Subjects : High Speed
Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
Conference | 2024 | Implementation of High-speed LDPC decoder using SDFEC for 5G-adv and 6G Yong Su Lee International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2024, pp.1037-1039 | ||
Journal | 2024 | Trends in High-Speed Fabric Interconnect-Based Memory-Centric Computing Architecture Seung-Jun Cha 전자통신동향분석, v.39, no.5, pp.98-107 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2024 | Moving Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A Promising Frontier for 6G Communications Kim Junhyeong International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2024, pp.1-5 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2024 | Normalized Min-Sum(NMS) based LDPC Decoder for High Speed PON Kim Kwang Ok Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2024, pp.1-3 | ||
Journal | 2024 | Feedforward Phase Estimation for Real-Time PTBC Decoding in High-Speed Optical Access Networks 나해영 Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.42, no.13, pp.4394-4401 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2024 | A Simplified DSP Algorithm in Modified Alamouti-Coded Coherent Signals for High-Speed Optical Access Networks Oh Jung-Yeol Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2024, pp.1-3 | ||
Conference | 2024 | OMB-CXL: A Micro-Benchmark Suite for Evaluating MPI Communication Utilizing Compute Express Link Memory Devices Tu Tran Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) 2024, pp.1-8 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2024 | Early Performance Evaluation of Liquid-Cooled Self-Made ARM Server Kim Young Woo 대한전자공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2024, pp.2591-2594 | ||
Journal | 2024 | Technology Trends in CubeSat-based Spacer Laser Communication Yeo Chan Il 우주기술과 응용, v.4, no.2, pp.87-104 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2024 | Alamouti-coded DSP algorithm with a simplified PTBC decoder for next-generation optical access networks Oh Jung-Yeol Optics Express, v.32, no.11, pp.18727-18741 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2024 | Compact lithium niobate plasmonic modulator Kim Myunghwan Optics Letters, v.49, no.4, pp.939-942 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2024 | Wireless Access Technologies for Enabling High-Capacity Ultra-Precision Services Chang Kapseok 전자통신동향분석, v.39, no.1, pp.1-13 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2023 | Sub-THz Transmitter Radio Integrated Circuits for Super high-speed 6G Mobile Communications Park Bong Hyuk International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.769-772 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | Edge Media Server for Real-Time 4K Video Streaming with Multiple 5G-Enabled Drones Yun Jae-Kwan International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.1-4 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | A Packet Processing Scheme in 5G MAC Protocol Using DPDK Song Jae Su International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.1423-1426 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | Multiple Control Plane Joint Operation Method under Overlaid Cell Structure Environment for Future Mobile Communications Soongi Park International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.760-765 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | A Signal Integrity Analysis for the Design of a Computer Mainboard Lee Kyong Hee International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2023 : Asia, pp.380-382 | ||
Conference | 2023 | Security Technology for C-Band Modem Communication in Unmanned Vehicle Environment Kim Ju Han International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2023, pp.1095-1097 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2023 | Research Trends on Quantum Error Decoders for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing Cho Eun Young 전자통신동향분석, v.38, no.5, pp.34-50 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2023 | Shape-tailored whispering gallery microcavity lasers designed by transformation optics 이용훈 Photonics Research, v.11, no.9, pp.A35-A43 | 7 | 원문 |
Journal | 2023 | Shape-tailored whispering gallery microcavity lasers designed by transformation optics Park Honghwi Photonics Research, v.11, no.9, pp.A35-A43 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | Real-time incoherent hologram recording with high-speed geometric phase switching device Kihong Choi Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH) 2023, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | A design and analysis of high-speed signal path in chip-on-silicon interposer enabling a 0.8Tbps SiPh chiplet Lee Jyung Chan Optics and Photonics Congress 2023, pp.1-1 | ||
Conference | 2023 | Experimental Study of Data Network in Confined Space of Vessel: Opportunities and Challenges Jung Woosung International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2023, pp.368-373 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | A Haptic Data Glove for VR Interactions Seo Sang Woo Asia Pacific International Conference on Information Science and Technology (APIC-IST) 2023, pp.7-8 | ||
Conference | 2023 | Distributed DNN Training Platform for Heterogenous GPU Cluster Ahn Shin Young 대한전자공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2023, pp.2694-2697 | ||
Conference | 2023 | IC and Signal Detection based on LSTM for FTN Signaling-based Digital Twin Synchronization System in Multipath Channel Baek Myung-Sun International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2023, pp.1-3 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | O-band InAlGaAs IA-EML with quantum well intermixed passive waveguide Seungchul Lee Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) 2023, pp.559-560 | ||
Journal | 2023 | Technology Trends in Space Optical Communications Yeo Chan Il 전자통신동향분석, v.38, no.2, pp.85-95 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2023 | Chiplet Heterogeneous-Integration AI Processor Kwon Young-Su International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2023, pp.1-2 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2023 | Improvements of IoT Waveform for High Doppler Pansoo Kim Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2023, pp.1-2 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2022 | Finger Kinesthetic Haptic Feedback Device Using Shape Memory Alloy-based High-Speed Actuation Technique Seo Sang Woo Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2022, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2022 | Regression based Pilot Design for Doppler Effect Estimation and Compensation in LEO Satellite Communication with LoRa 강진호 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2022, pp.631-632 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2022 | Experimental Study of Zero-Copy Performance for Immersive Streaming Service in Linux Park Pyung-Koo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.1-5 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2022 | Evaluation an Analysis of 2.3 Gbps Full-duplex Mobile Optical Wireless Communication System for High-speed Link between Air and Ground Station Yeo Chan Il International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.1643-1645 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2022 | Performance analysis of DSSS‐ and CSS‐based physical layer for IoT transmission over LEO satellites Jung Soo Yeob ETRI Journal, v.44, no.4, pp.543-559 | 8 | 원문 |
Journal | 2022 | Technology Trends in Communication Payload for the Broadband LEO Satellite Constellation Uhm Man Seok 전자통신동향분석, v.37, no.3, pp.41-51 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2021 | Industrial IoT Standardization Trend of the 5G Mobile Network Kim Kyung Soo 전자통신동향분석, v.36, no.6, pp.13-24 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2021 | 3D Hand Motion and Position Estimation using Ultrasonic Receiver Array and Inertial Sensors Seo Sang Woo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2021, pp.287-289 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2021 | Call Model and Test-Verification Methods for PS-LTE Core Equipment Lee Jae Jeong Electronics, v.10, no.20, pp.1-22 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2021 | Downlink Performance of Testbed for MN system Using 22-GHz mmWave Seon-Ae Kim International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2021, pp.1548-1551 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2021 | Hybrid in-memory storage for cloud infrastructure Kim Dae Won 인터넷정보학회논문지, v.22, no.5, pp.57-67 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2021 | IAB-based Railway Communication Method for Stable Service Provision Choi Min Suk International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2021, pp.176-178 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2021 | LNOI Photonics Technology Trends Park Jaegyu 전자통신동향분석, v.36, no.3, pp.41-52 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2021 | Empirical millimeter‐wave wideband propagation characteristics of high‐speed train environments Park Jae Joon ETRI Journal, v.43, no.3, pp.377-388 | 8 | 원문 |
Conference | 2021 | A Ka-Band FMCW PLL Synthesizer with 8.5-GHz Bandwidth for High-Precision High-Resolution Sub-mmWave Radar Sensing Lee Ja Yol International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2021, pp.1-5 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2021 | Demonstration of High-Power Budget TDM-PON System With 50 Gb/s PAM4 and Saturated SOA Lee Han Hyub IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.39, no.9, pp.2762-2768 | 13 | 원문 |
Journal | 2021 | Estimating the Deployment Costs of Broadband Universal Service via Fiber Networks in Korea Hyeongjik Lee Telecommunications Policy, v.45, no.4, pp.1-11 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2021 | Large- and Small-Scale Fading Characteristics of mmWave HST Propagation Channel Based on 28-GHz Measurements Park Jae Joon European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2021, pp.1-5 | 8 | 원문 |
Journal | 2021 | Cooperation Between LDM-Based Terrestrial Broadcast and Broadband Unicast: On Scalable Video Streaming Applications Sungjun Ahn IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, v.67, no.1, pp.2-22 | 20 | 원문 |
Conference | 2021 | PCIe Bridge Hardware for Gen-Z Memory System Chanho Park International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2021, pp.1-3 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2020 | High Speed Train Communications in 5G: Design Elements to Mitigate the Impact of Very High Mobility Gosan Noh IEEE Wireless Communications, v.27, no.6, pp.98-106 | 30 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Hybrid in-memory Storage for Stable and High-performance Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Kim Dae Won International Conference on Internet (ICONI) 2020, pp.1-6 | ||
Journal | 2020 | SoftMemoryBox II: A Scalable, Shared Memory Buffer Framework for Accelerating Distributed Training of Large-Scale Deep Neural Networks Ahn Shin Young IEEE Access, v.8, pp.207097-207111 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | 6DoF object motion detection based on ultrasonic receiver array and inertial sensors Seo Sang Woo 대한전자공학회 학술 대회 (추계) 2020, pp.328-332 | ||
Journal | 2020 | Recent Trends in High-Speed and Virtualized Optical Access Technologies Chung Hwan Seok 전자통신동향분석, v.35, no.5, pp.57-68 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2020 | Enabling 5G Techniques to Support HD Video Streaming to High Speed Train Users Park Juho International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.875-878 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | PDCCH Implementation based on 5G NR System and Comparision with LTE PDCCH Shin Eun-Jeong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.962-964 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Azalea Unikernel IO Offload Acceleration Jeong Yeon Jeong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.1377-1380 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2020 | Multi-sensor-based Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects for Relative Position Estimation in Autonomous Driving Conditions Jinwoo Kim Journal of Supercomputing, v.76, no.10, pp.8225-8247 | 11 | 원문 |
Journal | 2020 | Research Trend in 5G-TSN for Industrial IoT Kim Kyung Soo 전자통신동향분석, v.35, no.5, pp.43-56 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2020 | Influence of Meteorological Attenuation on the Channel Characteristics for High-Speed Railway at the Millimeter-Wave Band Lei Ma International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.128-131 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Handover Impact on E2E Delay of Multimedia Service in High-Speed Railway System Sang Chul Oh International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.1709-1713 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Reliability Enhancement Scheme for Wireless Backhaul in High Speed Train Song Jae Su International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.894-897 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Hardware Implementation and Performance Evaluation of DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream System Ryu Kwanwoong International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2020 : Taiwan, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2020 | Epoxy-based Interconnection Materials and Process Technology Trends for Semiconductor Packaging Eom Yong Sung 전자통신동향분석, v.35, no.4, pp.1-10 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2020 | High-Speed and Cost-Effective Reflective Terahertz Imaging System Using a Novel 2D Beam Scanner Lee Eui Su IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.38, no.16, pp.4237-4243 | 21 | 원문 |
Journal | 2020 | High-Speed and Cost-Effective Reflective Terahertz Imaging System Using a Novel 2D Beam Scanner Mugeon Kim IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.38, no.16, pp.4237-4243 | 21 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Characterization for High-Speed Railway Channel enabling Smart Rail Mobility at 22.6 GHz Lei Ma Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2020, pp.1-6 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Uplink Design of Millimeter Wave based Moving Network System Cho Dae Soon European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2020, pp.1-4 | ||
Journal | 2020 | Satellite‐Terrestrial Channel Characterization in High‐Speed Railway Environment at 22.6 GHz Lei Ma Radio Science, v.55, no.3, pp.1-15 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2020 | Application of Aluminum Flat Heat Pipe for Dry Cooling near the Hot Spot of a Radar Array with a Multiscale Structure Moon Seok-Hwan Applied Thermal Engineering, v.169, pp.1-9 | 10 | 원문 |
Conference | 2020 | Performance Evaluation of 5G NR System for High Speed Train Song Jae Su 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (동계) 2020, pp.241-242 | ||
Conference | 2020 | High Rate True Random Number Generator using Beta Radiation Park Kyung Hwan International Conference on Isotopes (10ICI) 2020, pp.1-15 | 8 | 원문 |
Journal | 2020 | RoF-Based Radio Access Network for 5G Mobile Communication Systems in 28 GHz Millimeter-Wave Minkyu Sung IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.38, no.2, pp.409-420 | 69 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | Deep Learning Model Validation Method based on the Shared Memory in Distributed High Performance Computing Eun-Ji Lim International Conference on Internet (ICONI) 2019, pp.384-385 | ||
