
2020 1m Pixel Pitch Spatial Light Modulator Panel for Digital Holography   Chi-Sun Hwang   Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium 2020, pp.297-300 12
2019 Development of 72K Ultra-High-Resolution SLMoG System for High-capacity Digital Holography Image   Jae-Eun Pi   International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications (3DSA) 2019, pp.952-954
2019 The New Route for Realization of 1-μm-pixel-pitch High-resolution Displays   Ji Hun Choi   Journal of the Society for Information Display, v.27, no.8, pp.487-496 18
2019 The New Route for Realization of 1μm-pixel-pitch High Resolution Displays   Ji Hun Choi   Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium 2019, pp.319-321 7
2019 Origin of the Dry Etch Damage in the Short-channel Oxide Thin-film Transistors for High Resolution Display Application   Ji Hun Choi   Thin Solid Films, v.674, pp.71-75 6
2019 High-resolution Spatial Light Modulator on Glass for Digital Holographic Display   Jong-Heon Yang   SPIE OPTO 2019 (SPIE 10943), pp.1-7 5
2019 Evolution of Spatial Light Modulator for High-definition Digital Holography   Ji Hun Choi   ETRI Journal, v.41, no.1, pp.23-31 22
2018 Rewritable Full-color Computer-generated Holograms based on Color-selective Diffractive Optical Components including Phase-change Materials   Chi-Young Hwang   Nanoscale, v.10, no.46, pp.21537-22068 27
2018 Numerical Study on the Absorption Characteristics of Subwavelength Metallic Gratings Covered with a Lossy Dielectric Layer   Chi-Young Hwang   Applied Sciences, v.8, no.9, pp.1-10 0
2018 A Study on the Effect of Dry Etching Damage in BCE Oxide Thin-Film Transistors   Ji Hun Choi   International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2018, pp.134-134
2018 The Effect of Aluminum in the Oxide Thin-Film Transistor   Ji Hun Choi   European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Meeting 2018 (Spring), pp.1-1
2018 Ultimate Resolution Active Matrix Display with Oxide TFT Backplanes for Electronic Holographic Display   Chi-Sun Hwang   Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium 2018, pp.610-612 13
2018 Highly Stable AlInZnSnO and InZnO Double-Layer Oxide Thin-Film Transistors With Mobility Over 50 cm2/V·s for High-Speed Operation   Jong-Heon Yang   IEEE Electron Device Letters, v.39, no.4, pp.508-511 37
2018 Development of Spatial Light Modulator with Ultra Fine Pixel Pitch for Electronic Holography   Chi-Sun Hwang   SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging 2018 (SPIE 10666), pp.1-1
2018 High Resolution Spatial Light Modulator using Semiconductor-Display Hybrid Technology   양종헌   한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 학술 대회 (춘계) 2018, pp.33-33
2017 Very Simple Way for Back Channel Treatment in the Oxide Thin-Film Transistor   Ji Hun Choi   International Conference and Exhibition for Nanotechnology (NANOPIA) 2017, pp.1-1
2017 Switchable Subwavelength Plasmonic Structures with Phase-Change Materials for Reflection-Type Active Metasurfaces in the Visible Region   Chi-Young Hwang   Applied Physics Express, v.10, no.12, pp.1-4 6
2017 1-μm Short-Channel Oxide Thin-Film Transistors With Triangular Gate Spacer   Ji Hun Choi   IEEE Electron Device Letters, v.38, no.10, pp.1398-1400 11
2017 Toward Sub-micron Oxide Thin-Film Transistors for Digital Holography   Ji Hun Choi   Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium 2017, pp.394-397 10
2017 Rolled Thin Film Thermoelectric Materials for Efficient Electric Power Generation   Himchan Oh   International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST) 2017, pp.1-1
2017 Design of Spatial Light Modulator on Glass using Oxide TFTs with Lower Off-state Current   Jae-Eun Pi   Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium 2017, pp.1178-1181 1
2017 Toward Sub-micron Oxide Thin-film Transistors for Digital Holography   Ji Hun Choi   Journal of the Society for Information Display, v.25, no.2, pp.126-135 10
2016 Large Area Spatial Light Modulator Panel for Digital Holography   황치선   전자통신동향분석, v.31, no.6, pp.48-56
2016 Double-Channel Oxide Semiconductor Vertical TFTs with Mo Source/Drain Layer   Chi-Sun Hwang   International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display (IDW/AD) 2016, pp.274-276 0
2016 Solution-processed Indium-free ZnO/SnO2 Bilayer Heterostructures as a Low-temperature Route to High-performance Metal Oxide Thin-film Transistors with Excellent Stabilities   Sooji Nam   Journal of Materials Chemistry C : Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices, v.4, no.47, pp.11298-11304 42
2016 InZnO/AlSnZnInO Bilayer Oxide Thin-Film Transistors With High Mobility and High Uniformity   Ji Hun Choi   IEEE Electron Device Letters, v.37, no.10, pp.1295-1298 33
2016 High Performance Solution-processed Indium-free Metal Oxide Thin-film Transistors   Sooji Nam   International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2016, pp.188-188
2016 Digital Holography using a Thermally Driven Phase-change Material   Seung-Yeol Lee   International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2016, pp.323-323
2016 High Performance Back Channel Etch Metal Oxide Thin-film Transistor with Double Active Layers   Jong-Heon Yang   Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium 2016, pp.1151-1154 8
2015 Spatial Light Modulator on Glass for High Display Quality of Digital Holography   Chun-Won Byun   International Display Research Conference (EuroDisplay) 2015, v.46, no.S1, pp.30-30 0
2015 New Shift Register Circuit Scheme for Stable Output Using Oxide TFTs   Jae-Eun Pi   International Meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2015, pp.334-334