Conference | 2019 | A Flow-based Parallel Packet Processing Approach for Core Affinity and Core Scalability Choi Kang Il International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA) 2019 (LNEE 621), pp.129-134 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | A Microheater on Polyimide Substrate for Hand-held Realtime Microfluidic Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification Dae-Sik Lee Micro and Nano Systems Letters, v.7, no.1, pp.1-4 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | A Study on Layer 2 Protocols and Adaptive Transmission Rate Control of High Speed MmWave Based Wireless Backhaul Jungsook Bae International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.698-700 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | Stationary Distance Measurement using Various Methods for Expressway Environment at 5.9 GHz Kim Chung Sup International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1062-1065 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | Signal integrity analysis of system interconnection module of high‐density server supporting serial RapidIO Kwon Hyuk Je ETRI Journal, v.41, no.5, pp.670-683 | 6 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | Technical Trends in Next-Generation GaN RF Power Devices and Integrated Circuits Lee Sang-Heung 전자통신동향분석, v.34, no.5, pp.71-80 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2019 | Consideration on Physical Layer Aspects of NR Systems in HST Scenarios Junghoon Lee Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2019 (Fall), pp.1-5 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | Deep-learning Based Adaptive Beam Management Technique for Mobile High-speed 5G mmWave Networks Na Woongsoo International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2019 : Berlin, pp.149-151 | 8 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | Handover Delay Mitigation for Korean Radio-based Train Control System Sang Chul Oh International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC) 2019, pp.1-6 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | A Novel Approach for Detecting the Horizon using a Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Scale Edge Detection Jeong Chi Yoon Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, v.30, no.3, pp.1187-1204 | 35 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | 5G Trial Services Demonstration: IFoF-Based Distributed Antenna System in 28 GHz Millimeter-Wave Supporting Gigabit Mobile Services Minkyu Sung IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.37, no.14, pp.3592-3601 | 26 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | Stable UDP Service for Korean Radio-based Train Control System Sang Chul Oh International Conference on Convergence Technology (ICCT) 2019, pp.555-556 | ||
Conference | 2019 | High Speed and Low Latency PON for 5G Networks Chung Hwan Seok Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting (SUM) 2019, pp.1-2 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | High Speed and Low Latency Passive Optical Network for 5G Wireless Systems Kim Kwang Ok IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.37, no.12, pp.2873-2882 | 37 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | Consideration of Research Activity on Earth Stations in Motion Communicating with the GSO FSS Satellite in the Ka band in the ITU-R Oh Dae Sub 전자통신동향분석, v.34, no.3, pp.65-74 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2019 | A Time-domain Estimation Method of Rapidly Time-varying Channels for OFDM-based LTE-R Systems Jinkyu Choi Digital Communications and Networks, v.5, no.2, pp.94-101 | 14 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | Low-phase-noise Self-sustaining Amplifier IC with Parallel Capacitance Cancellation for Low-Q Piezoelectric Resonator 김형섭 Microsystem Technologies, v.25, no.5, pp.2041-2050 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | Function-Safe Vehicular AI Processor with Nano Core-In-Memory Architecture Kwon Young-Su International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) 2019, pp.127-131 | 12 | 원문 |
Journal | 2019 | A Comprehensive Study on mmWave-Based Mobile Hotspot Network System for High-Speed Train Communications Kim Junhyeong IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v.68, no.3, pp.2087-2101 | 33 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | Daylight Operation of a High-Speed Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution using Silica-based Integration Chip and Micro-Optics-based Module Ko Heasin Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2019, pp.1-3 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2019 | High-resolution Spatial Light Modulator on Glass for Digital Holographic Display Yang Jong-Heon SPIE OPTO 2019 (SPIE 10943), pp.1-7 | 5 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Wireless Coverage Analysis for Intra-Wagon Scenario at 60 GHz Band Haofan Yi International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE) 2018, pp.1-4 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Efficient Geometry-based Channel Modeling for mmWave High-speed Train Communication Bin Sun International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE) 2018, pp.1-4 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Efficient Sound-source Localization Method based on Direction Estimation using 2D Microphone Array Seo Sang Woo International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) 2018, pp.301-306 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | Efficient Optical Saturable Absorbers with Graphene on Polymer Waveguides for Femtosecond Laser Pulse Formation 류보원 Annalen der Physik, v.530, no.11, pp.1-7 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | Graphene-Incorporated Soft Capacitors for Mechanically Adjustable Electro-Optic Modulators 이성재 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v.10, no.47, pp.10781-40788 | 9 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | Channel Measurement, Simulation, and Analysis for High-Speed Railway Communications in 5G Millimeter-Wave Band Danping He IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, v.19, no.10, pp.3144-3158 | 144 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | Trends in Automotive Ethernet Security Technology Chung Bo-Heung 전자통신동향분석, v.33, no.5, pp.76-85 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2018 | Spectral Leakage Reduction of Power-Delay-Doppler Profile for mm-Wave V2I Channel Kim Kyungwon International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.346-350 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | A Solution of Aluminum Flat Heat Pipe for Dry Cooling the Ladar Array Suhyun Hong International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC) 2018, pp.1-8 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | High-Speed Signal Integrity Design for HDCA Systems Kwon Won-Ok International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1267-1269 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Protection of the Mobile Station from Protection of the Mobile Station from Station in Motion in the 28 GHz Band Oh Dae Sub International Communications Satellite System Conference (ICSSC) 2018, pp.1-4 | 0 | |
Conference | 2018 | Data sharing in a Collaborative Product Design Environment based on Cryptographic Mechanisms Kim Jeong Tae International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1074-1076 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Measurement Results of High-speed V2X Channel Characteristics in Expressway Environment Kim Chung Sup International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) 2018, pp.609-610 | 10 | |
Journal | 2018 | Technical Trends of Computing Infrastructure for Agent Based Modeling & Simulation Jung Young-Woo 전자통신동향분석, v.33, no.5, pp.111-120 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2018 | Distributed Deep Learning Framework based on Shared Memory for Fast Deep Neural Network Training Eun-Ji Lim International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1239-1242 | 12 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | 28 GHz Doppler Measurements in High-Speed Expressway Environments Park Jae Joon International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC) 2018, pp.1132-1133 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Performance Analysis for DM-RS Mapping in a High Speed Train System Kim/Jihung International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networks and Systems (NEW2AN) 2018 (LNCS 11118), pp.371-380 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Performance Evaluation of ATSC 3.0 Mobile Service with LDM/TDM under TU-6 Channel Sungjun Ahn International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2018, pp.1-3 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | A Latency Reducing Method for TDD-based High-Speed Train Communications Kim Junhyeong Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2018 (Spring), pp.1-6 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Motion Recognition of Soccer Objects Jiwon Lee 대한전자공학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2018, pp.528-531 | ||
Journal | 2018 | Design and Characterization for Travelling Wave Electrodes of High-Speed Mach-Zehnder Electro-Optic Modulator on an N-doped InP Substrate Kim Sungil Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v.60, no.6, pp.1558-1562 | 5 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Recording and Replay System for Multi-band RF Signals Using Compressed Sensing Technique Yookyung Kim International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps) 2018, pp.1-9 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | A Geometry-Based Stochastic Channel Model for the Millimeter-Wave Band in a 3GPP High-Speed Train Scenario Jingya Yang IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v.67, no.5, pp.3853-3865 | 50 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | Highly Stable AlInZnSnO and InZnO Double-Layer Oxide Thin-Film Transistors With Mobility Over 50 cm2/V·s for High-Speed Operation Yang Jong-Heon IEEE Electron Device Letters, v.39, no.4, pp.508-511 | 38 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | Optical and Acoustic Sensor-Based 3D Ball Motion Estimation for Ball Sport Simulators † Seo Sang Woo Sensors, v.18, no.5, pp.1-13 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | High-speed and high-performance polarization-based quantum key distribution system without side channel effects caused by multiple lasers Ko Heasin Photonics Research, v.6, no.3, pp.214-219 | 20 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | High-speed waveguide photodetector for 64 Gbaud coherent receiver Young-Ho Ko Optics Letters, v.43, no.3, pp.579-582 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | 5GCHAMPION - Disruptive 5G Technologies for Roll-Out in 2018 Emilio Calvanese Strinati ETRI Journal, v.40, no.1, pp.10-25 | 36 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | High-Speed 2D Human Motion Analysis Using Multi-Exposure Imaging and Deep Learning Kim Jong Sung 영상 처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵 (IPIU) 2018, pp.1-2 | ||
Conference | 2018 | Data Alignment for Multi-channel High-speed Interfaces using PRBS Patterns Lee Seung-Woo International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT) 2018, pp.625-627 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | GPU-based Real-Time Super-Resolution System for High-Quality UHD Video Up-Conversion Dae Yeol Lee Journal of Supercomputing, v.74, no.1, pp.456-484 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | Decision-Making Framework for Automated Driving in Highway Environments Samyeul Noh IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, v.19, no.1, pp.58-71 | 86 | 원문 |
Conference | 2018 | Microserver Architecture with High-Speed Interconnected Network Kwon Won-Ok International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2018, pp.408-410 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2018 | A Robust ICI Suppression Based on an Adaptive Equalizer for Very Fast Time-Varying Channels in LTE-R Systems Cho Han Byeog EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, v.2018, pp.1-7 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | DMRS Design and Evaluation for 3GPP 5G New Radio in a High Speed Train Scenario Gosan Noh Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2017, pp.1-6 | 19 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Comparison BER with the Different Stack-Up PCB of KOSMOS Micro-Server System Interconnection Module Supporting 800Gbps Bandwidth Kwon Hyuk Je International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) 2017, pp.201-205 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | mmWave-based Mobile Backhaul Transceiver for High Speed Train Communication Systems Gosan Noh Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshops 2017, pp.1-5 | 23 | 원문 |
Journal | 2017 | A 128-Channel FPGA-Based Real-Time Spike-Sorting Bidirectional Closed-Loop Neural Interface System Jongkil Park IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, v.25, no.12, pp.2227-2238 | 36 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | A Backup/Recovery Method for Fault Tolerant Memory-based Storage in Integrated Storage System Cha Jae-Geun International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) 2017, pp.351-354 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2017 | Future Radio Technology Kim Byung Chan 전자통신동향분석, v.32, no.6, pp.66-72 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2017 | Effective Interference Assessment from Earth Station in Motion to Fixed Station in the 28 GHz Band Oh Dae Sub Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2017, pp.1361-1364 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2017 | Cost-effective Parallel Optical Interconnection Module Based on Fully Passive-alignment Process Son Dong Hoon Optical Engineering, v.56, no.11, pp.1-4 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Low power and high density Microserver Kwon Won-Ok 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (추계) 2017, pp.2557-2560 | ||
Conference | 2017 | FTP Performance Evaluation of the SRIO-based System Fabric Interconnection on the Microserver System Zi Ho Shin 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (추계) 2017, pp.73-76 | ||
Conference | 2017 | BER Comparison Depending on the Different Stack-Up of System Interconnection Modules on KOSMOS Micro-Server Kwon Hyuk Je 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (추계) 2017, pp.172-175 | ||
Conference | 2017 | Estimation of 3D Ball Motion using an Infrared and Acoustic Vector Sensor Seo Sang Woo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1048-1050 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | A Study on Management of Multi-RAT Unit in Mobile Hotspot Network Enhancement System Hwang You Sun International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1264-1266 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2017 | On the Feasibility of High Speed Railway mmWave Channels in Tunnel Scenario Guangkai Li Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, v.2017, pp.1-17 | 10 | 원문 |
Journal | 2017 | Trends in Immersive Giga Media Service Platform Seung Han Choi 전자통신동향분석, v.32, no.5, pp.1-9 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2017 | Where, When, and How mmWave is Used in 5G and Beyond Kei Sakaguchi IEICE Transactions on Electronics, v.E100-C, no.10, pp.790-808 | 148 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | A Study on a Delay-Doppler Estimation Method in Fast Fading Channels of High-speed Mobile Vehicles Lee Woo Yong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1179-1181 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | 3GPP Standardization Activities in Relay based 5G High Speed Train Scenarios for the SHF Band Fumihiro Hasegawa Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN) 2017, pp.126-131 | 12 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Evolving Toward Virtualized Mobile Access Platform for Service Flexibility Seung-Que Lee International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networks and Systems (NEW2AN) 2017 (LNCS 10531), v.10531, pp.473-481 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Optical Access Systems with High-Speed PON and RoF Technologies for 5G Mobile Communication Networks Chung Hwan Seok Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC) 2017, pp.1-1 | ||
Journal | 2017 | Handover based on Maximum Cell Residence Time and Adaptive TTT for LTE-R High-Speed Railways Cho Han Byeog KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, v.11, no.8, pp.4061-4076 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Optical Access Technologies for 5G Mobile Communication Networks Chung Hwan Seok Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting (SUM) 2017, pp.39-40 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Design of Cache backend using Remote Memory for Network File System Eun-Ji Lim International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS) 2017, pp.864-869 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Performance Improvement of MHN-Enhanced Uplink with Frequency Offset Compensation Choi Seung Nam International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2017, pp.788-790 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Development and Construction of Security-Enhanced LTE Traffic Signal System in Korea Myunghee Son International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS) 2017, pp.91-95 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | From Architecture to Field Trial: A Millimeter Wave Based MHN System for HST Communications Toward 5G Chung Hee Sang European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) 2017, pp.1-5 | 18 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Cascade Handover Scheme in High-Speed Transport (HST) using mmWave-based Mobile Hotspot Network Park Woo Goo Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT) 2017, pp.52-57 | ||
Conference | 2017 | Pilot Structure Design to Increase Wireless Channel Capacity for High-Speed Railway 최용윤 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) 2017, pp.1-5 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Risk Assessment for Automatic Lane Change Maneuvers on Highways Samyeul Noh International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017, pp.247-254 | 25 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Priority-Aware Scheduling for Packet-Switched Optical Networks in Datacenter Lin Wang International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM) 2017, pp.1-5 | 7 | |
Conference | 2017 | Mobile Hotspot Network Enhancement System for High-Speed Railway Communication Kim Junhyeong European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2017, pp.2896-2900 | 25 | 원문 |
Journal | 2017 | Strategic Control of 60 GHz Millimeter-Wave High-Speed Wireless Links for Distributed Virtual Reality Platforms 김중헌 Mobile Information Systems, v.2017, pp.1-10 | 13 | 원문 |
Journal | 2017 | Simplified Non-Square Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Demapper for DOCSIS 3.1 Lee Je Won IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, v.63, no.1, pp.156-161 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | A New ICF-based Ball Tracking System with Multi-Exposure Cameras for Virtual Sports Kim Jong Sung International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2017, pp.640-643 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2017 | Digital holographic display with two-dimensional and threedimensional convertible feature by high speed switchable diffuser Keehoon Hong International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology (EI) 2017, pp.113-117 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2017 | Performance Evaluation of a Remote Block Device with High-Speed Cluster Interconnects Hyun Hwa Choi International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS) 2017, pp.84-88 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2016 | Mobile Hotspot Network System for High-Speed Railway Communications Using Millimeter Waves Choi Sung Woo ETRI Journal, v.38, no.6, pp.1052-1063 | 31 | 원문 |
Journal | 2016 | NOMA Transceiver Design for Highway Transportation in Mobile Hotspot Networks Hui Bing ETRI Journal, v.38, no.6, pp.1042-1051 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | 5G CHAMPION - Rolling out 5G in 2018 Markus Mueck GLOBECOM 2016, pp.1-6 | 35 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Creation and Control of Handover Zone using Antenna Radiation Pattern for High-Speed Train Communications in Unidirectional Networks Hui Bing International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.737-740 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Evaluation of Communication Channel for Train Safety Monitoring System Park Dae Geun International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.819-821 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Shielding Effect by a Buried Metallic Pipe against the Induced Voltage Lee Kang In International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) 2016, pp.894-895 | 0 | |
Conference | 2016 | Design of Dynamic SNS on the High-speed Railway: Virtual Crew Service Ki-Sook Chung International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.411-413 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | A Low Cost High-Speed Infrared Scanning System for Flying Ball Detection Seo Sang Woo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.189-191 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Study on the Latency Efficient IFFT Design Method for Low Latency Communication Systems Jang In Gul International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS) 2016, pp.1-4 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | An Efficient Pruning and Weight Sharing Method for Neural Network Kim Jin Kyu International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2016 : Asia, pp.472-473 | 9 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Performance Investigation of High Compression Data Transmission based on Group Scaling for Mobile Front-haul Oh Jung-Yeol International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.973-975 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Signal Integrity Analysis for Micorserver Backplane Prototype Kwon Won-Ok International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.791-793 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2016 | 360-degree Tabletop Electronic Holographic Display Lim Yongjun Optics Express, v.24, no.22, pp.24999-25009 | 124 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | The Contents Sharing Services based on Service Platform in High Speed Moving Vehicles Yoo Hyun Kyung International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.1132-1134 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Design and Implementation Principles for the mmWave based Pre-5G UE Layer 2/3 Protocol Stack Sung Nak Woon International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) 2016, pp.1-6 | ||
Conference | 2016 | Millimeter-wave based eMBB Technologies in ETRI 5G Kim/Jihung Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) 2016, pp.44-48 | ||
Conference | 2016 | A Practical Method of Designing DFT-based Channel Estimator Kim Jun-Woo International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2016, pp.710-714 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Common-Source Inductance Reduction in GaN Cascode FET for High- Speed Switching and High-Efficiency Operation Woojin Chang International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA) 2016, pp.1-1 | ||
Conference | 2016 | Electrical Design for Noise Suppression of High-Speed Digital Communication Links Myunghoi Kim International Conference on Future Information and Communication Engineering (ICFICE) 2016, pp.245-248 | ||
Conference | 2016 | Performance Evaluation Environment for SRIO Fabric interconnect on Microserver Zi Ho Shin 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2016, pp.1709-1712 | ||
Conference | 2016 | Method and Apparatus of Performing Wireless Communication Using Multiple Directional Antennas for Maritime Broadband Communication (MariComm) System Yoo Dae Seung IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2016, pp.1-2 | ||
Journal | 2016 | Hybrid App Security Protocol for High Speed Mobile Communication Lee Seoung Hyeon Journal of Supercomputing, v.72, no.5, pp.1715-1739 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2016 | 6-Year of Broadband Performance in Korea: A View from the User's Experience Lee Yeonhee IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E99.B, no.3, pp.630-646 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2016 | Hash Table with Expanded-Key for High-Speed Networking 신선호 IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, v.E99.D, no.3, pp.747-750 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2016 | Applying Association Rule Mining for Failure Prediction on High-Speed Train Kim Chul Hong 대한설비관리학회지, v.21, no.1, pp.59-65 | ||
Journal | 2016 | Driving Mechanism of High Speed Electrochromic Devices by Using Patterned Array Tae-Youb Kim Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, v.145, no.1, pp.76-82 | 10 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Cost-Effective and High-Speed Baseband Modem for Gigabit Proximity Wireless Communications Chun Ik Jae 한국 반도체 학술 대회 (KCS) 2016, pp.1-1 | ||
Conference | 2016 | Efficient Doppler Mitigation for High-Speed Rail Communications Hui Bing International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2016, pp.634-638 | 17 | 원문 |
Journal | 2016 | Design of Parasitic Inductance Reduction in GaN Cascode FET for High-Efficiency Operation Woojin Chang ETRI Journal, v.38, no.1, pp.133-140 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Iterative Receiver Algorithm for Millimeter Wave Mobile Hotspot Network System Cho Dae Soon International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2016, pp.401-405 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | High Speed UHD Video Editing System on Cloud Platform Jeong Se Yoon International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) 2016, pp.1-3 | ||
Conference | 2016 | A Study on User-level Remote Memory Extension System Ahn Shin Young International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2016, pp.234-239 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2016 | Design of Distributed Memory Integration Framework(DMIf) Ahn Shin Young International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2016, pp.343-347 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Implementation of Downlink Control Channels for Millimeter Wave Mobile Hotspot Network System Cho Dae Soon International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS) 2015, pp.1-5 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Measurement Data Analysis on the Screening Effect Given to Communication Line by the Metallic Pipe against Induced Voltage Lee Kang In KICS Korea and Southeast Asia ICT International Workshop 2015, pp.25-29 | ||
Journal | 2015 | Fast and Stable Operation of Carbon Nanotube Field-Emission X-Ray Tubes Achieved Using an Advanced Active-Current Control Kang Jun Tae IEEE Electron Device Letters, v.36, no.11, pp.1209-1211 | 32 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | An mm-Wave VCO with a High-Speed Amplitude Modulation Lee Hui Dong International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2015, pp.245-246 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | SRIO Bridge Network Design for Microserver High-Speed Fabric Interconnection Oh Myeong-Hoon 대한전자공학회 학술 대회 (추계) 2015, pp.2557-2560 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Uplink Control Channel of Mobile Hotspot Network Choi Sung Woo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.408-412 | ||
Conference | 2015 | A Study on Millimeter-Wave Beamforming for High-Speed Train Communication Kim Junhyeong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.1193-1196 | ||
Journal | 2015 | Shock Ion Acceleration by an Ultrashort Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse Via Relativistic Transparency in an Exploded Target 김영국 Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, v.92, no.4, pp.1-6 | 19 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Design and Implementation of high speed A/D Converters using Time Interleaving Youngwoo Choi International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.1002-1005 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Distributed Media Processing on Multiple Computing Servers Kangwoon Hong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.953-955 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Protocol for a Simplified Processor-Memory Interface Using High-Speed Serial Link Kwon Hyuk Je International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudComp) 2015 (LNICST 167), v.167, pp.301-310 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | CAN Gateway for Fast Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Communication Hwang Hyun-Yong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.523-525 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Packet Error Rate Measurement Using IEEE 802.15.4-Based Modem on the Korea High-Speed Train Park Dae Geun International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.780-782 | ||
Journal | 2015 | A Multi-Resolution Port Scan Detection Technique for High-Speed Networks Moon Hwa Shin Journal of Information Science and Engineering, v.31, no.5, pp.1613-1632 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Effects on Breakdown Voltage Characteristics of Various Field Plates in GaN FETs Woojin Chang International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS) 2015, pp.1-2 | ||
Journal | 2015 | A Virtualized Network Model for Wellness Information Technology Research 이원혁 Multimedia Tools and Applications, v.74, no.16, pp.6531-6539 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2015 | 60-GHz Low-Power OOK Transmitter in 65-NM CMOS Technology Lee Hui Dong Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v.57, no.8, pp.1977-1980 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | A Design of Resource Fault Handling Mechanism using Dynamic Resource Reallocation for the Resource and Job Management System Kim Young Ho International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2015, pp.701-705 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | A Novel Antenna Tracking Technique for Maritime Broadband Communication (MariComm) System Yoo Dae Seung International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2015, pp.225-229 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Design and Implementation of User-level Remote Memory Extension Library Ahn Shin Young International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2015, pp.739-744 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | DMIf: Distributed Memory Integration framework for Big-Data Application Cha Gyuil Asia Pacific International Conference on Information Science and Technology (APIC-IST) 2015, pp.207-210 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Challenges of LTE High-Speed Railway Network to Coexist with LTE Public Safety Network Jinkyu Choi International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2015, pp.543-547 | 16 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Photonic-Based Millimeter Wave Wireless Link Kim Sungil Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015 in Prague, pp.2242-2246 | ||
Conference | 2015 | The Link Level Performance of IVC System for V2X Communications Song Yoo-Seung International Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2015, pp.42-43 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Pilot Structure for High Speed Vehicular Channels in IEEE 802.16 Mesh network Kim Han Nah 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2015, pp.443-446 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Mobile and Indoor Reception Performance of LDM-Based Next Generation DTV System Liang Zhang International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2015, pp.1-6 | 3 | 원문 |
Journal | 2015 | Real-Time Digital Signal Processing for High-Speed Coherent Optical OFDM Synchronization Rha Hae Young IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.33, no.11, pp.2294-2302 | 9 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Design of High-Speed Controller Area Network Transceiver for Data Communication in Automotive System Cho Min-Hyung 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2015, pp.1183-1186 | ||
Conference | 2015 | Research on Design of LTE-Based High-Speed Railway Networks in Korea: Current and Emerging Issues Jinkyu Choi International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech) 2015 (LNEE 354), v.354, pp.153-159 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2015 | Upscaled sub‐pixel multiplexing of multi‐view images based on weighted view overlay Lee Eung Don Electronics Letters, v.51, no.11, pp.828-830 | 7 | 원문 |
Journal | 2015 | Modeling and Simulation of New Encoding Schemes for High-Speed UHF RFID Communication Mo Sang Hyun ETRI Journal, v.37, no.2, pp.241-250 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2015 | Standard Model Analysis on High-speed Parcel Sorting Process Choi Changyeol 한국경영과학회/대한산업공학회/대한인간공학회/한국산업경영시스템학회/한국시뮬레이션학회 공동 학술 대회 (춘계) 2015, pp.2071-2076 | ||
Conference | 2015 | High-Speed Baseband Modem for 60 GHz Proximity Wireless Communications Chun Ik Jae 한국 반도체 학술 대회 (KCS) 2015, pp.178-178 | ||
Conference | 2015 | PCI Express Gen3 Switch Card Development by Using High-Speed Signal Integrity Analysis Kwon Won-Ok International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2015, pp.547-550 | ||
Conference | 2014 | Exploring Feasibility of User-level Memory Extension to Remote Node Ahn Shin Young International Conference on Internet (ICONI) 2014, pp.1-6 | ||
Conference | 2014 | Fault Detection and Isolation of Multiple Defects in Through Silicon Via (TSV) Channel 정현석 International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC) 2014, pp.1-5 | 5 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Design of a High-speed Delta-sigma Modulator for an Envelope-Digitized RF Transmitter Jang Seunghyun Korea-Japan Microwave Workshop (KJMW) 2014, pp.1-2 | ||
Conference | 2014 | Distributed Memory Integration System for High Performance Data Processing Eun-Ji Lim International Conference on Future Web (ICFW) 2014, pp.1-8 | ||
Conference | 2014 | High-speed Demodulator with Parallel Structure for DVB-S2 System Jung Soo Yeob Ka and Broadband Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference 2014, pp.1-7 | ||
Journal | 2014 | Performance of Inter Vehicle Communication System for Cooperative Driving Service Song Yoo-Seung 대한임베디드공학회논문지, v.9, no.4, pp.293-297 | ||
Conference | 2014 | Uplink Data Channel in A Mobile Wireless Backhaul of mmWave Communications Choi Seung Nam International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2014, pp.717-718 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Synchronization and Cell Searcher Design over OFDM Frame Structure based on Millimeter Waves Chung Hee Sang Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2014 (Fall), pp.1-6 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Design of Downlink Control Channels for Millimeter Wave Mobile Hotspot Network System Cho Dae Soon Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2014 (Fall), pp.1-5 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2014 | Performance Improvements of Pouch-Type Flexible Thin-Film Lithium-Ion Batteries by Modifying Sequential Screen-Printing Process Kang Kunyoung Electrochimica Acta, v.138, pp.294-301 | 37 | 원문 |
Journal | 2014 | Adaptive Logarithmic Increase Congestion Control Algorithm for Satellite Networks Shin Minsu KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, v.8, no.8, pp.2796-2813 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Trajectory Generation Method Using Bezier Spiral Curves for High-Speed On-Road Autonomous Vehicles Park Byungjae International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2014, pp.927-932 | 11 | 원문 |
Journal | 2014 | Development of Millimeter-Wave Communication Modem for Mobile Wireless Backhaul in Mobile Hotspot Network Choi Seung Nam IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, v.3, no.4, pp.212-220 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2014 | High-Speed Continuous-Time Band Pass ΔΣ Modulator for Class-S Systems Park Bong Hyuk Microelectronics Journal, v.45, no.6, pp.559-564 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2014 | Time-Slotted Scheduling Schemes for Multi-hop Concurrent Transmission in WPANs with Directional Antenna Muhammad Bilal ETRI Journal, v.36, no.3, pp.374-384 | 8 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Development of Millimeter-Wave Communication Modem for Mobile Wireless Backhaul Choi Seung Nam International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2014, pp.1-2 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Applications and Market Analysis on High Speed RFID with a Large Memory Chan-Won Park International Conference on Convergence Content (ICCC) 2014, pp.477-478 | ||
Conference | 2014 | PCI Express Gen3 System Switch Card Development Using High-Speed Signal Integrity Analysis Kwon Won-Ok 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2014, pp.1491-1494 | ||
Conference | 2014 | A 12bit 330MS/s Video DAC with High-Speed Asynchronous Digital Signal Level Converter Cho Min-Hyung 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2014, pp.294-297 | ||
Conference | 2014 | A Shared RUs based Distributed Antenna System for High-Speed Trains Kim Junhyeong International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2014, pp.1-2 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2014 | Cloud Transmission: System Performance and Application Scenarios Jon Montalban IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, v.60, no.2, pp.170-184 | 60 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Uplink Design of Millimeter-Wave Mobile Communication Systems for High-Speed Trains Choi Seung Nam Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2014 (Spring), pp.1-5 | 12 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Performance Evaluation for an Inter Vehicle Communication System based on WAVE Technology Song Yoo-Seung International Symposium on Embedded Technology (ISET) 2014, pp.1-2 | ||
Conference | 2014 | The Relay Scheme Over MAC for Data Transmission Performance in Railway Wireless Sensor Network Lim Sun-Hwa International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2014, pp.1008-1011 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2014 | Time Synchronization Method of Network Testing System by Standard Wave Jongkuk Lee International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2014, pp.1136-1139 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2014 | The Model of Reuse for Mobile Device Cloud Environments Kangchan Lee International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, v.8, no.2, pp.87-94 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | Drivable Road Detection with 3D Point Clouds Based on the MRF for Intelligent Vehicle Byun Jaemin International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR) 2013, pp.49-60 | 54 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | Smart WLAN Discovery for Power Saving of Dual‐Mode Terminals Park Hyunho ETRI Journal, v.35, no.6, pp.1144-1147 | 9 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | High-Performance Photoreceivers Based on Vertical-Illumination Type Ge-on-Si Photodetectors Operating up to 43 Gb/s at λ~1550nm In Gyoo Kim Optics Express, v.21, no.25, pp.30718-30725 | 15 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | Measuring Initial Conditions for Baseball Pitching Games Kim Jong Sung ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013, pp.1-1 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | High-speed LDPC Encoder Architecture for Digital Video Broadcasting Systems Lee In Ki International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.606-607 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | Two-Step Handover for LTE HetNet Mobility Enhancements Park Hyun Seo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.763-766 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | Simple Full-Range Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for High Speed CO-OFDM Rha Hae Young Optics Express, v.21, no.20, pp.23896-23906 | 16 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | Study of Clock Synchronization for High Speed Satellite Communication Transmission Pansoo Kim World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS) 2013, pp.1-5 | ||
Conference | 2013 | Distributed Antenna System-based Millimeter-Wave Mobile Broadband Communication System for High Speed Trains Kim Junhyeong International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.218-222 | 50 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | Energy Efficiency of a Wireless Communication Transmitter with Intensity Modulation Lee Seok-Jin International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.1-5 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | 광대역 위성전송을 위한 고속심볼복원 Pansoo Kim International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.480-484 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | Step frequency multi carrier algorithm for highspeed and high-accuracy radio frequency nondestructive road test Dong Kyoo Kim International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.875-878 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | Application of VSI-EBG Structure to High-Speed Differential Signals for Wideband Suppression of Common-Mode Noise Myunghoi Kim ETRI Journal, v.35, no.5, pp.827-837 | 11 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | Performance of Downlink Control Channels for Mobile Hotspot Network System Cho Dae Soon International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.909-912 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | LTE Requirement and Network Architecture Young Ha Lee 주간기술동향, v.1613, pp.1-12 | ||
Journal | 2013 | GESNIC: Detection of HTTP-GET Flooding Attacks for Web Server Protection Kim Hyun Joo Information : An International Interdisciplinary Journal, v.16, no.8(B), pp.6041-6054 | 0 | |
Journal | 2013 | Dynamic Sensor Interrogation Using Wavelength-Swept Laser with a Polygon-Scanner-Based Wavelength Filter 권용석 Sensors, v.13, no.8, pp.9669-9678 | 32 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | Near-Infrared Metatronic Nanocircuits by Design Humeyra Caglayan Physical Review Letters, v.111, no.7, pp.1-5 | 69 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | High-Speed J-Delayed & K-Dimensional LFSR Architecture in VLSI Jeong Chan Bok International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) 2013, pp.433-436 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | Design and Experiment Results of High-Speed Wireless Link Using Sub-terahertz Wave Generated by Photonics-Based Technology Kim Sungil ETRI Journal, v.35, no.4, pp.578-586 | 10 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | Implementation of Face Detection System on Android Platform for Real-Time Applications Han Byung-Gil 대한임베디드공학회논문지, v.8, no.3, pp.137-143 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2013 | Low-Voltage, High Speed Inkjet-Printed Flexible Complementary Polymer Electronic Circuits 백강준 Organic Electronics, v.14, no.5, pp.1407-1418 | 64 | 원문 |
Conference | 2013 | VSI-EBG Structure for Common-mode Noise Suppression in High-speed Differential Signals Myunghoi Kim Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC) 2013, pp.1-4 | ||
Conference | 2013 | Modeling a Golf Ball in Flight Baek Seong Min International Conference on Information Processing and Management (ICIPM) 2013, pp.403-406 | ||
Journal | 2013 | A High Voltage Swing Dual-Band Bandpass ΔΣ Modulator for Mobile Base-Station Park Bong Hyuk IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, v.23, no.4, pp.199-201 | 7 | 원문 |
Journal | 2013 | NetCube: A Comprehensive Network Traffic Analysis Model Based on Multidimensional OLAP Data Cube 박대희 International Journal of Network Management, v.23, no.2, pp.101-118 | 10 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | High-Speed Traveling-Wave Photodetector with a 3-dB Bandwidth of 410 GHz Jeong Woo Park ETRI Journal, v.34, no.6, pp.942-945 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | A switch controlled dual‐band band pass ΔΣ modulator Park Bong Hyuk Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v.54, no.12, pp.2784-2787 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | Digital Compensator for Large Phase-Error Glitches in Digital PLL Lee Ja Yol Electronics Letters, v.48, no.19, pp.1184-1185 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | Digital Signage System for Supporting High Quality Resolution Jung Hyo Taeg International Conference Engineering Industries (ICEI) 2012, pp.1277-1280 | ||
Journal | 2012 | A Long-Range Touch Interface for Interaction with Smart TVs Lee Jae Yeon ETRI Journal, v.34, no.6, pp.932-941 | 8 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | An Enhanced Approach for a Prediction Method of the Propagation Characteristics in Korean Environments at 781 MHz Jung Myoung-Won ETRI Journal, v.34, no.6, pp.911-921 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | A Low Complexity Parallel Architecture of Turbo Decoder Based on QPP Interleaver for 3GPP-LTE/LTE-A Chae Suchang IP-Embedded System Conference & Exhibition (IP-SOC) 2012, pp.1-5 | ||
Journal | 2012 | An Energy Saving Scheme for Multilane-based High-Speed Ethernet Kyeong-Eun Han ETRI Journal, v.34, no.6, pp.807-815 | 6 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | A Dual-Channel Pipelined ADC With Sub-ADC Based on Flash–SAR Architecture Young-Deuk Jeon IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II : Express Briefs, v.59, no.11, pp.741-745 | 16 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | A High-Speed Multi-Exposure Camera for Virtual Sports Games Kim Myunggyu ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, pp.1-1 | ||
Conference | 2012 | A Cost-Effective Vision System for Virtual Sports Kim Jong Sung International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2012, pp.175-176 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | A System Design for IEEE802.11ad Choi Sung Woo Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2012, pp.668-671 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | High-Rate Technology with Multiple Access for Near Field Communication Xin Su Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2012, pp.941-946 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | Optimization of Downlink Power Control based on LTE Park Chul International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2012, pp.536-539 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | Electroabsorption Modulated Laser with High Immunity to Residual Facet Reflection Kwon Oh Kee IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, v.48, no.9, pp.1203-1213 | 10 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | Enhanced EBG-Patterned Power/Ground Plane Structures for Suppressing Power Plane Noises Kwon Jong Hwa International European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe) 2012, pp.1-4 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | The NADIA: A Network Acceleration System with Defense against Network Invasion and Attack Kim Sun Wook IETE Journal of Research, v.58, no.5, pp.398-410 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | Travelling-Wave Type Photomixer with a High Responsivity and a High 3dB Bandwidth Jeong Woo Park International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2012, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | 10-Gb/s Direct Modulation of Polymer-Based Tunable External Cavity Lasers Choi Byung-Seok Optics Express, v.20, no.18, pp.20368-20375 | 6 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | A 4-GHz All Digital PLL with Low-Power TDC and Phase-Error Compensation Lee Ja Yol IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I : Regular Papers, v.59, no.8, pp.1706-1719 | 28 | 원문 |
Journal | 2012 | A Study on Packet Scheduling for LTE Multimedia Data 레탄투안 한국통신학회논문지 B : 네트워크 및 서비스, v.37B, no.8, pp.613-619 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2012 | The Modified Proportional Fair Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Multimedia Traffic in LTE System Le Thanh Tuan International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT) 2012 (LNCS 7425), v.7425, pp.122-129 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | Implementation of GESNIC for Web Server Protection against HTTP GET Flooding Attacks 김현주 International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2012 (LNCS 7690), v.7690, pp.285-295 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | High-Speed High-Performance Vertical-Illumination Type 100% Ge-on-Si Photodetectors for Optical Data Communications In Gyoo Kim Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2012, pp.527-528 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | Methodology for Improving Performance of Traffic Control System Through Processing Traffic Control Policies Sequentially Kim Sang Wan International Conference on Creative Content Technologies (CONTENT) 2012, pp.1-7 | ||
Conference | 2012 | PCI-based High-speed Internet Control and Analysis Platform for Application Monitoring and Control Park Sang Kil International Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP) 2012, pp.1-6 | ||
Conference | 2012 | Defense against TCP Flooding Attack Kim Ik Kyun International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT) 2012, pp.416-420 | 1 | |
Journal | 2012 | Nitrogen doping effect in Ag-SbTe solid electrolyte for programmable metallisation cell memory Park Young Sam Electronics Letters, v.48, no.8, pp.458-460 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2012 | Scheme for Multi-channel Wireless Sensor Network with Redundant Path Kim Kyu Hyung International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST) 2012, pp.195-197 | ||
Conference | 2012 | RTT Fair Congestion Control Algorithm for Satellite Interactive Networks Shin Minsu Computing, Communications and Applications Conference (ComComAp) 2012, pp.339-344 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Automatic High-Speed Flying Ball Detection from Multi-Exposure Images under Varying Light Conditions Kim Jong Sung International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry (VRCAI) 2011, pp.549-552 | 8 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Design Time Stamp Hardware Unit Supporting IEEE 1588 Standard 박재원 International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2011, pp.345-348 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2011 | Graphene-Based Plasmonic Waveguides for Photonic Integrated Circuits Jin Tae Kim Optics Express, v.19, no.24, pp.24557-24562 | 132 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Analog Predistortion Technique in Remodulation based Radio over High-speed Access Network for Improving Sensitivity Jang Seunghyun International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) / Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference (APMP) 2011, pp.339-342 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Frequency Swept Optical Beat Source for CW THz Wave Radiation 전민용 International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2011, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2011 | Weak Avalanche Discrimination for Gated-Mode Single-Photon Avalanche Photodiodes 조석범 Optics Express, v.19, no.19, pp.18510-18515 | 14 | 원문 |
Journal | 2011 | Rapidly Frequency-Swept Optical Beat Source for Continuous Wave Terahertz Generation 전민용 Optics Express, v.19, no.19, pp.18364-18371 | 24 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Design and Implementation of 6/12MHz Switchable QAM Modulator based on DOCSIS 3.0 Ra Sang-Jung International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2011, pp.652-655 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2011 | A Multi-Band OFDM Ultra-Wideband SoC in 90 nm CMOS Technology 김도훈 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.57, no.3, pp.1064-1070 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | High-Speed Architecture for K-Dimensional LFSR in H/W Implementation Jeong Chan Bok International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) 2011, pp.1-4 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Scalable Wireless Network Security for Bluetooth in Global Collaborative Environment Dae-Hee Seo International Conference on Ubi-media Computing (U-Media) 2011, pp.1-6 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Research on the I/O Performance Advancement of a low speed HDD using DDR-SSD Cheong Seung Kook International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech) 2011 (CCIS 184), v.184, pp.508-513 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | The Study of Text Extraction for Forensic Data Su Hyung Jo International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM) 2011, pp.186-189 | ||
Conference | 2011 | Shielding Effect by a Metallic Pipe against Electromagnetic Interference with ELF from High Speed Railway System Sangmu Lee International Conference on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics (ICMTCE) 2011, pp.5-8 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2011 | Gigabit UWB Video Transmission System for Wireless Video Area Network Lee Sangjae IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.57, no.2, pp.395-402 | 9 | 원문 |
Conference | 2011 | Localized EBG Structure with DeCaps for Ultra-wide Suppression of Power Plane Noise Kwon Jong Hwa Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) in Marrakesh, pp.1474-1477 | ||
Conference | 2011 | Antenna Directivity Effect on the Delay Spread at Millimeter-Wave Kim Jong Ho International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2011, pp.8-12 | ||
Conference | 2011 | Gigabit UWB Video Transmission System for Wireless Video Area Network Lee Sangjae International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2011, pp.299-300 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2011 | High speeds complementary integrated circuits fabricated with all‐printed polymeric semiconductors Kang-Jun Baeg Journal of Polymer Science Part B : Polymer Physics, v.49, no.1, pp.62-67 | 103 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | On the Design of Orthogonal QPSK Baseband Modem for High Speed Data Transmission Seung Keun Park International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) 2010 / International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS) 2010, pp.1253-1256 | 0 | |
Conference | 2010 | High Speed Lightening of CNT Field Emission Backlight for LCD by Enhanced Turn-off Current Driving Method Jeong Jin Woo International Display Workshops (IDW) 2010, pp.2017-2018 | ||
Journal | 2010 | Factors Influencing the User Acceptance of Digital Home Services 노미진 Telecommunications Policy, v.34, no.11, pp.672-682 | 21 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | A Modified Multi-Resolution Approach for Port Scan Detection Moon Hwa Shin Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2010, pp.1-5 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | Mobile WiMAX Performance Measurements and the Selection of Path Loss Model for UGV Lee Meong-Hun International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2010, pp.183-184 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | Hardware Efficient Hybrid Logarithmic Approach for RRC filter Design in DVB-S2 Receiver Vikas Agarwal Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC-SAT) 2010, pp.1-5 | ||
Conference | 2010 | real-time Implementation of Simulator for Seamless Lawful Interception Byungsik Yoon International Conference Circuits and Systems (CS) 2010, pp.231-235 | ||
Conference | 2010 | Design and Implementation of a Cable MAC (Media Access Control) for High-Speed Broadband Downstream Service Taekyoon Kim International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT) 2010, pp.1-5 | ||
Conference | 2010 | Network Intrusion Prevention System based on TOE Kim Sun Wook International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2010, pp.1-6 | ||
Conference | 2010 | Computationally Efficient Coherent Correlator Design for DVB-S2 Receiver Vikas Agarwal International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE) 2010, pp.V2-58-V2-62 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | An Adaptive Equalizer for Error Free 40GbE Data Transmission on 40 Inch High-speed Backplane Channel Yang Choong Reol International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2010, pp.1-3 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | A Full HD High Profile H.264/AVC Hardware Codec Design with Fast Motion Estimation and Compensation Sukho Lee International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2010, pp.139-142 | ||
Conference | 2010 | High Speed Optical Transmission R&D in ETRI Kim Kwangjoon International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN) 2010, pp.1-4 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | Design of Parallel Scrambler in High-speed Serial Protocol Kwon Won-Ok International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2010, pp.59-62 | ||
Journal | 2010 | High-Responsivity and High-Speed Waveguide Photodiode With a Thin Absorption Region Jeong Woo Park IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.22, no.13, pp.975-977 | 12 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | A Novel TFT with a Laterally Engineered Bandgap for of 3D Logic and Flash Memory 최성진 Symposium on VLSI Technology (VLSIT) 2010, pp.111-112 | 26 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | Design of Broadband Circuits for Ultra High-Speed Wireless Communications Jang Seunghyun 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2010, pp.523-526 | ||
Conference | 2010 | A Compact 4 × 10-Gb/s CWDM ROSA Module for 40G Ethernet Optical Transceiver Kang Sae-Kyoung Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) 2010, pp.2001-2005 | 9 | 원문 |
Journal | 2010 | An Adaptive Equalizer for Error Free 40GbE Data Transmission on 40 inch High-Speed Backplane Channel Yang Choong Reol 한국통신학회논문지 B : 네트워크 및 융합 서비스, v.35, no.5, pp.809-815 | ||
Journal | 2010 | Novel Electromagnetic Bandgap Array Structure on Power Distribution Network for Suppressing Simultaneous Switching Noise and Minimizing Effects on High-Speed Signals Kwon Jong Hwa IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.52, no.2, pp.365-372 | 55 | 원문 |
Journal | 2010 | Partial EBG Structure with DeCap for Ultra-wideband Suppression of Simultaneous Switching Noise in a High-Speed System Kwon Jong Hwa ETRI Journal, v.32, no.2, pp.265-272 | 19 | 원문 |
Journal | 2010 | Efficient Implementation of a Pseudorandom Sequence Generator for High-Speed Data Communications Hwang Soo Yun ETRI Journal, v.32, no.2, pp.222-229 | 20 | 원문 |
Journal | 2010 | First Commercial Deployment of a Colorless Gigabit WDM/TDM Hybrid PON System Using Remote Protocol Terminator Jie Hyun Lee IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.28, no.4, pp.344-351 | 58 | 원문 |
Journal | 2010 | High Definition Video Transmission Using Bluetooth over UWB Chun Young Ae IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.56, no.1, pp.27-33 | 21 | 원문 |
Conference | 2010 | High definition video transmisision using Bluetooth over UWB Lee Sangjae International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2010, pp.1-7 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | High-Speed Control Mechanisms in NGN Rs and Rw Interfaces 차영욱 International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (ICUT) 2009, pp.1-6 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | Digital Forensic System using Security Acceleration Card Su Hyung Jo International Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ICCCS) 2009, pp.1-4 | ||
Conference | 2009 | A new Architecture of Viterbi Decoder for UWB Choi Sung Woo International Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ICCCS) 2009, pp.1-4 | ||
Journal | 2009 | Antenna Beam Pattern Characteristics of HAPS user Terminal Ku Bon Jun IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E92-B, no.11, pp.3394-3396 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | Efficient K-Best Detection Technique for MIMO-OFDM-based Mobile Multimedia Systems Baek Myung-Sun International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT) 2009, pp.847-851 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | IGMP Extentions for Mobile Multimedia Services 이은조 International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC) 2009, pp.291-295 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | Two-Parallel Concatenated BCH Super-FEC Architecture for 100-GB/S Optical Communications 윤상호 Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS) 2009, pp.36-39 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2009 | Enhanced Photo-Assisted Electrical Gating in Vanadium Dioxide based on Saturation-Induced Gain Modulation of Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 이용욱 Optics Express, v.17, no.22, pp.19605-19610 | 15 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | Highly Fluorinated and Photocrosslinkable Liquid Prepolymers for Flexible Optical Waveguides Park Seung Koo International Conference on Frontier Photoscience and Functional Materials (ICFPFM & KJFP) 2009, pp.1-2 | ||
Conference | 2009 | TCP Performance Enhancing Mechanism on Vertical Handoff of Satellite based Wireless Internet in High-Speed Train Park Mankyu Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC-SAT) 2009, pp.117-122 | ||
Conference | 2009 | Policy-Based Monitoring and High Precision Control for Converged Multi-Gigabit IP Networks Taesang Choi Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) 2009 (LNCS 5787), v.5787, pp.112-121 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | High-Speed RPCVD Ge Waveguide Photodetector Suh Dongwoo International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP) 2009, pp.16-18 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | High Speed Pattern Matching for Deep Packet Inspection Kim Junghak International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology (ISCIT) 2009, pp.1310-1315 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | Policy-Based Charging and High Precision Control for Converged Multigigabit IP Networks Taesang Choi ITU-T Kaleidoscope Academic Conference 2009, pp.1-8 | ||
Conference | 2009 | The Study of Gap Filler for Satellite Communication System Ryu Joon Gyu International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICICT) 2009, pp.1-4 | ||
Journal | 2009 | Partial Placement of EBG on Both Power and Ground Planes for Broadband Suppression of Simultaneous Switching Noise Kwon Jong Hwa IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E92-B, no.7, pp.2550-2553 | 10 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | Factors Influencing Customer Retention and Switching in the Korean Broadband Internet Service Market Kim Moon-Koo International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE) 2009, pp.294-298 | ||
Conference | 2009 | Wireless Sensor Network Testbed for Real-Time Sensor Monitoring Hong Sang Gi International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM) 2009, pp.486-489 | 8 | 원문 |
Journal | 2009 | Impacts of the SCA Core Framework on High Speed Broadband Waveform in SDR Handheld System Sang Chul Oh IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E92-B, no.6, pp.2095-2101 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2009 | Novel triangular‐type electromagnetic bandgap structure for ultra‐broadband suppression of simultaneous switching noise Kwon Jong Hwa Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v.51, no.5, pp.1356-1358 | 6 | 원문 |
Journal | 2009 | 36-GHz High-Responsivity Ge Photodetectors Grown by RPCVD Suh Dongwoo IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.21, no.10, pp.672-674 | 36 | 원문 |
Conference | 2009 | New Pilot Designs and ICI Mitigation for OFDM Downlink Systems based on IEEE 802.16m Standards over High Speed Vehicular Channels 민현기 Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2009, pp.1-5 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2009 | 3GPP LTE Advanced 표준화 동향 및 Seamless Mobility 기술 Cheon Kyung-Yul 정보와 통신 : 한국통신학회지, v.26, no.2, pp.23-30 | ||
Conference | 2009 | A Case Study of Unknown Attack Detection Against Zero-day Worm in the HoneyNet Environment Kim Ik Kyun International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2009, pp.1715-1720 | ||
Conference | 2009 | Design and Implementation of IPv6 Pakcet Forwarding Engine for Flow based Router Yongwook Ra International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2009, pp.1-4 | ||
Journal | 2009 | Multi-Hash based Pattern Matching Mechanism for High-Performance Intrusion Detection Byoung Koo Kim International Journal of Computers, v.3, no.1, pp.115-124 | ||
Conference | 2008 | High Speed Flash Memory and 1T-DRAM on Dopant Segregated Schottky Barrier (DSSB) FinFET SONOS Device for Multi-functional SoC Applications 최성진 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 2008, pp.1-4 | 17 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Partial EBG Placement on PDN to Effectively Suppress Simultaneous Switching Noise Kwon Jong Hwa Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium (EDAPS) 2008, pp.89-92 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | H/W based Stateful Packet Inspection using a Novel Session Architecture Yoon Seung Yong International Journal of Computers, v.3, no.2, pp.310-319 | ||
Conference | 2008 | Forensic Index Search of Large Scale Digital Evidences Su Hyung Jo International Conference on Computers, Communications and Systems (ICCCS) 2008, pp.1-4 | ||
Conference | 2008 | 40-Gb/s Two-Parallel Reed-Solomon based Forward Error Correction Architecture for Optical Communications 이승범 Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS) 2008, pp.882-885 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Dynamic Interface Selection Using Policy Routing for Multihoming in Mobile Router with Dual Interfaces Lee Gyu Myoung TENCON 2008, pp.1-5 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | The multi-scalable Modulation; Self-Orthogonalizing Per Tone Equalizer and Its Analysis Dong Kyoo Kim International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICCIT) 2008, pp.154-157 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | 100-Gb/s Three-parallel Reed-Solomon Based Foward Error Correction Architecture for Optical Communications 이한호 International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2008, pp.I-265-I-268 | 9 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | An Efficient Multi-hash Pattern Matching Scheme for Intrusion Detection in FPGA-based Reconfiguring Hardware Byoung Koo Kim International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS) 2008, pp.199-204 | ||
Conference | 2008 | Design of High Energy Efficiency 32bit Processing Unit Using Instruction-Levels Data Gating and Dynamic Voltage Scaling techniques Yang Yil Suk International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2008, pp.II-69-II-72 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | An Architecture of Unknown Attack Detection System against Zero-day Worm Kim Ik Kyun International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS) 2008, pp.205-211 | ||
Conference | 2008 | A Timing Synchronization Design in OFDM Systems Hwang Hyungu International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC) 2008, pp.290-293 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | High-Speed Hardware Architectures for ARIA with Composite Field Arithmetic and Area-Throughput Trade-Offs Lee Sang-Woo ETRI Journal, v.30, no.5, pp.707-717 | 5 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | A 52GHz Millimeter-Wave PLL Synthesizer for 60GHz WPAN Radio Lee Ja Yol European Micorwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC) 2008, pp.155-158 | 7 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | 125 Gbps optical modulation of silicon racetrack resonator based on carrier-depletion in asymmetric p-n diode You Jongbum Optics Express, v.16, no.22, pp.18340-18344 | 70 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Performance Evaluation of TCAM Based Pattern-Matching Algorithm Sung Jung Sik Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2008 (Fall), pp.1-5 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | An Implementation of GSG with Parallel Outputs Targeting MIMO Detector Soo Yun Hwang Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2008 (Fall), pp.1-5 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | Bio-information scanning technology using an optical pick-up head Kang-Ho Park Ultramicroscopy, v.108, no.10, pp.1319-1324 | 6 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | 60-GHz System-on-Packaging Transmitter for Radio-Over-Fiber Applications Kim Je Ha Journal of Lightwave Technology, v.26, no.15, pp.2379-2387 | 9 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | High-speed Search using Tarari Content Processor in Digital Forensics Jooyoung Lee Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS) 2008, pp.S91-S95 | 9 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | The Gap Filler Technology for Mobile Satellite System Ryu Joon Gyu Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems (ASMS) 2008, pp.33-36 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Considerations of the SLA Management System Lee Jun Woo International Conference on Security and Management (SAM) 2008, pp.1-5 | ||
Conference | 2008 | DSP Design and Implementation for the UE Modem Controller of the 3G Long-Term Evolution Ok-Sun Park International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC) 2008, pp.395-398 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Four Band Feed System with Electrical Tracking Capability for Ku/Ka Band Bi-directional Antenna Yun So-Hyeun International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (APSURSI) 2008, pp.1-4 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | A self-calibrated LC quadrature VCO in a current-limited region Byun Sangjin Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) 2008, pp.379-382 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | A Simple Remedy for Idle Mode via Proxy MIP Jin Sung-Geun IEEE Communications Letters, v.12, no.6, pp.423-425 | 5 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Time Stamp Protocol for Smart Environment Services Lee Deok Gyu International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC) 2008 (LNCS 5061), v.5061, pp.591-601 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | 기지국용 Digital IF 방식 트랜시버 기술 Bong-Guk Yu 주간기술동향, v.1350, pp.1-13 | ||
Journal | 2008 | Development of a Face Verification System for a Home Service Robot Yun Woo Han Advanced Robotics, v.22, no.6, pp.749-760 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | Hyperelliptic Curve Crypto-Coprocessor over Affine and Projective Coordinates Kim Ho Won ETRI Journal, v.30, no.3, pp.365-376 | 5 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Numerical Modeling and Measurements on the Shielding Effectiveness of Enclosure with Apertures Kwon Jong Hwa Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC) / International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2008, pp.887-890 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Gap Filler Architectures for Seamless DVB-S2/RCS Provision in the Railway Environment Gianluigi Liva Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2008 (Spring), pp.2996-3000 | 5 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Wireless Access on Next Generation Broadband Internet Services Seung-Que Lee Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2008 (Spring), pp.2810-2813 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Convergence of High-speed Powerline Communication and WiMedia UWB for Multimedia Home Networks Lee Kwangil International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC) 2008, pp.147-151 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | A High Speed Disk Imaging System Lee Sang Su International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2008, pp.1-3 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | An Improved Implementation Method of The Gold Sequence Generator Soo Yun Hwang International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2008, pp.1-4 | 8 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Wire-speed Application Flow Generation in Hardware Platform for Multi-gigabit Traffic Monitoring Taesang Choi Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2008, pp.184-191 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | System-On-Packaging Transmitter for 60-GHz Electric-to-Optical Signal Conversion Kim Je Ha Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM) 2008, pp.1-3 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | Technique for Estimating the Number of Active Flows in High-Speed Networks Yi Sungwon ETRI Journal, v.30, no.2, pp.194-204 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | Quality-of-Service Mechanisms for Flow-Based Routers Namseok Ko ETRI Journal, v.30, no.2, pp.183-193 | 11 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | FIR Filter of DS-CDMA UWB Modem Transmitter Kang Kyu-Min IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E91-B, no.3, pp.907-909 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | An Execution Model of MAC on System Kernel for WiBro Access Terminal Seung-Que Lee International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2008, pp.1066-1069 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | pFlours: A New Packet and Flow Gathering Tool 한병진 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2008, pp.731-736 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | Internet Protocol Engine in TCP/IP Offloading Engine Kim Dae Won International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2008, pp.270-275 | 6 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | An Efficient Global Request Dispatching Scheme for Multimedia Streaming Services Chang Soo Kim International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2008, pp.1278-1282 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2008 | Multi-Domain Security Management Framework and Its Performance Evaluation to Protect BcN Infrastructure 장정숙 International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, v.8, no.1, pp.85-95 | ||
Conference | 2008 | Development of Gateway-Sink Node for Wireless Sensor Network Using ZigBee 김동원 International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2008, pp.1-2 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2008 | High Speed Search for Large-Scale Digital Forensic Investigation Jee Hyung-Keun International Conference on Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information, and Multimedia and Workshop (e-Forensics) 2008, pp.1-4 | ||
Journal | 2007 | 고속 열차 대상의 위성 인터넷 서비스 제공을 위한 위성 무선 연동 기술(서비스 시나리오 관점) Shin Minsu 통신위성우주산업연구회논문지, v.2, no.2, pp.69-74 | ||
Journal | 2007 | Multi-bit Sigma-Delta Modulator for Low Distortion and High-Speed Operation Kim Yi-Gyeong ETRI Journal, v.29, no.6, pp.835-837 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | Performance Evaluation of a Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm of E-PON 주운기 산업공학, v.20, no.4, pp.427-437 | ||
Conference | 2007 | Processing of Multi-pattern Signature in Intrusion Detection System with Content Processor Young Ho Kim International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2007, pp.1-4 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Characteristics of Amplifier-integrated 40 Gbps Optical Receiver and Transmitter Modules Choi Kwang-Seong Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) 2007, pp.604-608 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Performance Characteristic of satellite Wibro system in the high-speed Railroad Channel Environment 송승원 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC-SAT) 2007, pp.1-11 | ||
Conference | 2007 | Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Readout Integrated Circuit (ROIC) for Capacitive MEMS Sensors Lee Myung Lae SENSORS 2007, pp.260-263 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | SDR 기반의 이중모드 기지국 Seo Seok 전자파기술, v.18, no.4, pp.29-37 | ||
Journal | 2007 | DVB-S2/mobile DVB-RCS 표준 기반의 광대역 양방향 위성접속 시스템 개발 Pansoo Kim Space Communications, v.21, no.1-2, pp.19-30 | ||
Conference | 2007 | A Practical Approach for Detecting Executable Codes in Network Traffic Kim Ik Kyun Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) 2007 (LNCS 4773), v.4773, pp.354-363 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | ATPS – Adaptive Threat Prevention System for High-Performance Intrusion Detection and Response Byoung Koo Kim Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) 2007 (LNCS 4773), v.4773, pp.344-353 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | A Convolution Coding Scheme for PAR Reduction in WLAN-OFDM System Lee Jaekwon International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IPC) 2007, pp.98-100 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Design and Implementation of Protocols Related to Radio Network Layer over eNB in 3GPP LTE System Soongi Park Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2007 (Fall), pp.194-199 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Consolidating with Media Streaming Server and Network Storage Card Lee Yong-Ju International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBIS) 2007 (LNCS 4658), v.4658, pp.495-504 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Row-splitting design of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Gbps transmission Oh Jong-Ee Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2007 (Fall), pp.1127-1131 | 3 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | A 3.1 to 5 GHz CMOS Transceiver for DS-UWB Systems Park Bong Hyuk ETRI Journal, v.29, no.4, pp.421-429 | 12 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Row-splitting Design of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Gbps Wireless Transmission Oh Jong-Ee International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications (AusWireless) 2007, pp.1-5 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Monolithically Integrated High Speed Optoelectronic Transceiver Device for RF-to-optic Signal Conversion Kim Je Ha Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO/PR) 2007, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | Low Power and High Speed Phase-change Memory Devices with Silicon-germanium Heating Layers Lee Seung-Yun Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, v.25, no.4, pp.1244-1248 | 16 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | A Fully Hardware-oriented Medium Access Slot Management for WiMedia MAC Lee Sangjae International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2007, pp.1-4 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Jitter Effect on a Digital IF Transceiver for SDR-based Mobile communication Base Station Bong-Guk Yu International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2007, pp.1-6 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | The Gap Filler Technology for Mobile Satellite System Ryu Joon Gyu International Symposium Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) 2007, pp.3033-3036 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Design and Implementation of QoS Guaranteed Bridge System for High Speed PLC and UWB Park Dong-Hwan International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2007, pp.1-6 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | Detection of DDoS and IDS Evasion Attacks in a High-Speed Networks Environment Park Sang Kil International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, v.7, no.6, pp.124-131 | ||
Conference | 2007 | Interconnection Scenario and Regulation under NGN Environment in the Case of Korea 구정은 International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS) 2007, pp.1-3 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | SCA-Based Reconfigurable Access Terminal Kim Jun Sik International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2007 (LNCS 4490), v.4490, pp.713-716 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | Coded Decision-Directed Channel Estimation for Coherent Detection in Terrestrial DMB Receivers 김완진 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.53, no.2, pp.319-326 | 9 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | An FPGA Implementation of High-Speed Adaptive Turbo Decoder 김민혁 한국통신학회논문지 C : 통신이론 및 시스템, v.32, no.4, pp.379-388 | ||
Journal | 2007 | The impact of network service performance on customer satisfaction and loyalty: High-speed internet service case in Korea 김광재 Expert Systems with Applications, v.32, no.3, pp.822-831 | 62 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | An Assessment of the BER Performance of the COMS Ka-Band Satellite Communications System You Moonhee AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) 2007, pp.1-7 | 0 | |
Journal | 2007 | Determinants of Adoption of Mobile Games Under Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Environment 하인숙 Information & Management, v.44, no.3, pp.276-286 | 482 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Memory-efficient content filtering hardware for high-speed intrusion detection systems Yi Sungwon Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) 2007, pp.264-269 | 15 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | Optimization of High Responsivity Waveguide Photodiode with a Thin Absorption Layer Jeong Woo Park Applied Physics Letters, v.90, no.9, pp.1-3 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | High-Speed Concurrent Attack Responding System using FPGA Supporting IPv4/IPv6 Park Sang Kil International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2007, pp.1252-1257 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | Design and Implementation of a High-Speed Descrambling Engine for Multi-stream CableCARD Jung Joon Young IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.53, no.1, pp.166-171 | 1 | 원문 |
Journal | 2007 | QoS-aware Bridge for High-speed Powerline Communication and Ethernet Park Jun Hee IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.53, no.1, pp.50-54 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Analysis of Software Streaming Data Kang Sung Joo International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2007, pp.1210-1215 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Design and Implementation of Ethernet/High-speed Power Line Communication Bridge Supporting QoS Lee Kwangil International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2007, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Coded Decision Directed Channel Estimation for Terrestrial DMB Receivers 김완진 International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2007, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2007 | Design and Implementation of a High-Speed Descrambling Engine for Multi-stream CableCARD Jung Joon Young International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2007, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | On Recovery Algorithm for Fault-Tolerance in Multicast Trees Seong-Soon Joo Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA) 2006 (LNCS 4331), v.4331, pp.358-367 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | Log-Polar Coordinate Image Space for the Efficient Detection of Vanishing Points 서경석 ETRI Journal, v.28, no.6, pp.819-821 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Internet Protocol Engine Design for 1Gbps TCP/IP Offloading Engine Kim Dae Won 대한전자공학회 종합 학술 대회 (추계) 2006, pp.530-533 | ||
Conference | 2006 | Design and Implementation of High Performance SMART for HD Video On Demand Park Yoo Hyun International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT) 2006, pp.328-333 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Gigabit Networking: Linux Kernel Module Suite With Dual Support for Toe and Gnic Neeraj Kushwaha International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology (CIIT) 2006, pp.206-211 | ||
Conference | 2006 | The Differential Structure of sub pixels Interpolated from Integer Pixels Using n-tab FIR Filters for High Definition H.264 Video Encoding Jinwuk Seok International Conference on Multimedia (MM) 2006, pp.667-670 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | An Economic Analysis of WiBro(Wireless Broadband) Service in Korea 여재현 ITS World Congress 2006, pp.1-11 | ||
Conference | 2006 | Design and Implementation of a Multi-stream CableCARD with a High-Speed DVB-Common Descrambler Jung Joon Young International Conference on Multimedia (MM) 2006, pp.165-168 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Design and Implementation of Efficient Beamforming Transmitter in OFDMA/TDD System Park Hyeong Sook Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006 (Fall), pp.605-609 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | Development of Packaging Technologies for High-Speed ($≫40$Gb/s) Optical Modules Choi Kwang-Seong IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, v.12, no.5, pp.1017-1023 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | SiGe BiCMOS Technology for High Speed Communications Lee Sang-Heung Workshop on SiGe and Related Semiconductor 2006, pp.1-23 | ||
Conference | 2006 | High Isolation and High Speed 4x4 Microwave Switch Matrix for the Coms KA-Band Communication Payload Ju In Kwon Ka and Broadband Communications Conference 2006, pp.1-6 | ||
Conference | 2006 | Design and Implementation of High-Performance Security Gateway System Yoon Seung Yong Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS) 2006, pp.1-15 | ||
Conference | 2006 | Novel Traffic Measurement Methodology for High Precision Applications Awareness in Multi-gigabit Networks Taesang Choi Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) 2006 (LNCS 4238), v.4238, pp.63-72 | 1 | |
Conference | 2006 | Optical Transmitter Module using Polymer Waveguide with Fully Integrated Reflector Mirrors Cho In Kui Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices III (APOC) 2006 (SPIE 6351), v.6351, pp.1-7 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Bi-directional ONT Module for Asymmetric 10Gbit/s PON Kim Jong Deog European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2006, pp.1-2 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Broadband Systems based on DVB-S2 and Mobile DVB-RCS, and their Future Applications to Broadband Mobiles Lee Ho Jin International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC) 2006, pp.98-102 | 5 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | Piecewise Phase Recovery Algorithm Using Block Turbo Codes for Next Generation Mobile Communications Sunheui Ryoo ETRI Journal, v.28, no.4, pp.435-443 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | Micromachined Air-Gap Structure MEMS Acoustic Sensor using Reproducible High-Speed Lateral Etching and CMP Process Sang Choon Ko Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v.16, no.10, pp.2071-2076 | 15 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | FPGA Based Intrusion Detection System Against Unknown and Known Attacks Dong Ho Kang Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents (PRIMA) 2006 (LNCS 4088), v.4088, pp.801-806 | 3 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | Demonstration of high-speed transmission through waveguide-embedded optical backplane Ahn Seung Ho Optical Engineering, v.45, no.8, pp.1-34 | 8 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | A Four-Channel Laser Array with Four 10 Gbps Monolithic EAMs Each Integrated with a DBR Laser Jae-Sik Sim ETRI Journal, v.28, no.4, pp.533-536 | 10 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | A Study on Value Assessment of Internet Service in Korea Kang Sun A Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2006, pp.2015-2017 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | The Wireless Broadband (WiBro) System for Broadband Wireless Internet Services Seung-Que Lee IEEE Communications Magazine, v.44, no.7, pp.106-112 | 45 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | A Study on Retaining Existing Customers in the Korean High-Speed Internet Service Market Min Jeong Kim Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2006, pp.1970-1976 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | A Study on the Need for a Method of Improving the Inactive Wireless Internet Service in Korea Han Eok-Soo Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2006, pp.2047-2051 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | Development of Small Form Factor Optical Disk for Mobile Device Application Ryu Hojun Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v.45, no.7, pp.5798-5800 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Deploying and Evaluation IPv6 Transition Mechanism in Next Generation Router Yang Mi Jeong Joint International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network (COIN-NGNCON) 2006, pp.100-102 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | An Efficient Design of High Speed Network Security Platform using Network Processor Jeon Yong-Sung International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA) 2006, pp.121-123 | ||
Conference | 2006 | Hardware Supports for Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Kim Dae Won International Conference on Internet Computing and Conference on Computer Games Development (ICOMP) 2006, pp.1-5 | ||
Conference | 2006 | Four-Way Video Conference in Home Server for Digital Home Han Intark International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2006, pp.64-69 | 3 | |
Conference | 2006 | Performance of an Efficient Performing Authentication to Obtain Access to Public Wireless LAN with a Cache Table Hyun-Woo Lee International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2006, pp.2376-2381 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | High Speed 4x4 MMIC Microwave Switch Matrix with 60dB On-to-off Isolation for Satellite Applications Youn Sub Noh AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) 2006, pp.1-4 | ||
Conference | 2006 | Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2006 Dong Ho Kang International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) 2006 (LNCS 3980), v.3980, pp.1-10 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2006 | Lattice Array Receiver and Sender for Spatially OrthoNormal MIMO Communication Cho Dae Soon Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006 (Spring), pp.192-195 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Evolving Toward Next Generation Wireless Broadband Internet Seung-Que Lee International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2006 (LNCS 3994), v.3994, pp.168-171 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | Design and Implementation of FPGA Based High-Performance Intrusion Detection System Byoung Koo Kim International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2006 (LNCS 3975), v.3975, pp.724-725 | 4 | 원문 |
Journal | 2006 | Controlling the Hydrophilicity of Microchannels with Bonding Adhesives Containing Surfactants 임용택 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v.16, no.7, pp.N9-N16 | 12 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | XML-Signcryption Based LBS Security Protocol Acceleration Methods in Mobile Distributed Computing Park Nam Je International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) 2006 (LNCS 3984), v.3984, pp.251-259 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | A Development of Human-Robot Interaction Components for URC Intelligent Service Robots Keun-Chang Kwak IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2006, pp.1-3 | ||
Journal | 2006 | Development of Mobile Broadband Interactive Satellite Access System for Ku/Ka Band Song Yun Jeong International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, v.24, no.2, pp.101-117 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | A Fast Pattern-Matching Algorithm for Network Intrusion Detection System Sung Jung Sik International Conference on Research in Networking (Networking) 2006 (LNCS 3976), v.3976, pp.1157-1162 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | RS Decoder Architecture for UWB Choi Sung Woo International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.805-808 | 5 | |
Conference | 2006 | Design and Implementation of a Storage Management Method for Content Distribution Chang Soo Kim International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1143-1147 | 3 | |
Conference | 2006 | Paging Scheme for High-Speed Portable Internet (HPi) System Hyunsuk Roh International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1729-1732 | 5 | |
Conference | 2006 | High-Speed Attack Mitigation Engine by Packet Filtering and Rate-limiting using FPGA Park Sang Kil International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.680-685 | 2 | |
Conference | 2006 | Fabrication of 4-channel Monolithic Integrated with DBR Laser - Electroabsorption Modulator Jae-Sik Sim 한국 반도체 학술 대회 (KCS) 2006, pp.1-2 | ||
Conference | 2006 | High Speed MPEG-2 TS Scrambling System with DVB-Common Scrambling Algorithm Jung Joon Young International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1913-1916 | 1 | |
Conference | 2006 | Implementation of 10 Giga VPN Accelerator Board Kim Ki Hyun International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1552-1556 | 0 | |
Conference | 2006 | Enhanced Automatic Gain Control using the Hybrid Gamma Parameter in the DVB-S2 System Oh Cheonin International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1167-1171 | 15 | 원문 |
Conference | 2006 | A Mixed-Radix 4-2 Butterfly with Simple Bit Revering for Ordering the Output Sequences Moon Young Jin International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1771-1774 | 3 | |
Journal | 2006 | Enhancement of Clock Component in a Nonreturn-to-Zero Signal through Beating Process Jaemyoung Lee Optical Fiber Technology, v.12, no.1, pp.59-70 | 7 | 원문 |
Conference | 2005 | High Speed 4x4 Microwave Switch Matrix Using MMIC SPST Switch for Satellite Applications Youn Sub Noh Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2005, pp.1-4 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2005 | An Efficient Multi-Packet Inspection Scheme without Packet Reassmbly Woo-Sug Jung International Conference on Computational and Information Science (CIS) 2005, pp.1-5 | ||
Journal | 2005 | The Economic Value of Next-Generation Converged Communications and Broadcasting Services 강신원 ETRI Journal, v.27, no.6, pp.759-767 | 12 | 원문 |
Journal | 2005 | Dual Mode Lane Control System(DLCS) for ETC in Korea Cho Han Byeog ITS World Congress 2005, v.권호없음, pp.1-8 | ||
Conference | 2005 | A Multi-gigabit Rate Deep Packet Inspection Algorithm using TCAM Sung Jung Sik GLOBECOM 2005, pp.453-457 | 28 | 원문 |
Journal | 2005 | A High-Density Two-Dimensional Parallel Optical Interconnection Module Han Sang-Pil IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.17, no.11, pp.2448-2450 | 19 | 원문 |
Journal | 2005 | A CMOS burst-mode optical transmitter for 1.25-Gb/s ethernet PON applications Yong-Hun Oh IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II : Express Briefs, v.52, no.11, pp.780-783 | 17 | 원문 |
Conference | 2005 | Improving Peformance of Objectionable Video Classification Using Image Quality Assessment Lee Ho Gyun 한국경영정보학회 (KMIS) 학술 대회 2005, pp.1-4 | ||
Journal | 2005 | Design and Architecture of Low-Latency High-Speed Turbo Decoders 정지원 ETRI Journal, v.27, no.5, pp.525-532 | 4 | 원문 |
Conference | 2005 | Hardware/software codesign of TDMA MAC applied to IEEE 802.16 subscriber station Sung Nak Woon International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2005, pp.2670-2674 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2005 | UMTS와 HPi 시스템간 망간 연동을 위한 인증 구조 Lim Sun-Hwa Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2005 (Fall), pp.774-778 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2005 | New circulator structure with high isolation for time division duplexing radio systems Jung Jaeho Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2005 (Fall), pp.2766-2769 | 14 | 원문 |
Conference | 2005 | Polymeric Waveguide Devices for Optical Communications Myung Hyun Lee OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2005, pp.1-2 | ||
Conference | 2005 | streaming server를 위한 zero-copy mechanism을 이용한 고속 multimedia streaming card의 방법 Byung Kwon Jung International Technical Conference on Circuits Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2005, pp.783-784 | ||
Conference | 2005 | 스트리밍서버를 위한 고속 멀티미디어 스트리밍카드의 성능분석 Byung Kwon Jung International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS) 2005, pp.637-640 | ||
Conference | 2005 | Guaranteed Passive Coupled-Microstrip Interconnect Modeling Using Finite Element Method Se-Ho You IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium 2005, pp.1431-1434 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2005 | 휴대인터넷 서비스 제공을 위한 IEEE 802.16 표준화 동향 Yeh Choongil 전자공학회지, v.32, no.6, pp.43-51 | ||
Journal | 2005 | A four-channel 3.125-Gb/s/ch CMOS serial-link transceiver with a mixed-mode adaptive equalizer 김진욱 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, v.40, no.2, pp.462-471 | 30 | 원문 |
Conference | 2005 | Streaming service framework based on high-performance hardware for high bit-rate contents Jung Young-Woo International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2005, pp.1319-1323 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2005 | Performance evaluation of channel zapping protocol in broadcasting services over hybrid WDM-PON 김재관 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2005, pp.1152-1155 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2005 | Performance Measuring of Shared Channel Thresholds in Overlay WDM-PON 정복래 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2005, pp.128-130 | 0 | |
Conference | 2005 | 200Mbps Viterbi Decoder for UWB Choi Sung Woo International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2005, pp.904-907 | ||
Conference | 2005 | A study of the Interference Measurement Analysis between SDMB System and UWB Wireless Communication System 송홍종 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2005, pp.1117-1120 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2005 | An Efficient Method for Supporting Multiple types of Services on SMART Server Chang Soo Kim International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2005, pp.710-713 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2005 | TCP Transfer Mode for the IEEE 802.15.3 High-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks 이병주 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2005 (LNCS 3391), v.3391, pp.912-922 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2004 | Performance Enhancement of High-Speed TCP Protocols using Pacing 최영수 한국통신학회논문지, v.29, no.12B, pp.1052-1062 | ||
Conference | 2004 | 내부 RF-이득을 갖는 초고속 InGaAs/InAlAs 아발란치 광검출기 이기중 Photonics Conference 2004, pp.570-571 | ||
Conference | 2004 | High-speed TCP protocols with pacing for fairness and TCP friendliness 최영수 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2004, pp.13-16 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2004 | Scalable redundant IPC network Kim You Jin IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2004, pp.176-179 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2004 | On the design and performance of an Internet application traffic monitoring system Taesang Choi Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM) 2004, pp.41-47 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2004 | Effective Digital IO Pin Modeling Methodology Based on IBIS Model Kwon Won Ok Asian Simulation Conference (AsiaSim) 2004 (LNAI 3398), v.3398, pp.721-730 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2004 | Performance of an efficient method for association admission control in public wireless LAN systems Hyun-Woo Lee Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2004 (Fall), pp.5049-5053 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2004 | Design and performance analysis of authentication scheme for interworking between high-speed portable Internet (HPi) system and wireless local area networks (WLANs) Lim Sun-Hwa Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2004 (Fall), pp.3569-3570 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2004 | BER performance of AGC in high-speed portable Internet system Yong Su Lee Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2004 (Fall), pp.4794-4797 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2004 | Hyperelliptic Curve Coprocessors on a FPGA Kim Ho Won International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2004 (LNCS 3325), v.3325, pp.360-374 | 9 | 원문 |
Conference | 2004 | A High-speed Packet Classification using Multi-bit Tree Bitmap Choi Byeong Cheol International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA) 2004, pp.184-189 | ||
Conference | 2004 | Design and Implementation of Detection Engine Against IDS Evasion with Unicode Dong Ho Kang International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (ICHPCA) 2004, pp.333-337 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2004 | Frame Error Rate Based Power Control For High-Speed Multimedia Mobile System Won Seuck Ho International Technical Conference on Circuits Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2004, pp.216-218 | ||
Conference | 2004 | Adaptive suboptimal admission control for bulk handover requests in multi-beam satellite networks Ki-Dong Lee International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2004, pp.2327-2331 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2004 | 고속 블루투스 시스템용 고집적 이중모드 2.4 GHz CMOS 송수신기 Seok Bong Hyun ETRI Journal, v.26, no.3, pp.229-240 | 15 | 원문 |
Journal | 2004 | 다기능 탐침 정보저장 : 전계기록과 근접장 재생 Kang-Ho Park ETRI Journal, v.26, no.3, pp.189-194 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2004 | Design and Implementation of High-Performance Intrusion Detection System Kim Byoung Koo International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) 2004 (LNCS 3046), v.3046, pp.594-602 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2004 | Implementation and Performance Evaluation of High-Performance Intrusion Detection and Response System 김형주 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) 2004 (LNCS 3043), v.3043, pp.998-1006 | 0 | 원문 |
Journal | 2004 | An 800-MHz low-power direct digital frequency synthesizer with an on-chip D/a converter Han Seon Ok IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, v.39, no.5, pp.761-774 | 78 | 원문 |
Journal | 2004 | 휴대인터넷(HPi) 시스템 기술 Ahn Jee Hwan 정보와 통신: 한국통신학회지, v.21, no.2, pp.38-49 | ||
Conference | 2004 | Development of 10-gigabit ethernet backbone switch Doyeon Kim International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2004, pp.462-464 | 원문 | |
Journal | 2003 | Technology overview of W-CDMA including HSDPA Bang Seung Chan Telecommunications Review, v.13, no.특집부록, pp.23-47 | ||
Conference | 2003 | Mean starting potential fair queuing for high-speed packet networks Kwak Dong Yong GLOBECOM 2003, pp.2870-2874 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2003 | Channel estimation and equalization for high speed mobile OFDM systems Heejung Yu Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ACSSC) 2003, pp.693-697 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2003 | An illegal contents tracing system based on Web robot and fingerprinting scheme Ho Wook Jang Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA) 2003, pp.415-419 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2003 | An Unbiased Signal-to-Interference Ratio Estimator for the High Speed Downlink Packet Access System Won Seuck Ho ETRI Journal, v.25, no.5, pp.418-421 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2003 | Fpga realization of adalptive coding rate trellis-coded 8psk system Choi Euna International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2003, pp.702-706 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2003 | Trends of 10 gigabit Ethernet switch development in Korea Doyeon Kim Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and signal Processing (PACRIM) 2003, pp.1032-1035 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2003 | A 5.8 GHz up-conversion mixer for DSRC transmitter Lee Sang-Heung Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON) 2003, pp.369-372 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2003 | The Implementation of 256 QAM CDMA Modulator Shin Joonwoo International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC) 2003, pp.326-332 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2003 | A design of high speed multi-path searcher using dual scrambling code generators for WCDMA Kim Daeho Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2003 (Spring), pp.1685-1688 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2003 | A simple minimum rate supporting scheduler for UTRA/TDD high speed downlink packet access Kim Dong Kyu Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2003 (Spring), pp.472-475 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2003 | Real-time estimation of rain attenuation on the satellite link Lee Joo Hwan Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2003 (Spring), pp.2291-2294 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2003 | Implementation of reconfigurable transceiver based on digital IF for multiple wideband CDMA signals Jung Jaeho Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2003 (Spring), pp.2842-2846 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2003 | Packet Scheduling Scheme for Real Time Video Traffic in WCDMA Downlink Kim Dong Hoi Mobile Communications 2002 (LNCS 2524), v.2524, pp.285-293 | 4 | |
Conference | 2002 | A Depth Measurement System Associated with a Mono-Camera and a Rotating Mirror 송재홍 Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) 2002 (LNCS 2532), v.2532, pp.1145-1152 | 3 | 원문 |
Journal | 2002 | High Transconductance Modulation-doped SiGe pMOSFETs by RPCVD Young Joo Song Electronics Letters, v.38, no.23, pp.1479-1480 | 3 | 원문 |
Journal | 2002 | A DSP Architecture for High‐Speed FFT in OFDM Systems Jaesung Lee ETRI Journal, v.24, no.5, pp.391-397 | 13 | 원문 |
Journal | 2002 | Polymer-Based Devices for Optical Communications Myung Hyun Lee ETRI Journal, v.24, no.4, pp.259-269 | 49 | 원문 |
Conference | 2002 | High-speed Satellite ATM Experimentations and Demonstrations using Ka-band Koreasat-3 Nae-Soo Kim International Technical Conference on Circuits Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2002, pp.897-900 | ||
Conference | 2002 | A high speed direct digital frequency synthesizer using a low power pipelined parallel accumulator 양병도 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2002, pp.373-376 | 19 | 원문 |
Journal | 2001 | Experimental study on the performance of miniature heat pipes with woven-wire wick Moon Seok-Hwan IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, v.24, no.4, pp.591-595 | 16 | 원문 |
Journal | 2001 | Polymeric electrooptic 2×2 switch consisting of bifurcation optical active waveguides and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer Myung Hyun Lee IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, v.7, no.5, pp.812-818 | 32 | 원문 |
Conference | 2001 | Mobile Internet Service Using DSRC Hyun-Mee Choi World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2001, pp.1-8 | ||
Conference | 2001 | Implementation of IP forwarding engine for ATM-based MPLS LER system Jeong Youn Kwae International Conference on Networks (ICON) 2001, pp.291-295 | 1 | 원문 |
Conference | 2001 | Design of new DSP instructions and their hardware architecture for high-speed FFT Jaesung Lee Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS) 2001, pp.80-90 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2001 | Modernizing methods of communication cabling facilities in the premises for multimedia era Sangmu Lee Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and signal Processing (PACRIM) 2001, pp.623-626 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2001 | A 2.5 Gbit/s pipelined routing engine for input-queued ATM switches 정갑중 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2001, pp.377-380 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2001 | An implementation of inter processor communication for narrowband network interworking in ATM switching system Doyeon Kim Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and signal Processing (PACRIM) 2001, pp.522-525 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2001 | A novel channel estimation method for OFDM in high-speed mobile system Cho Juphil International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) 2001, pp.571-574 | 원문 | |
Conference | 2001 | Dark-resonance-based quantum switching Ham Byoung Seung Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS) 2001, pp.101-102 | 0 | 원문 |
Conference | 2001 | Advanced DSRC System for Supporting Mobile IP Hyun-Mee Choi Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT) Workshops 2001, pp.165-170 | 2 | 원문 |
Journal | 2000 | All-optical wavelength conversion for 20-Gb/s RZ format data Jeon Min Yong IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v.12, no.11, pp.1528-1530 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2000 | Design of the packet forwarding architecture of the ATM based MPLS edge node 유재호 International Conference on Networks (ICON) 2000, pp.431-435 | 2 | 원문 |
Conference | 2000 | All-optical wavelength conversion scheme based on 20 Gb/s RZ data Jeon Min Yong Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2000, pp.278-279 | 3 | 원문 |
Conference | 1988 | Variable Rate Video Transport In Broadband Packet Networks Sang Hoon Lee Visual Communications and Image Processing 1988 (SPIE 1001), v.1001, pp.954-964 | 8 | 원문 |
Conference | 1988 | Integrated Parallel Scrambler Design for High-speed Transmission Systems Sang Hoon Lee International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 1988, pp.361-364 | 1 |